F3 Knoxville

Q3—Just Playing Around

THE SCENE: Monday morning


Rockettes *10

Cherry pickers *5

Grady corns *15

Baby arm circles *10

Reverse baby arm circles *10

Grady corns *15


Bear crawl/crawl bear/crab walk/glute bridges at tennis courts

Grapevine/ski jumps at basketball court

Monkey bars

Box jumps/step ups around the edge of splash pad

Lunge to the top of the hill, sprint down

Incline/decline merkins on picnic tables, LBCs

Hanging V ups/pull ups

Curls triceps rows with rocks

Carolina dry docks

More curls triceps rows with rocks

Slide down slide

Tempo dips and squats

Back to AO

Stretching and ring of fire



I love one specific part in the Bible story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, when the king gives them one last chance to bow down to his idol, and they tell him that God is able to save them from the furnace—“but if not”—if He doesn’t, they still are going to choose to follow God.

They beautifully show two companion principles that we each have to learn to balance—focused faith in Jesus Christ and complete submission to His will.

May we follow the perfect example of Jesus Christ as He prayed in Gethsemane “Not My will, but Thine be done.”  May our prayers help lift our hearts and desires to be in line with what God wants for us, for He loves us perfectly and knows what we need to experience to become our best selves.

There will be Blood on the Dodgeball court

THE SCENE: beautiful morning!!!

Warm up stuff
Mosey to get CMU then to tennis court and divide into Teams of two

Partner 1: takes CMU and does 10 curls, 10 presses, 10 tris, 10 AMERICAN swings

Partner 3: runs into field and around the cones., second round does two laps

 rotate stations and go till Q gets bored.

in tennis court, squat walk around the inside perimeter while dribbling lacrosse ball. Second lap Bernie squat.

mosey to froad with CMUs: line up in teams at speed bump. Partner 1 sprints to end and back and then swaps with partner 2 who is walking while curl,press,tri x10. Partner 3 runs to catch partner Continue till Q gets bored then mosey to tennis courts.

Dodgeball time. You get hit you do 5 burpees before you can come back in. After every throw you must do a sprawl. You can only hold a ball for 5 seconds.

recover with torn rotator cuffs

No time for her
10 including a visit from Juco’s Butterknife
Men, protecting your wife and children–and others -is not a tiny little part of your Christianidentity. That’s your job title, your burden, yourcalling. That’s on your business card: protector of those God has given me. That’s who you are, men (see Eph. 5:22-33; 1 Cor. 16:13).
You may never have been told this. You may never have been trained in this. You may have no idea in yourself how to do this. You may fear this. You may think you are insufficient for this. It matters not. All that matters is who God has made you to be and
called you to be. You are weak, yes, but God makes you strong. His grace is sufficient and proven in your weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). Your life, therefore, is not about you lying on the ground, moaning about how weak you are, celebrating your failure, and lashing out at anyone who would charge you to get
up off the ground. Your life is about asking God to make you stronger, and then you going out and living in that strength.
Divine grace makes you protect women, children, and the endangered, men. Go and do it. FIGHT for your loved ones. STAND for God’s truth. Don’t accept defeat. Claim the grace of God in Christ, repent when you fail as we all do, and fight still more. Fight, and then fight again, and then after that keep on fighting.

We learned that some of the guys at the equalizer have some pretty good moves.
Kickball tourney June 11th

1st Importance

THE SCENE: 60 and clear

SSH x20; Imperial Walkers x15; Rockettes x10; Bobby Hurley’s x10; little bit of this, little bit of that.

Mosey to bathhouse for 7’s

  • V-ups at the bottom
  • Lunge up the ramp
  • Pull-ups at the top.

Mosey to flagpole for 4-corners

  • 1st corner — merkins
  • 2nd corner — lbc’s
  • 3rd corner — squats
  • 4th corner — SSH

Started with 5 merkins, 10 lbc’s, 15 squats, 20 SSH. Went up by 5 each round until we got to 20 merkins, 25 lbc’s, 30 squats, 35 SSH.

