F3 Knoxville

Dora Explores Springbrook

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning, rain subsided shortly before 7am, 76 degrees

Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. Practice social distancing and other COVID precautions. Modify and needed. I am not a professional nor doctor. Push yourself.

15 SSH in cadence.

8 Cherry Pickers in cadence

10 Imperial Squat Walkers in cadence

PAX moseyed on over to a nice hill (approximately 50m with a ‘break’ halfway). Upon the way we traveled through the dangerous ‘path of fallen PAX’, which claimed two a few weeks back. All made it through successfully. Upon arriving to the hill, we completed a modified Heartbreak 1,2,3, renamed more appropriately to 808’s and Heartbreak after the Kayne West album

808’s and Heartbreak

  • 200 Squats
  • 2 Body Builders
  • 200 WWII
  • 2 Body Builders
  • 200 Gorilla Humpers
  • 2 Body Builders
  • 200 LBC
  • 2 Body Builders

While partner was working, the other would sprint to the top of the hill, complete 10 single count Iron Mikes, and return to switch. Rinse and repeat until everyone completed. Return to the AO.

CMU Dora arm circuit

  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Bent Rows
  • 50 4-ct Flutter kicks with a 2 presses in each 4 count
  • 100 Dips (no CMU)

While the partner was working, the other ran to the other side of the AO (30m) for 15 dips and returned. Rinse and repeat.

With five minutes remaining, PAX grabbed a CMU for 2 minutes of wall sits, with presses (vertical) and pushes (horizontal) mixed in. After 2 minutes, there was 2 minutes of protractors with crunches mixed in. The final minute was spent back on the wall with presses.

12 PAX came out to play with Dora: Napster, Taco, Moses, KY, Avocado, 3 Rivers, Fins, Hammy, Drifter, Peach, Nair, and Hellbender.


COVID has been a frustrating season for all of us. F3 is not only a community for fitness, but also a community to push ourselves to be better men and make a difference in our communities. A verse on my heart recently is Ephesians 4:31-32:

‘Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with malice. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted and forgiving each other, just as God in Christ has also forgiven you’

We welcomed a new member to the F3 family: Pinocchio’s son Grant was born Friday! Wife and baby are doing well.