F3 Knoxville

Shoelaces Shuffle @ Speedway

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Humid, but just right

Mosey around Church
20 seconds on 5 seconds off:
Modified Squat Twist
Modified High Jump
Modified Hostages
Modified Sneaky Gorillas
Mosey around Church

2 Rounds, plus some work at the end. First round is full length, second round shortened bear crawl/crawl bear distance and cut sit-thrus from 10-1 to 3-1

Round 1:
Start with 10 Sit-Thrus (bear crawl position, twist lower half of body, bringing right knee to left side, then switch, each twist is 1), stand up
Squat twist (squat down, explode up, and twist lower half of body explosively either right or left) one direction, squat twist opposite direction
High jump (squat down, explode up into air, bringing knees up)
Bear Crawl 2 parking space widths, stand up
Squat Twist
High Jump
Crawl Bear (backwards bear crawl) back to start
Rinse repeat to 1 sit-thru

Round 2:
Start with 3 Sit-Thrus, stand up
Squat Twist
High Jump
Bear Crawl 1 parking space width with CMU, stand up
Squat Twist
High jump
Crawl Bear back to start with CMU
Rinse Repeat to 1 sit-thru

Mosey around church

30 seconds on 10 seconds off (became more like 15-18 seconds off)
Sneaky Gorillas (side-to-side)
Hostages (squat down to thighs parallel with the ground, hands in the air, bounce between parallel and below parallel)
Gorilla Forward, Gorilla Backward
Bear Crawl 3 steps forward, Crawl Bear 3 steps backwards

15 Seconds per stretch
Feet slightly shoulder width apart, hands together, stretch middle, left, and right
Butterfly stretch
Hip Flexor stretch, right and left
Should stretch, right and left


John 13: 1-12, we work with people and live with people day in and day out that frustrate us or we don’t get along with. In this passage we see Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, including Judas who betrayed Him. He loved Judas, despite what he did, and served him. May we, as men of God do the same to all those around us. Ever remembering that we are here to serve others as Jesus did. Matthew 10:45 reminds us that Jesus came to serve, not to be served.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Convergence on July 2nd. Aphasia Awareness Walk at Church Street United Methodist Church