F3 Knoxville



The Scene


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Cherry Pickers


Imperial Walkers

Harry Rockets

Hand Release Merkins (Ended up being regular Merkins because it was wet)


We split into 3 groups of 4 and proceeded with the below workout. The football field was locked so we used the big parking lot at the far end of campus.


Rush the field


80 lb sandbag

Carry from curb to curb

Others run to “50 yard line” and do 5 burpees and run back. Rotate so that each member has a turn with the sandbag.


When entire team has completed the exercise do 52 reps of mary of your choosing. 


45 lb kettlebell

Deadlift to high pull 

Run to “goal post” 10 squat jumps, run back. Rotate so that each member has a turn with the kettlebell.


When entire team has completed the exercise do 52 reps of mary of your choosing. 


40 lb ruck plate

Overhead/chest height march to squat

Run to opposite “goal post” and do hillbilly squat walkers, run back. Rotate so that each member has a turn with the ruck plate.


When entire team has completed the exercise do 52 reps of mary of your choosing. 


Completed the same series again but the ruck plate station turned into curl and press and the kettlebell station turned into swings.


Mosey back to the shovel flag with the objects in tow. 


5 burpees (Because burpees are the best)

10 count squat to finish


12 High Impact Men


Are your goals really To Do List items. We were challenged by our current or future goals that we have set for ourselves. When making a goal it should be something that as a little risk/opportunity for failure. This allows you to push harder in your mind. If you “goals” are always 100% achievable are they really goals, or are they items to just check off your To Do List?