F3 Knoxville

Shamrock – Rejoice and Mourn


THE SCENE: 68F muggy

Side Straddle Hops 20-4 count

5 Merkins

Cherry Pickers: 5

5 Merkins

Tie Fighters

5 Merkins

50 Calf Raises 

5 Merkins


Mosey to River rocks

Grab 2 small rocks

Tabata 30 seconds on / 10 second break

  • Butterflies 
  • Flutter kicks 

– Three rounds each

  • Rocky Arm Circles
  • LBCs
  • Three rounds each

Mosey to CMU

More Tabata 30 seconds on / 10 second break


*Windshield wipers

  • Three rounds each

*Bench Press

*Rocky Balboa

– Three rounds each

  • Alternating CMU Merkins
  • scissor kicks

– Three rounds each

Return CMUs and head to the ditch

Run down one side up the other, mosey to the start and do it again. We did this 5 times. 

Mosey back to AO flag

Calf raises

Mermaid, Curveball, Dumpster Dive, Trolley, Pickle Lock, Fabio, Titan, Sparkles, Tailhook, Anchorman,

Romans 12:15

15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.

I was reading this chapter last week and I really like this short and simple verse. It’s so to the point about how to walk life with people around us. 

If we can set our own selfishness aside for a few minutes each day we could jump in to mourn with those who mourn. 

I think of my daughter who gets pretty emotional about “little things”, but those little things really matter to her and I should mourn with her and listen to why she’s upset. It makes a big difference if she knows that I care. 

When a friend or co-worker receives good news or accomplishes something, we should jump right in for a  high five or send a text to rejoice with them. 

It’s so simple and it can make a huge impact on those around us.