F3 Knoxville

Suicides and Bacon


THE SCENE: 45* and rainy (sort of), somehow the rain stopped just long enough for the workout

Mosey to the parking lot in front of Maple Street Biscuit Company

100xSSH, 10xTempo Merkins, 10xTempo Squats

Suicide ladder performed on the full length of the parking lot (approx. 100 yards)

Perform 5 merkins on one end of the parking lot and 5 Bobby Hurleys on the opposite end. Add 5 reps for every round completed. The PAX performed 6 rounds finishing with 30 reps of each exercise.

DORA 123:

  • 100xBBS
  • 200xChair Dips
  • 300xSquats

Exercises were performed by one HIM while the other ran down to some coupons to perform either 10 sandbag slams or 10 kettlebell swings.

After DORA we performed AYG sprints down and back in the parking lot. We almost lost the PAX when the smell of Maple Street’s bacon hit us during the sprints. Note to avoid that area of the AO in the future to avoid casualties.

20xImperial Walkers

9 HIMS and no FNGs

This last week I was out of town for work for the first time since my daughter was born and left my wife to fend for herself with the two kids. It was nice getting a small break from the chaos of having two little ones, but I quickly found myself missing the whole crew. It was a good reminder to cherish the time we get with our loved ones. It’s easy to come home from work exhausted and neglect family time, but as High Impact Men, we need to make an effort to fully utilize this time to encourage and uplift our families. 

Shoutout to Bagger for pre-rucking solo. I fartsacked and paid the price with my shame. Bagger’s last workout before moving to Atlanta is this coming Monday. Let’s make sure to send him off right!

Bring books for the Wesley House next week.