F3 Knoxville

Star Spangled Beatdown

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Could not ask for better. Beautiful! Light breeze.

50 SSH in cadence for the 50 stars, 13 merkins in cadence for the strips, warm up lap around the park.
Part 1: 40 for the 4th. 40 of each of the below. Rinse and repeat if you reach the end. Stop after 20 min. All single count.

  • Burpees
  • Reverse Rows
  • Jump squats
  • BBS
  • High Knees
  • Merkins
  • SSH
  • Bicycle crunches

Part 2: Star Spangled Bucket Run

2 run down to troll bridge. 1 carries the flag, 1 carries two 5gal buckets. Fill the buckets and bring back to the top. Dump over your head. Person with the flag passes to a new person and takes the buckets. Bucket person joins everyone on the grinder.

On the grinder, pax roulette for 3 exercises. 15 reps for each, rinse and repeat until you run. The flag that inspired the star spangled banner had 15 stripes.

  • Catalina Wine Mixers
  • Lunges
  • Dips

Part 3: Fort McHenry and the war of 1812

Indian run with the flag to Mt Crumpit

12s on Mt Crumpit: merkins, ww2. Stopped early.

During the battle at Fort McHenry, it was the smaller storm flag that waved all through the night and was seen in the dawn’s early light.

14 flutter kicks in cadence for the fourteenth state added to the union (Vermont), 15 V-ups in cadence for the 15th state (Kentucky). LBC for time
4 HIMs for the 4th
So the star spangled banner was written after a much needed victory in the war of 1812. It was a moment in history when Americans thought they might be going back under the rule of the British Monarchy. The flag has gone through a lot of changes and a lot more battles, but all the while it has been a symbol of freedom and that freedom has been worth fighting for and continues to be worth fighting for. For me personally, the most important freedom comes in the first amendment with the freedom of religion. Which brings up another point: we do not worship the flag nor this country. We are citizens of a heavenly country as St. Augustin wrote. I love the USA because it guarantees me the freedom to participate as a citizen of the heavenly kingdom even as I await the return of the king.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Don’t forget about Moses’s get together on the 17th and the CSAUP on the 24. Also a 2.0 workout in the works, possibly the week after the CSAUP.