F3 Knoxville

Finish Strong and Keep it Moving

THE SCENE: Clear and Perfect for a beatdown

Baby Arm Cicles Forward x10 IC, Side Straddle Hops x15 IC, Baby Arm Circles Backward x10 IC, Hillbillies x10 IC
2-line mosey at first section of Big Ball steps

  • 7’s (Merkins/American Hammer’s x4 count)

2-line mosey to TN Ampitheatre

  • 7’s Prison Box Jumps (hands interlocked behind head) and Rows

Partner up and form 2 line mosey beside your partner to road that runs between AO and The Tennesseean Hotel for DORAS.

  • DORAS (200 merkins/150 squats/ 100 Carolina dry docks/ 50 4 ct. flutter kicks)

Mosey to the benches at AO for 2 rounds of:

  • 25 dips OYO/10 box jumps OYO

10 set (Ab exercise introduced by Plunger to the PAX)

Pickle Pounders x12 IC on 4 ct.
22 PAX (0 FNG’s)
Romans 12:11. Keep present in the day and finish the week with PASSION! We are the energizer for other’s batteries. Be the MAN! OWN IT!

G-6 made PAX aware that Cheatsheet was speaking at Bible Club at West High this am and wanted us to keep that in mind.

Change of command

THE SCENE: 48* and perfect weather, SWAT team liked it too

SSH x15 IC
Merkins on 4 ct x15 IC
Hillbillys x15 IC
Cherry pickers x10 IC

Form two lines and mosey to amphitheater. Assemble at the stage and partner up.  Routine of 12s: Each partner does one merkin at the bottom of the stairs, runs to the top of the stairs and perform 11 WWII sit ups.  One partner holds the others ankles then flapjack.  Return to the bottom of the stairs, increasing merkins by one rep each time at the bottom and decreasing WWII sit ups at the top each time.

Jackrabbits perform merkins and planks on stage waiting for the 6 to finish.

Change of command ceremony with Steam handing off command to Abort.

Form back into lines, mosey toward lawn of WFP (after investigating the two dummies handcuffed to the rails). Assemble on the sidewalk at the southside of the lawn.  Next routine is Route 66 – start with 1 rep of named exercise, run to the next light pole along the sidewalk and increase rep count by until reaching 11 reps at the top of the hill at the entrance to world’s fair park.

First iteration of Route 66 with 8 count bodybuilders.  This got a few poopy faces among the PAX.  Jackrabbits return to the start of the routine for ab work while waiting for the rest of the PAX to dodge the SWAT team on the way back down.

Recover and 10 count.  Second iteration of Route 66 with jump squats.  This seemed like a better idea until about the fifth or sixth light pole.  Recover to the start point of the routine, form two lines and return to start point of AO for Mary.

Box cutters x25 IC
20 strong: Preacher, Butterfly, Careless, Cowbell, Steam, Half Caff, Passport, Quarantine, Downhill, Pfeiffer, Rousey, G6, Petey, Swanson, Soup, Threadcount, Bitcoin, Uncle Rico, Rascal, Abort
Leaders surround themselves with other leaders.  I came to F3 for the fitness, and in doing so surrounded myself with leaders without even trying.  Thankful for all the leaders who show up at 5:30 every morning to make me a better man.

Sacred Cow visits the burbs


With Ruck on, 20 merkins 20 squats oyo. Figure 8 mosey to the top of the Y parking lot , 20 and 20 again. Figure 8 through the parking lot back down to AO for last round of 20 and 20 oyo
Sacred Cow ruck march

  • 10 pax buddy up
  • 8 pax carrying sandbags
  • 2 pax carrying Sacred cow on his chariot!
  • The catch? The sacred cow can NEVER EVER touch the ground . She is sacred , of course!
  • Once burned out from carrying the cow, we switch out the pax to take the cow. We had to work as a team to do this. 2 pax would grab the sides of the chariot to releave the pax carrying for the next 2 to carry.
  • We rucked to the school and back to an open field
  • at the field , who ever was not carrying the sacred cow would squat thrust and throw their sandbag forward, also switching out w carrying the cow and not letting the cow touch the ground. We squat thrust threw sandbags for about 100 yards.
  • Once at the bridge , we went back to Rucking w the sandbags in order to make it back to the AO for some PT sandbag work
  • once at the AO, 2 pax carry the cow the short loop. Once 2 pax complete the short loop w the cow, 2 more pax take the cow around the short loop. Again, not letting the cow touch the ground
  • While the cow made it the loops , pax not carrying the cow did said exercises .
  • Sandbag lunge twists
  • front loaded ruck big boys
  • lovers squat ( goblet style squat w sandbag)
  • sandbag chest press
  • over shoulder sand bag cleans
  • you do the same exercise until the cow made a complete loop, then you bump to the next exercise
  • reps were not counted. You did as many as you could w good form until you got bumped
  • the cow actually touched the ground 3 times, which meant a penalty
  • 5 Ruck burpees each time the sacred cow touched the ground. We did 15 Ruck burpees

Ruck flutters x 20 ic

ruck overhead presses x15 ic

American Ruck hammers x 20 oyo
10 pax strong
Nothing inspirational for me to say but we did carry the cow for almost an hour and covered just over 2.5 miles with out it touching the ground This could only be done working as a team and we conquered ! Not a lot of miles, no lung busting runs,  not a lot of reps of said exercise , just team work and embracing the suck together !

sacred Cow sucks!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Big Ball Kraken

THE SCENE: 37 degrees, partly cloudy.  Cool and crisp

Baby arm circles (4 ct) x 12 forward/back

Cherry Pickers x 10

SSH x 20 (4 ct)

Tempo Merkins x 10

5 Burpees on your own

  • Mosey to Church Street United Methodist Church
  • Kraken on the rocks.  8 stations in circle:  1.  Squats with rock x25.  2.  Merkins on your rock x 25.  3.  Rock Curls x 50.  4.  Mr Spectacular x 25 with rock.  5.  Rock lunge 25 out, 25 in.  6.  Rock burpees x 25.  7.  Rock overhead press x 25.  8.  Lizard merkin crawl to center circle and back.  Complete station.  Run with your rock around circle and start next exercise until all exercises completed.
  • Mosey back to AO
  • La La Leggy:  Squats x 20, Forward Lunge x 20 (10 each leg), Reverse lunge x20 (10 each leg), Squat jumps x20, 20 calf raises.

American Hammers x 15 (4 ct)

Hello Dollys x 15 (4 ct)


14 strong.  No FNGs

A Psalm of Life

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each to-morrow
Find us farther than to-day.

Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still, like muffled drums, are beating
Funeral marches to the grave.

In the world’s broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of Life,
Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
Be a hero in the strife!

Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!
Let the dead Past bury its dead!
Act,— act in the living Present!
Heart within, and God o’erhead!

Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time;

Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us, then, be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.

Continue to pray for Sam, G-6’s friend battling cancer in Arizona

Mountain Man Memorial March

THE SCENE: 75-80* nice and warm, clear for the most of the day, cloudy (thankfully toward the end of the day)

Insert 35 pounds in ruck (not including water), mosey for about 26.5 miles.

11 brave souls
Got a good 8 hours of remembering why we were there.  Marched to honor all of the men and women who have fallen for their country, and specifically for 2nd Lt. Justin Sisson and his family.
