F3 Knoxville

Frozen Four


THE SCENE: Pretty Chilly, 22 degrees and clear at the start, got colder…


Tempo Squats
Diamond Merkins
Freddy Mercuries
Iron Mikes
Hairy Rockettes


Mosey to large parking lot
25 Merkins
25 Squats
Run to the other side and repeat x4
Mosey to Prestige Cleaners for Core (45 count of Heels to Heaven, Flutter Kicks, etc)
Mosey to Tome Poke for upper body (Dips, Dirkins, Irkins)
Mosey up the hill about 400 feet for Burpees
Mosey to the bank for Hello Dolly (40)
Mosey to Maple St parking lot
Lunge to each parking line and do some core
Mosey back to flag for Mary

Rocky Balboas, LBCs, Pickle Pointers, etc

Make the most of every opportunity – witness to that loved one — our time is short