Another round of 7’s at the playground — v-ups and pull-ups.

10 HIM’s.


1 Corinthians 15:3–4

[3] For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, [4] that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, (ESV)

Only one thing can be of first importance. Let’s make sure the gospel (that Christ lived, died, and was raised for our salvation) is what is of first importance in our lives today.

Did someone order Pizza?

THE SCENE: Perfect

  • SSH IC x 20
  • Ranger Merkins (4 ct) IC x 10
  • Windmills (4 ct) IC x 10
  • Cherry Pickers (4 ct – Dog Pound Style) IC x 5

Grab a CMU

  • Partner Up
    • Partner A – Drops down for 5 Burpees and 5 Ranger Merkins then runs to catch up to Partner B
    • Partner B – Farmer Carrying both CMU’s – alternating until you reach the base of Matterhorn
  • Rinse & Repeat the following until you reach the top of Matterhorn
    • 10 Sumo Hi-Pulls (Standing)
    • 15 Pizza Box Carry (Traveling Forward)
    • 10 Thrusters (Standing)
  • Mosey to Pull up Bars and deposit the CMU while you take a “Hot Lap” around the Big Island
  • AMRAP Cindy for Time
    • 5 Pull-ups
    • 10 Merkins
    • 15 Squats
  • Repeat Partner Exercise back to AO

Appreciate Mayberry calling out some abs to get us finished.

Let your mess be your message. I shared a story on FB to mark the 3 year anniversary of a death of a close friend. I talked about his struggles with his addiction and shed light on some of mine. Ultimately, he didn’t make it, but he left me with the advice to Never Stop working out. As result of sharing this story, his ex-girlfriend reached out to me to say that she hasn’t been herself since his passing. That when she read the post he could hear him encouraging her to get past her excuses and get back in the gym. I told her to send me a message when she gets her first workout in. She said that she was in the gym signing up at that moment! This shows that we relate to people more in the struggle than we do in the good times. Let your mess be your message.

Tried to make this one continuous circuit today, but the new exercises and the multiple locations made it too complex. We just have to take it one circuit at a time.
Everyone loved Escape from Haw Ridge!

Wrong Way Bunny Slope – The Equalizer 5-9-22

THE SCENE: Mid 50’s with a clear sky and wet grass

First ever attempt at a Warm-O-Rama in motion.  The PAX filed in behind the Q as we made our way towards the Smokehouse while knocking out the warm-ups below:

– Imperial Walkers; Lateral Plank Walks x 10 each way; Grady Corn IC x 5; Walking Lunge x 5 (2=1); Super Marios x 5 (2=1); Toy Soldier x 5 (2=1)

The PAX was divided into random pairs to complete AMRAP of the “laps” below in 30 minutes, with the start/finish line at the base of Bermuda Triangle

  • “A” Lap
    • Rifle Carry to the Rock Pile
    • Murder Bunny up the hill from the Rock Pile to the Picnic Pavilion
    • Complete 4 Over-The-Top Merkins at the Grill Pad (side > middle > side = 1 rep)
    • Rifle Carry to Bathhouse and complete 4 Pull-Ups
    • Rifle Carry to the finish and hand off the CMU to your partner before embarking on “B” Lap
  • “B” Lap
    • Run to the Full-Court, following a path that leads up the steep slope at the baseline
    • Complete 10 Reverse Crunches and 10 Merkins
    • Run to the Playground and complete 10 Dips
    • Bear Crawl from the Playground to the Road
    • Run to the finish before relieving your partner of the CMU and embarking on “A” Lap

0.75 lap around the track and two consecutive 10-counts at the AO
12 Monday HIMs
Don’t shy away from high standards.  Identify areas in your life where you’re checking the box too quickly.  In the workout, maximum effort was required in order to take a short break.  In life, you must have the discipline to only break once the work is complete.