THE SCENE: 65 degrees and humid.
Windmills x 10 IC, Cherry Pickers x 10 IC, Plank Jacks x 20 IC, Upside down MKNS x 20 IC, LBAC x 10 IC (B)
THANG 1: Partner Up
- P1 OH Press w/ CMU while P2 Bear Crawls to end of P lot and back – flapjack
- P1 CMU Curls, P2 crab walks to end of lot, duck walk back- flapjack
- P1 CMU wonder-bras (row/horizontal press), P2 Broad Jumps to end of lot. side shuffles back 1/2, then switch sides- flapjack
- P1 CMU Squats, P2 Lunge both legs then Burpee (alt) to end of lot then lunge back- flapjack
- Quick feet on curb x 1 minute
- THANG 2: Partner Up
- P1 walks w/ CMU b/w p-lot spaces doing 5 incline MKNS on each line while P2 runs around p-lot back to P1- flapjack until make it all around the lot spaces
Everyone hold CMU overhead for as long as possible, each man down then does BBS until last man standing: Fast n Easy and Switchgrass made it to the end of session together.
Switchgrass, Fast N Easy, Mr. Wedgie, Herbie, Tractor, Natty
James 1:22
Wedgie is off to Poland, travel prayers for him. Natty is out for a while to heal this awful plantar fascitis