F3 Knoxville

Leading Ultimate Frisburpee

THE SCENE: April showers bring May flowers… and sweat. But what do Mayflowers bring?
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Not a Professional

The first exercise is… Mosey to the track. Partner up as we’re heading there. Extra person find a group with two good runners because today will include a lot of running in it.

Warmup in the End Zone aka “the 0-Yard” per Anchorman.
1. Lunges with a twist across
2. Finger walk – to walk (aka Inch Worm)
3. Over over under under (switch halfway)
4. High knees
5. Butt kickers
6. Side lunges with a skip (switch halfway)
7. Tennessee Rocking Chair

Final warmup lap around the track to the opposite end zone. Today we are going to be playing / doing a variant of a routine on the F3 Exicon known as “ultimate frisburpee

We need to do a throwing warmup so everyone has a chance to get touches on the disc.

First we’ll be doing a game of hot potato – toss the disc to a fellow pax while everyone in the circle does squats. When the timer is up the person left with the disc (or who last was supposed to catch it) calls an exercise not named SSH or a SSH variant. Then we’ll do 15 reps of that exercise. Every time the disc is dropped or not caught, the PAX will do a decreasing number of burpees starting from 5, then 4, 3…

Find your partner and pick even or odd (group of 3 just figure this out).

Field size based on # of PAX (odd number rounding down to give a PAX “rest” as he will be doing alternating flutter kicks and pickle pointers in sets of 10 each with a 10 count rest after each set of two exercises)
4 (2v2) – A single 5 yard x 5 yard square for the goal aka Hot Box
6 (3v3) – A single 5 yard x 5 yard square for the goal aka Hot Box
8 (4v4) – 5 yard deep end zones, 40 yard long x 30 yard wide field
10 (5v5) – 10 yard deep end zones, 50 yard long x 30 yard wide field
12 (6v6) – 15 yard deep end zones, 60 yard long x 35 yard wide field
14 (7v7) – 20 yard deep end zones, 70 yard long x 40 yard wide field

The routine is simple: Similar to ultimate frisbee but with penalty burpees. On the 1st turnover, 5 burpees for all PAX. On the 2nd turnover, 4 burpees. On the 3rd, 3 burpees. On the 4th turnover, 2 burpess. On the 5th turnover, 1 burpee. If neither team has scored, the remainder of the point is played like regular ultimate frisbee. Burpee count resets after every point. You do not have to wait for all PAX to finish burpees to begin playing (i.e., it is advantageous to finish your burpees faster). Usually played for about 20 minutes. A PAX favorite in F3 Hampton Roads.

Our variant will be waiting for PAX to finish burpees (to give us a break and let everyone not run into each other since it was light-ish at first but eventually was fine to play). Also, after every point every PAX on the team that scores will do 5 squats and 5 merkins while the team that did not score walks to their end zone.

We ran out of time but it was super fun for everybody (& skins won).

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

12 men having too much fun for an F3 beatdown!

The decision to lead (a Q or anything else)- what factors come down to it? What factors do you consider when making any decision? What should you consider? I think there are 3, but we’ll focus on the first one:


So I’m going to read verses on authority of those with the right qualifications. See where you fit in and see how you can properly exercise and submit to that authority in your life today:
“For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.” –‭‭Romans‬ ‭13:3-4‬ ‭ESV‬‬
“So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly;”
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,” –‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:25‬ ‭ESV‬‬
“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” –‭‭John‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

So, today step into the role you’ve been given to lead – as an official of the government (which is established by God), as an elder in a church, as a husband and a father in your home, and as a friend to a brother who you’re walking with daily. God will be glorified and pleased.

Ultimate used to be an idol in my life. I gave it up for almost 3 years and now I’m playing again. It’s still a lot of fun but with a lot more freedom than I used to. It held me captive and now it is really as the verse says:

17 Now the Lord[a] is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” –2 Corinthians 3:17

Convergence July 2 at JUCO. See Slack for more info!


The Scene

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone

Jogged to the pull up bars

1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 mile run

No Time

7 HIM’s


Memorial Day Murph: Who? What? Why?


