F3 Knoxville

Spring Training

The Dog Pound

The Scene: 48 and Skunky

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High Knees 15x IC
Arm Circles Forward / Reverse 15x IC
Cherry Pickers 15x IC


  1. Base-running: have cones set up in shape of a diamond. Do “21” merkins at home, 21 squats at first, 21 burpees at 2nd, 21 BBSU at 3rd. (21 was Roberto Clemente’s number and I loved him). Rinse and repeat x2.
  2. Mosey to rocks
  3. Explosive baseball type exercises with rock:
    – 40 overheads
    – 40 “swings” (switch hitter)
    – 40 presses (official MLB roster consist of 40 players).
  4. Mosey to Matterhorn
  5. Back peddle 1/2 way up hill (like you’re going back on fly ball…) and then sprint to top. At top complete the 6-4-3 double play of 6 merkins/4 squats/3 burpees. Mosey down. X5
  6. Mosey back to AO via stairs and parking lot


We live in an action-packed/fast paced society where we want everything quickly. Today was a Baseball/Spring Training workout. People don’t like baseball- it’s too slow, too boring… look for the details of life that need and deserve your attention. Enjoy the moment, the details of life. Slow down and be in the game!