F3 Knoxville

11 is the magic number

THE SCENE: 47* – perfect weather

Arm circles forward x11
Arm circles reverse x11
Calf raises x11
Imperial squat walkers x11
SSH x22
Mosey over to amphitheater.  PAX line up along the edge of the stage.  Perform exercises with no rest between.

  • Side step ups left leg x11
  • Side step ups right leg x11
  • Box jumps x11

Once complete Al Gore waiting for everyone to finish.  Once everyone is finished perform next set of exercises no rest in between.

  • Derkins x11
  • Dips x11
  • Ranger merkins x11

Once complete plank and wait for everyone to finish.  Once everyone is finished, perform next set no rest between.

  • Side step ups left leg x11
  • Side step ups right leg x11
  • Box jumps x11
  • Derkins x11
  • Dips x11
  • Ranger merkins x11

Once complete Al Gore and wait for everyone to finish.  Once everyone is finished, repeat last round of 6 exercises and run up center steps and around, back to stage and plank waiting for everyone to finish.  PAX plank, alternating between holding at 6″ and up top.  Recover and 11 count.

Mosey over bridge to the base of the Big Ball.  Next exercise is… 11’s on the stairs.  Start with 10 pull ups on the beams of the Big Ball, run up stairs to the top and perform 1 WWII Sit up. Repeat going through the 11s routine, working down in sit ups and up in WWII sit ups.  Jack rabbits perform flutter kicks, penguins, and LBCs waiting for everyone to finish.

Recover and 10 count.  Mosey back to start point for Mary.

Only time for box cutters (22)
19 strong – Careless, Rousey, Cowbell, Blazer, Anchorman, G6, Kibbles, Singlet, Hang Tight, Petey, Amazon, Threadcount, Downhill, Soup, Bullseye, Zachias, Couger, Crawdad, Abort
Charles Plumb flew 75 combat missions over Vietnam before being hit with a surface to air missile.  Even though he was flying too low and too fast, he survived but was captured and remained a POW for six years.  Years after returning home, he was sitting in an airport and a man came up to him who knew his name and that he flew missions off the USS Kitty Hawk.  Colonel Plumb, kind of amazed, asked the man how he knew that.  The man had been the one to pack his parachute the day he was shot down.

Always remember who is packing your parachute, those that do things for you that you may not think about that end up being huge in your life.
Continue praying for Sam and Brandt.

Amen Corner

THE SCENE: 40 degrees, cool and crisp

SSH x 20 IC and
The Patrons aka PAX ran a simulated Amen Corner course from the Augusta National Golf Club and completed the following:

  1. Patrick Reeds (BBSU). 40-30-20-10
  2. Golden Bears (Plank Jacks). 40-30-20-10
  3. Mickelsons (Squat Jumps). 40-30-20-10

Patrons covered between 3-4 miles this morning.

Pfeiffer led the Patrons in some ANGC boat/canoes b/c he is a badass.


Lead or Leave. It’s pretty simple. Choose leadership. Be humble, be confident, don’t be afraid. Don’t checkout emotionally or physically.

This was an impressive group of Patrons. Guys got after it. Natural pairings formed. Me and BlueBird kicked it in the last group. It was a beautiful morning.


Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Propitiation (Jesus is our substitute)

Weather was PERFECT at the Asylum

SSH, Imperial Squats, Back Lunge W Kick, The Annie, The John Travolta, Tempo Squats

Mosey to Lil Everest and Sprint up w 5 Burpees at the top

Mosey to top of Cardiac then alternate 10 wide and diamond merkins every light pole to the bottom and LBCs

mosey to steep hill perform 7s w Burpees and Star jumps

mosey to new parking lot and participate in Grocery buggy race, 15 Burpees to the loser

mosey to dug outs and perform 11s w pull ups and dips

back to AO TO DO 4 Corners w 20 Mtn climbers   Lunge to next corner 20 star jacks bear crawl to next corner 20 box cutters run backwards to next corner 30 LBCs side bear crawl to the next

curls w coupons while partner runs to end of parking lot and back

  • Finish w leg lifts, merkin rt/left leg lift, table saw, modified table saw, hands around the world, lateral hops
  • are
  • handy.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die (Propitiation)
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Rucking The Burbs

