F3 Knoxville

Heavy Stuff and Many Reps


THE SCENE: Clear, 71°F, Feels like 72°F, Humidity 90%, Wind 0mph from NE

  • SSH IC 20x
  • Tempo Squats IC 20x
  • LBAC IC 10x ED


Mosey to the Methodist Church Parking lot to where the ‘toys’ are waiting.

8 Stations, 20x reps unless otherwise indicated

  1. Tire Pull – stretch rope out, pull tire across parking lot. Return to start position, pull tire back.
  2. Curls – 2 12-15lbs sandbags for curls
  3. Flutter Kicks 4ct
  4. Goblet squat with CMU
  5. Merkins
  6. Overhead press with CMU
  7. Deadlift with 60lbs sandbag
  8. Burpees

Repeat until Q calls time. (All PAX completed at least 3 rounds)


  • Freddie Mercury IC 20x
  • BBS 20x OYO


Webster’s dictionary defines Intentional as done by intention or design INTENDED.

As men participating in the 1st F of F3, we have an intentionality of waking up and going to a workout in the gloom. This is not always an easy thing to do, but it makes us better men. I have been a part of F3 for 1 year and 8 months. In that time I have done many things that I never thought I would be capable of, but it all starts with intentions.

  • I intentionally set my clothes and shoes out the night before a workout.
  • I intentionally set my alarm (sometimes multiple).
  • I intentionally eat better.
  • I intentionally drink more water.

These are all things that I do for the 1st F. But F3 is more than just fitness, we have Fellowship (2nd F) and Faith (3rd F). I will admit, I find myself struggling with being intentional with the 2nd F. I am naturally a loner. I like my time by myself. This is a problem. As I continue to accelerate my 1st F, I find that I need the 2nd F and 3rd F more and more. If I can surround myself with other HIMs that are accelerating, than I can join them and accelerate along side. It is the intentional aspect of joining others who are like minded and growing that will cause me to be better as well.

So I asked my F3 brothers this morning, what are you going to be intentional about in your life?


Month of September – IronPax Challenge – www.F3greenwood.com
Sept 6 – F3 Dads Run Amuck Camp – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/f3-dads-camp-runamuck-tickets-58879270483
Sept. 14 – CSAUP Truckin to the Pound
Sept. 22 – F3/Fia 2nd F and 2.0 Workout