F3 Knoxville

Hot n muggy at Asylum PM

Asylum PM
AO: asylum-pm
Q: Sparkler
PAX: Billie Jean (Ross Quillin), Sparkler, Steam, Brick, Lilydipper, Drum Major, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Tenderfoot, Lizzy, Dain Brammage, Gridiron, catnip
FNGs: None
Lizzy (covering for late Q – tempo merkins)
Motivators 10 , no wait, let’s do 5
Baby Arm Circles – TU 7, TD 6
Merkins – 10 OYO
Grady Corns – 15
Mosey down stairs to first tree area in shade:
7’s (3 rounds)
Merkins – Squats, Bernie between
Iron Mikes – Imp Walkers , Karaoke between
plank Jacks (2ct) – BBS, run between

15 ct hold
Hold plank in shade
Mosey back up stairs, 15 ct
Mosey to Admin, 20 heel raise on stairs
Mosey to rock pile below bluff, grab a rock
Curls 20 IC, Press 20 IC, Rows 20 IC, R N R
Back up to overlook concrete area, 20 LBC (2ct) OYO
Back up to admin bldg stairs, 20 heel raise IC
Run to tree at half way point on sidewalk – 20 (2 ct) shoulder taps, run back
Run to tree, 20 Hello Dolly, run back
20 bench dips
Mosey to AO
10 Merkins



COT: don’t judge other culture’s rituals and traditions until you fully understand their meaning. I used to complain about certain Chinese dinner and drinking traditions when I would travel to China on business. Recently , I took the time to dig a little deeper to understand the meaning and history of those traditions and I now know that are not based on some loose history but are mostly based on honoring coworkers and business associates and expressing a high level of respect. Some examples- the round table- allows no “head”, everyone is the same. lowering your glass during toast- shows respect for the other. Walking around the table toasting – taking the time to show respect and appreciation. Serving food to visitors- respect. I will not complain about these traditions anymore. I encourage you to take the time to understand the meaning of unique traditions from other cultures when you have the opportunity.