Convergence at JUCO July 2nd
A sign-up sheet is forthcoming. Schedule:
5:00am – 6:00am Pre-Ruck (Optional)
6:00am – 7:00am Beatdown (Nant’an on Q)
7:15am – 8:00am Coffeeteria/Breakfast and a special 3rd F Speaker at the Hardin Valley Academy Gym (right down the street)
8:00am – EndEx

Triple 11’s

The Scene

62 and perfect

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone



Seal Claps

Square Crawl



Cherry Pickers


Triple 11’s

BYOCMU travels with you the whole time


Travel to 10 yd line- 1 Curl to press (lock out on both ends), Rows each side, Illuminati raises

Goal Line- 10 HR Merkin, American Hammer w/ CMU, chest press/skull crusher w/ CMU


Travel to 20 yd line- 2 Curl to press (lock out on both ends), Rows each side, Illuminati raises

Goal Line- 9 HR Merkin, American Hammer w/ CMU, chest press/skull crusher w/ CMU


Travel to 30 yd line- 3 Curl to press (lock out on both ends), Rows each side, Illuminati raises

Goal Line- 8 HR Merkin, American Hammer w/ CMU, chest press/skull crusher w/ CMU


Travel to 40 yd line- 4 Curl to press (lock out on both ends), Rows each side, Illuminati raises

Goal Line- 7 HR Merkin, American Hammer w/ CMU, chest press/skull crusher w/ CMU

Travel to 90 yd line- 9 Curl to press (lock out on both ends), Rows each side, Illuminati raises

Goal Line- 2 HR Merkin, American Hammer w/ CMU, chest press/skull crusher w/ CMU

Called recover before we got to the opposite goal line. Most got to the 90 yd mark

Before we headed back to AO we got a nice 10 count CMU taps in.


No Time


13 HIM’s Welcome FNG “Culture Shock”


Do the hard thing 

We often know exactly where to hide to not get called out in life DONT. 

Do the hard thing now so you are ready later. 

Be an asset

You don’t have to be the most talented, biggest fastest or strongest to become an asset  


Mumble chatter was on point today. No one seemed to be a fan of the Illuminati raises but that was to be expected. BYOCMU went perfectly we had just enough. 



Convergence at JUCO July 2nd

A sign-up sheet is forthcoming.  Schedule:

5:00am – 6:00am Pre-Ruck (Optional)

6:00am – 7:00am Beatdown (Nant’an on Q)

7:15am – 8:00am Coffeeteria/Breakfast and a special 3rd F Speaker at the Hardin Valley Academy Gym (right down the street)

8:00am – EndEx

Passing The Flag

THE SCENE: mid 60’s and HUMID


burpees at shamrocks (34)
Mosey to the track
perform 20 lunges (10 each leg), 20 squats, 20 calf raises, run the bleachers to the other side, up/down at each set of stairs.
rinse and repeat X3
mosey to St. Patrick (where he was, not where he is)
do 11’s with dips at the circle, and merkins at the merkin mile



Review 5 principles of F3, follow up the BOM from today, reinforce that we want it to be HARD, but you can choose to modify.

Pass the Flag to Betty
FNG “Oh Brother Where Art Thou”

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Shamrock – Ring of Fire Roller Coaster


10 – 4 ct SSH, 10 Merkins, 10 Tie Fighters, 15-4 count flutter kicks.


To celebrate our 2 year anniversary we did Jumping Spiders at every shamrock on the road. This was a terrible idea, but according to the internet Plymetric pushups are really good for burning goo and building muscle. I think we had 34 shamrock stops, so 68 of these.

After recovering with a short walk the crew did not kill me, so we moved on to get a tour of the ring of fire roller coaster.

#1 pick your poison and make you way around the round brick enclosure with dips, incline merkins, decline wall crawl or box jumps.

Bunny Hop to #2

#2 Basketball Merkins – 10 alternating, roll ball to opposite hand and do an offset merkin, then roll it back.

Bear crawl to #3 “What’s up Doc” (TM by Baby Boomer)

#3 Grab a CMU, toss it up to the landing, hoist your sack of meat up, grab the CMU, run down the steps, and repeat for 3 times total.

Run to the covered walkway.

#4 Grab a CMU – 25 curls + 25

Run to #5

#5 Small weights / rocks (pink weights for Jenner) – 50 behind the back tricep flutters

Run to #6

#6 CMU drag from curb to curb, then back to curb.

Start over at the ring of fire.

11 men somehow managed to wrangle up all 18 CMUs to return to the pile.

10 buns of steel each side, 20 – 4 count flutter kicks, 15-4 count LBCs
11- Jitters, Curveball, Voo Doo, Mandolin, Honeydew, Long Noodle, Dumpster Dive, Jenner, Baby Boomer, Commission, Anchorman
2 years at Shamrock has been a huge blessing to me. I look forward to showing up in the gloom everyday. We have a strong band of brothers and I hope we continue to reach out to friends, family and strangers to invite them in to this group.

Psalms 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Baby Boomer’s friend Brad who is recovering from a heart attack. Pom pom to stay safe during his competition. Jenner for health and MCAT prep stress.
Flag handoff on May 25th!