58 and Clear, rain at the very end


Ruck 1 mile down the Greenway to Gallaher View towards Middlebrook Pike.
Stop for 6 Rounds (with a ruck) of the following:

  • 6 Burpees
  • 6 Merkins6 Squats (ruck on back)
  • 6 Lunges (each leg)
  • 6 Thrusters
  • 6 Overhead Squats


Ruck another 1.5 miles (approx. 2.5 total) to Fellowship Church.
Stop in the parking lot for 4 Rounds (with a ruck) of the following:

  • 6 Ruck curls
  • 6 Ruck ground to overheas
  • 6 Overhead Tricep extension
  • 6 Overhead Ruck presses
  • 6 Ruck swings (Kettlebell swings)
  • 6 Ruck upright rows

Ruck another 2 miles back to SP (approx. 4.5 total) through the West Hills neighborhood (Indian Run style) back to West Hills Park.

Ruck one round of the parking lot, including Bernie up Lover’s Lane. (approx. 5 miles total).


Circle up for 2 rounds of 4ct Flutter Kicks x30 IC

Jump in the car as the rain comes down!!

Just Do It.

THE SCENE: 50’s – calm 


“Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith. My name is Steam & I’ll be your Q this morning. I am not a professional and you are here on your own volition, so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so! But push yourself and those around you.


1. Cherry-Picker: 15 x 4 in cadence

2. SSH: 20 x 4 in cadence

3. High Knees: 20 x 4 in cadence

4. Plank Jack: 20 x 4 in cadence

5. Merkin: 10 x 4 in cadence
PAX put keys/wallets/etc in Steam’s ruck

Steam assigned flag carrying duty to different PAX members throughout the beatdown

  • Mosey to The Foundry
    • Mosey around the back (bottom lot)
    • 15s
      • Assemble battle buddy teams
      • Bottom lot = Battle Buddy situps
        • Fingers interlocked behind head – battle buddy hold feet
        • Start with 14 BBSs
      • Top (Front of The Foundry) = Merkins
        • Start with 1 merkin
      • Time Crunch —- PAX recovered at bottom lot
      • G-6 led PAX in 10 – 4 count merkins as the exit ticket
  • Mosey Right out of The Foundry
    • Mosey to bridge tunnel leading to under I-40
    • Peel
      • 2 columns facing the tunnel ahead
      • QIC gave the command “PEEL” & each battle buddy team sprinted to the middle of the tunnel – executed 5 merkins – and sprinted to the other side and held the squat position until all PAX recovered
      • All PAX waiting their turn to PEEL held squat position
  • Mosey to middle column in open parking lot under I-40
    • 8s
      • @ middle column – 7 smurf jacks
      • @ trailer across lot = 1 squat
    • QIC rallied PAX @ trailer with flag
    • Full out 100% sprint back to middle column
  • Mosey back to AO
    • F3 Cadence Call by QIC
  • Abs @ AO
    • Frank led PAX in American Hammers & Flutter kicks until 6 arrived


27 total – 2 FNG

Quarantine – Steam – Put-Putt – Swanson – Baby-Face – Hillary – Abort – Amazon – Rousey – Rascal – Butterfly – Bessie – G-6 – Frank – Creeper – Plunger – Cowbell – Careless – Crouton – Prom Night – Petey – Cheatsheet – Cliffhanger – Ringworm – Cougar – Dipper – Bareback

1 Chronicles 28:10 = Be careful now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong and do it.

(MSG) “…..be brave and determined and do it.”

God is calling us as men to be strong – to be determined – to do it. He’s called us to build for him, not tear down. I don’t feel like I’ve been strong and have been doing it lately.

That’s where this circle doesn’t just stay here. Take this encouragement outside of 0530 – 0615.


Pray It Out

PRs: G-6’s friend who is battling cancer – for their family