Q: Mailbox
PAX: Pelican, Zerolingo, Waffles, Lt. Dan, Fetch, Mailbox, Guardrail, Love Shaq, Wanderer, Booster, Windex
FNGs: None
Warmup: SSH, mountain climbers, tempo merkins, Grady corns, tie fighters
The Thing:
Mosey to big lot
Quick paced jog (similar to run) across lot – 25 toe merkinss at the end, run back
24 squats
12 lunges 4ct
12 Bonnie Blair’s 4ct
12 Bobby Hurleys
Mosey to inner campus knee wall
24 explosive stepups with knee to chest
12 split squats left leg
12 split squats right leg
12 curtesy lunges 4 ct
Run lap around inner campus and repeat
Mosey to coupons
Snow plow across street and do 10 overhead presses, snow plow back and due 9 work your way down to 1
Wall sit coupon pass…after pass coupon go to end of line and continue all the way along the wall
Finished with a ring of fire to warm up
COT: Talked about my injury and the clarity of hindsight and all the things I knew to do differently before hand but failed to do them in the moment. Encouraged everyone to slow down and try to have the clarity of hindsight in the moment during this holiday season. What is that relationship or conversation you wished to have, what is that act of kindness or generosity you might miss, what is that error in judgment that you might be tempted with. Don’t wait for hindsight to have clarity in your actions.