F3 Knoxville

Grandslam VQ

Asylum AM
AO: asylum-am
Q: Grandslam
PAX: Tropicana, Rainbow, P3, Sawdust, Hands, None
FNGs: 1 None
Side Straddle hop
Some toe touches
Arm circles
Tempo Merkins
Tempo Air Squat
Mosey lap

THE THANG: CMU Battle Buddy

Partner 1 runs, burpee at end of lot, then run back adding a burpee each new set. Total 55!

Partner 2 does CMU work until back, alternating each time.

1. Merkins
2. Front raises
3. Overhead shoulder press
4. Curls for girls
5. rifleman carry- hold
6. Squat thrusters
7. Big boy sit ups
8. Lawn mower pulls
9. Kettlebell swing
10. Plank hold

Rinse and repeat- drop the burpees

Fellowship walk to baby Everest- catch out breath. Keep battle buddy. 1 backpedal up baby everest w/burpee at top while partner does air squats until back down.

Ab work to finish it off- multitude of core exercises until timer


Thank you for those who came out for my VQ. F3 has impacted my life so much in the short time and pushed me to new levels in how I interact with my family, friends, faith and professionally. There is power in being around a group of strong Godly men each morning pushing each other to be better, which in turn makes you want to better those around you in your community.

Having a group of men to hold you accountable and push you is far and few between in the world today. Young men are struggling, you can’t find what F3 has anywhere else. You can’t do it on your own, you need connection daily with other men or something will be missing in your life.

– Seek Godly counsel, rather than worldly
– Remember what is actually important in life – put first things first
– Your kids are always watching- what kind of example are you setting.
– Discipleship- through discipline
– Presence – today is a gift!
– God gives us challenges and turning points in our life for specific reason to grow us closer to him.
– Respond to failure rather than react.

Hebrew’s 12:11- no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later it produces a harvest full of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.