F3 Knoxville

New ex – Galway Hookers and Dead Hang Doras

Big Ball

THE SCENE: 44* and clear, right in the range where you start cold and end up fine, or layer up and start fine and get heat stroke. Aye!

Slowzy lap around the lawn of World’s Fair Park
Super Squats (4 count exercise, down up squat as 1,2 then up down calf raise as 3,4)
Peter Parkers
Quick key grab and mosey out of start point toward amphitheater, going up behind it and then left across the pedestrian bridge.  Hold up and get second opinion on cone spacing from Swanson, who knows the first routine coming.  Taken from Filter, first routine is the Welsh Dragon.  Start at cone, bear crawl forward four steps, then do: 1 merkin, 1 plank jack, 1 four count shoulder tap.  Then bear crawl forward four steps and do 2 of each of those exercises.  Continue four bear crawl steps and increase rep count by one each iteration until reaching the second cone.  I think most of the PAX made it up to 8 reps, and I know I was smoked after one round.  10 count recovery while walking back to first cone.

Second routine is similar to the first, which I stole the format from Filter.  When I was in Ireland last week, we kept coming across things dedicated to this certain fishing boat.  There were statues of it, beers named after it, paintings referencing it.  That boat is the Galway Hooker, which has a very sturdy bottom half to withstand the choppy waves of the Atlantic.  So the next routine was the Galway Hooker, which consisted of taking four lunge steps forward then doing:  1 four count monkey humper, 1 super squat (squat then calf raise).  Then take four lunge steps forward and do 2 reps of each.  Continue until reaching the second cone, which I had Swanson move further as the lunge steps covered more ground.  Again got up to 8 reps, which also smoked me.

I gave the PAX the choice of which they wanted to do for round three, which they decided to just combine the two.  So you’d start at one and do 4 bear crawl steps and 1 rep of the exercises, then take four lunge steps and do the leg exercises.  Repeat increasing the reps, which we got to 4 of each.

Recover and mosey over to the base of the Big Ball for a different kind of Dora.  One partner does reps, but instead of running, the other partner does a dead hang from the Big Ball.  I told them they could try to be rock stars and hold the up position of a pull up, but I’m not sure anyone took me up.  When you drop you swap and continue knocking out reps.  Exercises and counts:

  • 150 merkins
  • 150 big boy sit ups
  • 150 squats

Recover and mosey back to start point.

Day at the beach crunches (lay back hands behind head, feet up and relax) x10
Flutter kicks x20
Edward scissor legs x20
Lucky 7, including 1 FNG: Ponder, G6, Wilson, Swanson, Tooth (FNG), 2×2, Abort
“We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.” George Bernard Shaw. Everyone is so consumed with acquiring things or doing things to try to be happy, but what is often overlooked is that giving happiness away is one of the best ways to also make yourself happy.  Look for opportunities to spread happiness and love, and watch what happens for yourself as well.