F3 Knoxville

First Alone, Then Together

The Project

THE SCENE: High 60s.  Foggy.  As Tuba put it, “Who ordered the extra gloom?”

  • Side straddle hop
  • Tempo merkins
  • Moroccan night club
  • Cherry pickers


  • We mosey’d to the recruiting center and carried all of the CMU’s to the movie theatre and to the top of the stairs.  This required 2 trips.  Each PAX carried 2 the first time and 1 the second.
  • Leaving the CMU’s at the top of the stairs, we circled the theatre and did lunges up a second set of stairs, and squats and merkins in the parking lot.
  • Returning to the stairs, we retrieved the CMUs and returned them to the recruiting center.  This time, each PAX had an area of responsibility along the route and carried the CMUs to the handoff point.  Working as a team in an assembly line, we put them away.
  • We mosey’d to the Y-12 hill to bear crawl up.
  • We mosey’d to the amphitheater for box jumps.
  • We mosey’d to the playground for pull ups.
  • We mosey’d to the pool wall for walpies (burpee + wall-up).
  • We mosey’d to the dip bars for inverted rows.  (If you can’t tell yet, I was filling time).
  • We mosey’d to the bell for dips.
  • We mosey’d to the parking lot to bear crawl up the hill.
  • We did 3 sprints in the parking lot.

Acts 4:32-37.  I shared the passage and we talked about the implications.  Does this passage support communism? Do we need to sell our possessions?  We concluded it is an issue of the heart and it is about having a generous spirit and your heart (led by the Holy Spirit) will drive your actions.