F3 Knoxville

Son of Matterhorn

The Dog Pound

76 and humid

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH IC x15
LB arm circles IC (forward x10, reverse x10)
Big Arm swims IC x20
Michael Phelps IC one count x5
Tempo Squats IC x 10
Cherry Pickers IC x10
Merkins 25 oyo
Calf raises IC x20

Pick a battle buddy and mosey to the coupon pile (2 buddies = 1 pair of coupons)

Mosey past the tavern to the base of the Matterhorn

15 Merkins together as a pair at every station (Mod = 10 Merkins)

4 segments: keep doing them while you wait for your partner
1) Base camp – coupon curl, press, tricep
2) Stage one – coupon kettle swing
3) Stage two – reverse crunch, facing down hill
4) Summit – Domo Ari-squato

A stays at base camp doing exercise while B runs to stage one, calls for A to ascend, and starts that exercise. When A arrives, 15 Merkins together, then A progresses to stage 2 while B resumes exercise. Slingshot up the hill together. Once both reach the summit, 15 Merkins and run back to base camp together. Start over with A ascending stage one, continue.

Mosey Back

Hello Dolly’s x20 IC
LBC’s x60 IC

Number off and Name O Rama

“Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:30-31‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Today was my oldest daughter’s fifth birthday, and after going to Dads camp this weekend and seeing so many other PAX and their children I came away with a few observations about being a father.

It occurs to me that frequently we influence our children based on our tendencies, our desires, or our need for others to see them a certain way. In doing so, we teach them to act like us (not often very desirable) or we drive them to perform a certain way – success academically, or socially or mostly athletically.

I proposed that the so-called “golden rule” extends beyond being a nice person. I rephrased it to suggest, “teach your children to be the way you would like others to be toward your child.” We should focus on their Christ likeness and less on their genius-ness or studliness. In doing so, hopefully we will see Christ’s reflection when we look at them as opposed to so much of our own.

That hill is awful, but the men attacked it and dominated it despite the humidity. We did this once before and it was tougher this time, life is like that sometimes. I was proud of the men for submitting to the workout and pushing each other along.