F3 Knoxville

Expect the Unexpected


25 reps Rock Presses

10 reps 4-ct Flutter Kicks

50 reps Rock Squats

5 reps Burpees

Exercise Dice Ladder

  • Roll Dice. Do exercise.
  • Mosey to other side of field.
  • Do an 8-Count Merkins (increase by one rep every time until you reach 8 then go back down the ladder)

22 PAX

Expect the unexpected in life. Obstacles can be seen as roadblocks or opportunities for growth.

4 AUG- 2nd F at Anders

11 AUG- 3rd F at Overlook

18 AUG- Kickball


A little field work

THE SCENE: 68 degrees, cloudy, 100% humidity

Baby Arm Circles forward/back (4ct) x 12

Cherry Pickers x 10

Tempo Squat x10

Angle Grinder x 5

SSH x 20 (4ct)

  • Mosey to Emerald Youth Soccer Complex
  • 4 Corners:  4 laps around the field with exercises at the corners (Lap 1: Merkins x 15, Lap 2: BBS x 15, Lap 3: CDD’s x 15, Lap 4: Heels to heaven x 15).  Once finished alternate 15 (4ct) flutter kicks and mosey sideline until 6 arrives.
  • Bearmuda Triangle:  3 cones ~30 yards apart.  1 burpee then bear crawl to 2nd cone, 2 burpees then bear crawl to third cone, 3 burpees then bear crawl to start.
  • Burpee Dan:  sideline to sideline.  1:4 Burpee/lunge across.
  • Mosey back to AO


Flutter kick (4ct) x 15

16 strong.  Welcome Anklet from Memphis


What is your identity?  We are all going through life trying to make a name for ourselves.  We all want to be good at something.  He’s a good attorney, runner, smart, funny, etc.  We frequently feel to be successful we must take something or earn it.  Although many of these things are noble pursuits, when we chase them for our own glory or make them the cornerstones of our lives we find it exhausting, chasing after the wind.  Our frequent failures lead to guilt or depression.  Even when we succeed it is fleeting or not enough.

The truth is God has given us a name and established our identity in Him.   Even more, it is a gift, something we did not earn.

When we find our identity in Christ it frees us to pursue our passions for His glory.

Thanks to Jenner for sharing and giving an update on his pursuit of medical school.  Praise for doors opening in the application process and prayers for his continued journey to becoming a doctor

Tower of Core

THE SCENE: 11th Street Parking Garage, 100% Chance of Thunderstorms forecasted.


7s- Big Ball Pull-ups and Burpees at the top of the stairs

Tower of Core (exercise at the top and bottom of every ramp)

  • flutter kicks
  • hello-dolly’s
  • burpees
  • tempo squats
  • plank hold
  • bear crawls up last ramp

Partner Laps x2

  • PAX hold wall-sit (alternate with plank) while pairs run lap around top floor of parking garage

Indian Runs

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

12 PAX (2 FNGs: Ripper and Wingman)

Tending the garden

THE SCENE: 74 and muggy, great morning

Tempo lunges x12 IC
Shoulder taps x12 IC
Merkins x10 (Four count) IC
Windmills x10 IC
SSH x20 IC
Mosey out of SP and over to amphitheater.  Hop up on stage for some core work at little earlier than usual.  Two rounds of flutter kicks, 25 reps on four count with slight rest in between sets.  Back to feet and continue mosey over to parking lot behind Min Kao building where cones and chalk are waiting.

  • First round – lunge between cones, increasing squat jumps at each cone.  4 at cone 1, 6 at cone 2, 8 at cone 3, and 10 at cone 4.  After last set of 10 squat jumps, run to the end of the parking lot, up the painted stairs and down the ramp to the first cone for round two.
  • Second round – crawl bear between cones (which seem way further apart now), increasing number of merkins at each cone. 5 at cone 1, 10 at cone 2, 15 at cone 3, and 20 merkins at cone 4.  After last set of 20 merkins, run to the end of the parking lot, up the painted stairs and down the ramp to the first cone for a little more core work.

After everyone has recovered to first cone, stop for some more core work.  This time, two rounds of heals to heaven, 15 reps on four count with slight rest in between sets.  Recover to your feet and mosey to the boulder parking lot near the UT rowing house.  Each PAX grabs a boulder to work out with.  Routine below, after completing each exercise, put rock on the deck and run across pedestrian bridge and up to the top of the stairs, turn around and return for next exercise.

  • Goblet squats x20
  • Curls x30
  • Overhead press x30
  • Rock swap merkins x20
  • Lion kings x20

Rinse and repeat if necessary.

Recover, return boulders and 10 count.  Begin mosey back to SP, going back a different way to avoid ambush.  A few guys did a jail break the last 80-100 yards or so, QIC did not as I was smoked.

Captain Thor up to 5:20
Pickle pounders x20 (Butterfly getting hitched in a week, if you see him make sure to ask if he’s gotten married yet.  He seems to love that)
6 strong: Casper, Soot, Butterfly, Duggar, Passport, Abort
Last night I was doing what any 32 year old, not quite yet married dude would be doing on a Friday night: pulling weeds in my flower bed.  Every time I get the flower bed looking good, I vow to just pull the weeds that pop up and not let them get out of control again.  Inevitably, I don’t do that and they get overgrown with weeds and ivy.  While cleaning this up, it got me thinking about other areas I’ve neglected.  Friendships or relationships which I say I’ll work on, things I put off til next weekend, then the next.  Time gets away and things get overgrown and out of control.  Just challenge myself and the PAX to look for those things they’ve put off, recognize what they are, and take steps to fix them.  Always be tending the garden.

Loop D Loop

THE SCENE: maybe like 70°. Quite nice really.

Rucked/ran the loop 4 times. 3 sets of PT in between consisting of:

  • Bodybuilders x 15
  • Thrusters x 15
  • BBS (with ruck on chest) x 15

After the 4th loop we ran up and touched Trader Joe’s. Then we went from the bottom parking lot up to the third and back around.


  • Ruck up Flutters x 25
  • Armstrongs (no ruck) x 25
  • Captain Thor (led by Woodshack) x 5:20

7 weirdos
Excited for Red Wings!