F3 Knoxville

Spinning Bear Mountain + Bleacher Mountain

  • Welcome – A hot 77 for 5:30am..
  • Warmup-  35 Windmills, 15 Cherry Pickers, Plank Cross Hold (left knee to right elbow) + Merkin, Stretching Inchworms + Merkins.
  • Workout: 
    • Tabatta Bear Mountain: Bear crawl up the Racket Club Road starting at the bottom. Crawl for 40 seconds, rest 20. Each successive crawl is 90 degrees to the right. So 40 seconds of straight bear crawl, then 40 seconds of side crawl to the left. Then 40 seconds of reverse bear crawl. Then 40 seconds of side bear crawl to the right, then 40 seconds of straight bear crawl.  Sort of reminiscent of  https://f3knoxville.com/the-tabata-bear-on-the-rock/ without the crabs and alligators.  I was so glad that Anchorman, Pool Boy and Mermaid were there to see this version two of the bear mountain. We crawled all the way to the door of the racketball club! Great job gentlemen!
    • Bleacher Mountain: (aka. 12 minute Bleacher AMRAP)  Run as many up and downs on the bleachers as you can in 12 minutes.  We also included the stair case going down to the track for good measure and so we could tally mark with chalk our up/down reps.
  • WarmDown:  Ring of leg fire – Leg lifts in a circle facing out.  Each person runs around the circle tossing the legs down to the ground of the fellow HIMS.  Do another round of this but also through in some random burpees for a dash of chaos.  It was a hot mess – but fun!
  • Words:  Often times the hardest part of the workout is the words at the end, but I wanted to encourage yall to not let it be.  Life is not all sunshine and rainbow s , so don’t be afraid to share anything that’s on your heart. It doesn’t have to be composed. Just share. We’ll support you.  God may or may not give you an encouraging word to share – it’s ok.  We are partnering with you and so is God.  This weekend Rick Dunn gave a great sermon on God’s providence and love of us. ( https://middlebrook.fellowshipknox.org/sermons ) One of my favorite verses were mentioned 1 Thesalonians 5:24 “God is faithful and He will do it!” … It’s a great sermon, I encourage you to listen to it if you have the chance.  Trust in Him today.