F3 Knoxville

Finish Him!


THE SCENE: 55 clear skies, fall is here

Set the mood with some pump up jams to be continued during tha thang

SSH IC x 21

Thighmaster IC x 10

monkey humper IC 4ct x 10

OH press IC x 10


Mosey with CMU to circular track (somewhat) adjacent to picnic pavilion. 6 stations arranged in circle. Once beeper starts, perform murder bunny around circle. Stop at nearest cone and perform AMRAP for prescribed exercise for 30 seconds. The next movement around the cones was OH lunge with CMU around. Trade off every round between murder bunnies and CMU lunges. Rinse and repeat around circle to pump up jam playlist. Exercise stations as follows:

CMU OH press



Burpee up and over

Monkey humper

Ground to OH with CMU


Hold iron cross with LBAC forward and reverse IC x 8
7 HIMs and 2.0 Webelo
I thought about what I was going to say and the word that kept coming to my mind was PATIENCE. Over the past few years, I have kept a lot close to the vest regarding my own struggles in life. In growing older and joining groups like F3, I’m learning the need to get these things off the chest and have the support of men around me. My wife have been struggling a few years trying to have a child. I often get irked and frustrated when I meet people and they say that I ought to have children at this point in my life. I’ve tried to turn those frustrations over to God as of recently and it has helped me. I pray for Gods timing on matters and realize that it may not align with my own wants. So whether it is meant to happen or not, I will find a purpose for how God wants to use me in the future— child or not. Patience is very difficult for all of us. With whatever you are waiting on/ hoping for/ wanting, I pray that you find the bigger purpose in timing that may or may not go your way.

Tight back after that one!!