F3 Knoxville

Keeping It Simple


THE SCENE: A somewhat cooler morning, upper 60’s and not too humid

SSH, Arm Circles, Shoulder Taps, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, This and That, Tempo Squats
Moseyed over to the drive in front of Gresham. We did 3 rounds of Doras, changing partners each time. We started at the end of the side walk and would run to the stop sign at the other end of the drive.

  • Round 1: 200 Merkins plus running
  • Round 2: 300 BBS plus running; if you finished first when running with a group you could add 5 reps to your total
  • Round 3: 400 Squats and running; if you finished before the person who started running before you you could add 10 reps to your total

Moseyed back and did a very fast round of the Protractor


The Office is easily my favorite show of all time. One of my favorite quotes is where Dwight gives Ryan sales advice saying “Michael always says ‘K-I-S-S: Keep It Simple Stupid’. Great advice, hurts my feelings every time”. This is really helpful advice for me as well because I have a tendency to over complicate things, even when making workouts, which is why today we did only 4 things that everyone knows how to do: running, push ups, sit ups and squats. This quote also got me thinking of how simple our call as believers can often be. Paul instructed the Thessalonians to lead a quiet life and work with their hands, Jesus’ answer to the question of what command is greatest was simple: love God and love your neighbor. Looking back on my life the men who had the most impact on me were not engaging in any sort of crazy complicated approach to anything, they just simply loved God and loved me. So my advice to us all is to keep it simple stupid.