F3 Knoxville

Merlotatron 1300

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 46, it was nice to have sunrise . As Waterfall said, its nice to see everyone’s faces

Tabata – 4 min

  • SSH
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Merkins
  • Squat Jumps
  • BBS

Mosey to Mt. Krumpet


Todays beat down was dedicated the my daughters high school lacrosse team. They won their first game yesterday, which was also there last. They persevered a long season of losing big. In their last game they won 13-3. Therefore the pax completed partner 13’s with a 5 since my daughter wears 5.

Pax start at base of Mt. Krumpet. Pax A begins the 13 for Rd 1, while pax B runs to the area behind the park side to the left side of Mt. Krumpet. pax B travels up Mt. Krumpet a few hundred feet and back down and to base where pax A is working.

paxB hold a bear crawl while they wait for pax A to get of Mt. Krumpet if they are back before they finsih at top.

pax share the reps with their partner.

Rd1  13’s- Boat to Cano- Burpee

pax B- Run

Rd2  13’s- HR Merkins- Burpee

paxB – Broad jump up/ run down

Rd3  5’s – Apollo Ono’s- Burpee

pax B- Bernie up / run down


Before the teams go to next Rd they complete 5 partner lateral hops on a 2 ct. each pax completes 5 and hold 5 planks, switch every L/R` 2ct


Tabata- 4 min

  • crunchy frog
  • shoulder taps


As i mentioned this beatdown was dedicated to the Lady T’s. They really embodied the idea of perseverance. This was the first year this team played together and for the majority of the girls, like my daughter this was there first time playing lacrosse. Lacrosse games can get out of hand quick, especially if your knew to the game against good teams. However the Lady T’s continued all year to practice, show up, play hard and lose big. They embodied the definition of perseverance in the face of a HUGE obstacle. Last night their perseverance paid off changed, they won 13-3, in a game that showed the hard work paying off.

Having perseverance in the face of obstacles is key to our success as leaders. It takes perseverance to show up every day to post knowing the beatdown is going to be hard. But we know the payoff behind the obstacle is a better life.