F3 Knoxville

Monkey humpers are way better than squats

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 39 maybe

SSH x50 on the 4ct IC

merkins x10 on the 4 IC

Peter Parkers x10 on the 4 IC

monkey humpers x10 on the 4 IC

repeat, merkins, peter parkers, MH


  • Mosey to Wax Job Hill for 11s. start with 10 Monkey humpers at the bottom, Bernie up and do 1 BBS
  • Mosey to the church parking lot, stopping 2 times for Rocky balboas on the curb (20 -4ct IC)
  • At the church parking lot, bear crawl and do one merkin at each line, maybe 15-20 lines, then crawl bear back doing merkins at each line.
  • jog/sprints x4 the whole parking lot
  • Indian run back to the AO and stop by the play ground
  • music and cones! 4 cones to make one big box. With Chumbawumba playing, do SSH and when they say “I get knocked down” do a broad jump burpee to each cone. the key was to broad jump good enough to make it around the cones before the song was finished. Usually, you SSH/burpee in place the whole song but not this time. it pays to be a winner!

Merkins x10 IC

Peter parkers x10 IC

Monkey humpers x10

Black Jack – 20 big boys/ 1 superman alternating arm/leg lift. We got to around 11 and 10

cashed out with ATMs
11 pax
Ecclesiastes 4:9-1
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