F3 Knoxville

I love Deadlifts and Lunges

The Dog Pound Ropes & Bells

The Scene: 58 and awesome!

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Warm-O-Rama: Around the world, Figure 8s, halo, 10 Russian swings

Tha Thang:

1st Exercise:

20 Plank row (10 each hand)
20 reverse lunge passing bell under leg (10 each lunge)
20 sit up push press (10 each hand)
20 Fig 8s with a twist

2nd Exercise:

10 deadlifts
10 American swings
10 goblet squats
10 push presses (each arm)
100 JR
20 deadlifts
20 American swings
20 goblet squats
20 push presses (each arm)
75 JR
30 deadlifts
30 American swings
30 goblet squats
30 push presses (each arm)
50 JR
Repeat Ex 1 Doubling numbers
Repeat Ex 2

MARY: American hammers 20 count, V-up hold 30 second (Tank), Peter parker hold (Tweety)
BOM: Luke 12:48- to whom much is given, much will be required
Christ is talking about waiting and being ready for his return.
Paul tells us later in Ephesians that we have been given the gift of grace and we are to share it with others in waiting for his return.

So Luke 12:48 tells us to be ready, that in conjunction with Paul’s teaching, being a faithful steward of Gods grace we are to share it with others.