F3 Knoxville

Saturday Truck Stop 10-23-21

Truck Stop

THE SCENE: Chilly and dark

Standard warm-up exercises and a light jog approx 1/4 mile
– EV1 – PAX did the following movements (1-4) between two light posts approx 25 yards apart (there and back for each movement).  Once complete with 1-4, begin #5.  Once #5 is complete, start over with #s 1-4.  Once 1-4 are complete for the second time, begin #5 with double the reps as the first time.  Got it? Good.

1 – Sprint

2 – Lunge

3 – Imperial Walker

4 – Bear Crawl there, Crawl Bear back

5 – (a) 5 Shoulder Tap / Alt Leg Raises; (b) 10 Big Boy Sit-ups; (c) 15 Merkins ——- > reps are 10, 20, and 30 the second time around.

EV2 – CMU Tabata in the parking lot.  20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest / 6 sets of each exercise before moving to the next round.  40 seconds between each round to jog around the nearest light post (approx 30 feet away) and return to your CMU.

Round 1 – CMU Curl + Overhead Press

Round 2 – Deadlift

Round 3 – KB Swing

Round 4 – Single Arm Canoe Press (3 each arm)

EV 3 – Jog to the poop hill beneath the bathouse and run Burpee 5’s

  • 1 burpee at the bottom of the hill
  • charge up the hill to the bathouse
  • 4 burpees at the top
  • jog the path down and around back to the starting spot
  • 2 burpees at the start
  • charge up the hill
  • 3 burpees at the top
  • etc etc

EV4 – EMOM at the bleachers, 7 rounds

  • 10 box jumps
  • 5 derkins
  • 5 dank jack


Finished on time
7 present – I-Beam, Mayberry, Biscuits, School Zone, La-Z-Boy, Wagon Wheel, Trunk

Psalm 119:11 – I have stored your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
My son came home from preschool and shared the following pledge that he was taught, and that he recites there daily:

“I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s holy word.  I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, and I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.”

When I heard my son talking about pledging allegiance to his Bible and storing its words in his heart it choked me up for two reasons – (1) because I know how much he’s going to need that has he grows up and learns to navigate this world, and (2) because even though I have that knowledge, I still try to go it alone so often and I feel foolish because of that.

We prayed this morning that God would create a dependency within us for his word, that he would strengthen us through that, and that we would set good examples for those who are following our lead.