F3 Knoxville

Stepping Up

The Project


SSH x15
Tempo Squat x10
Tempo Merk x10
Mtn Climber x10
Moroccan x10
OH Clap x10
Projectivator x8
Mosey to Parallel bars for 5 dips/5 lunges each leg
Mosey to Pool Wall for 5 wall-ups/5 squats
Mosey to Playground for 5 pull-ups
Mosey to Recruiting Center to pick up 1 CMU/pax
Mosey to Tinseltown Side Stairs


HEAVY STAIRS: 1 CMU/10 reps of each exercise, then top of stairs – WITH OR WITHOUT CMU
1. 10 Single-arm Rows each side
2. 10 Lunges each leg
3. 10 Good Mornings+10 BBS
4. 10 Uneven Merkins each side
5. 10 Kettle swings+10 Calf raises
6. 10 Incline merks+10 pliomerkins (single count)
7. 10 Thrusters+10 Squats
8. 10 Curls+10 Overhead Press
9. 10 V-ups+10 Flutterkicks (4-ct)
10. 10 Tri Ext+10 Basilisk

Return CMU to Recruiting Center
Mosey back to Shovel Flag

PAX Choice: Hello Dolly, something else, and Row-Row-Row Your Boat

LUCKY 7: Biohack, Kickflip, Mathlete, Rocket, Waxjob, Snaggletooth, and FNG Cliche


I shared this morning about how I asked my work for a sabbatical leave. On the 10th anniversary of our senior pastor, I asked our Personnel Committee to grant him a sabbatical leave. On the 10th anniversary of our student minister, I asked our Personnel Committee again to consider granting the same to him. And so on my 10th anniversary last month, I also asked for myself.

What is a sabbatical and why is it important? It is an extended time of leave – mostly in academia – every 7 years for rest, but often for reading/studying/writing. For me, I’m connecting it to visiting family in Hawaii, but I also wanted time for reflection and reading, extended time in prayer and seeking counsel to look at the last 10 years of service, revisit my sense of calling, and to dream about what the next season may hold. This is for spiritual reflection and health.

2020-2021 has been one hell of a year for everyone: global pandemic, national violence, political turmoil, isolation, interrupted routine, and the list goes on for each person’s circumstances. My soul needs time and space.

Sabbatical leave was not granted necessarily but I informed my pastor that I was prepared to take my own PTO in addition to my vacation for extra time away from my post. And someone from my team is willing and able to fill in for me. Talk about “invigorating male community leadership” – a page right out of the F3 Mission.