F3 Knoxville

Dogpound 1-11-22

The Dog Pound

THE SCENE: 25 degrees “a dry cold”

Touch Toes – 20 count; Cherry Pickers IC x 5; Sumo Squat and Hold – 20 count; Tempo Squat IC x 5; Rockettes IC x 5; Tempo Merkins IC x 5; Motivators beginning at 4; CMU farmer carries, alternating hands, all the way to base of Matterhorn

Partner Up.  One partner completes the prescribed number of reps for the “A” exercise while the other partner goes AMRAP on the “B” exercise, then they switch.  Once each partner has completed 3 sets of each exercise they head up Matterhorn together (detail below).

Round 1 – [A] Squirrel Press x 10 (detail below) / [B] Side Straddle Hops

Round 2 – [A] Over The Top Merkin x 15 / [B] Reverse Lunge

Round 3 – [A] CMU Deadlift x 15 / [B] Switch Climbers

* “Squirrel Press” – holding your CMU a with bicep curl grip – perform perfect squat form to the low position, curl, stand up, curl, overhead press = 1 rep

** Matterhorn – run uphill to the first set of cones (bottom of pull-up area); turn around and Bernie to the second set of cones (top of pull-up area); turn around again and run to the third set of cones at the summit.  Each partner completes 5 burpees at the summit, then heads back down in the same manner.  Q recommends a walking Bernie on the downhill section.

*** Early finishers head back up Matterhorn to meet the Six before beginning the next round

Cleaned up debris from a fallen tree limb that was blocking the road near the marina entrance and challenged ourselves with a variety of CMU carries on the way back to the AO
8 men accounted for.  Thank you to Mayberry for helping the Q remember to do the Name-O-Rama

2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

One of my favorite verses.  Stop trying to fix things on your own.  You can’t.  And stop being deceived by the thought that other people need to change their ways so that the world can get back on it’s axis.  Seek God, pray, and repent.  He will meet you right where you are, and he will heal your land.