F3 Knoxville

Pick your improvement

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Calm and cool, 57 degrees

20 SSH IC, LBAC x 10, Walking Knee pull to chest x10, lunge twist x10


  • Mosey to Mt. Crumpet
  • Complete set # of reps per round spread between 2 exercises. Your choices how many reps you do of each exercise but you had to do a minimum of 20 per exercise
  • Between each round, pick the way you get up Mt. Crumpet: 1. Lunge 1/2 way, run 2. Broad jump 1/2 way, run 3. Bear crawl 1/2 way, run 4. Burnie all way up. At the top, do 10 WW2 or 10 BBS or 20 LBCs
  • Round 1: 80 reps, squat jumps or Iron Mike (1 ct)
  • Round 2: 80 reps Merkins or plank leg lifts (2ct)
  • Round 3: 60 reps Burpies or walking lunges
  • Round 4: 80 reps Mountain Climbers(2ct) or Shoulder Taps (2ct)
  • Mosey back to grinder: CMU Work, run grinder and do 10 knee tucks (while holding yourself up on the bars) between each round. Same format as above: finish total number of reps spread between 2 exercises
  • Round 1: 60 reps, Overhead press or Bent Rows (minimum 15)
  • Round 2: 50 reps, Curls or Upright Rows (minimum 10)
  • Round 3: 40 reps, Squat thrusters or burpie block jump overs (minimum 10)

MARY: Flutter kicks, Swimmers, Protractors.
Just like we had small choices in how we did each part of the workout today, we have choices in nearly everything that we do in our daily life. Oftentimes, however, we choose to complain and worry about the things that we have absolutely no control over. In Matthew 6, it asks who can add one inch to his stature by worrying? No one! Let’s stop complaining and worrying about those things over which we have no control and instead focus on the things we can change each day.