F3 Knoxville

Bear Each Other’s Burdens and CMUs

THE SCENE: 40’s and dry. Sweat was imminent

-2 x each leg 180 Lunges – Done OYO for a total of 180° – lunge in front (90°), lunge at 45°, lunge to the side (0°), lunge backward at -45°, lunge straight backward (-90°).
-10 x Tennessee Rocking Chair – (S/O to WaxJob for this exercise) – Begin with arms straight out in front of you: 4 ct IC: 1) touch hands to toes, 2) squat down with hands going straight out in front of you, 3) touch hands back to toes, 4) stand up straight with hands out in front

Partner up (partners used later at Sophomore Hill)
-5 x each Booyah! Merkin (modified to do high fives instead of shoulder taps as described in the Exicon)
-5 x Bropees
-3 x each / 6 x total Squat Walking Rockette – Start in a parallel squat with arms in front and kick your left leg toward your right hand, squad back down, kick your right leg toward your left hand, squat back down and repeat.

Black Snake to Sophomore Hill. PAX are getting better on the spacing but still need some work on their turning spacing.

DORA Circuit AMRAP for 10 minutes:
1. 3-legged Bernie (aka Laverne & Shirley – S/O to Guardrail for naming this one) – backwards run joined at the hips up the paved part of Sophomore Hill
2. 5 x Bropees at the top (high-five encouraged to avoid jumping into each other with a high-ten Bropee)
3. Wheelbarrow down the grassy part of the hill – halfway switch (modify if both PAX cannot do all the way down the hill to a bear crawl or lunges)
4. 5 x Booyah! merkins at bottom (same high five modification as during the warm-up)

DORA Crew (3 HIMs per group) – 5 minutes AMRAP per round

Exercise Round 1 Round 2
Hodor 1 CMU 1 CMU
Run / walk 1 CMU 2 CMUs
Thrusters 1 CMU 0 CMUs

Recover called – no time for Round 3 (plus who knows if the Q would have been able to run/walk carry 3 CMU’s).

Flutter kicks IC after “recover” was called and PAX were still putting away their CMU’s.

Black Snake back to the AO

Mini sprint workout
100% Sprint down to the bottom of the parking lot
15 second recovery
100% Sprint up to the top of the parking lot
15 second recovery

BBS 1 minute AMRAP until 6:15
17 HIM’s bearing each other’s burdens and CMU’s (link no pic uploaded). No FNG’s. Welcome back from sleep deprivation aka a new baby, Gump!

F3 has meant so, so, so much to me! Today we focused in the workout on working together as HIM’s. To be able to better bear each other’s burdens as I’ll read from Galatians 6 here in a moment, as the PAX have known and seen in me, more transparency and vulnerability is required to be able to better bear each others burdens. It’s F3 so much as the organization so much (though it is a solid organization) but the HIM’s who walk with me, push me, and ENCOURAGE me at 5:30 A.M. when I would previously see another woman not my wife. This was evil and wicked what I did before, but now God has changed me and my life so dramatically for the better. So while it might seem like verse 1 of the the following passage is a bit off on a first reading of the passage, I think it fits perfectly into where I’ve been walking and how we ought to walk was HIMs:

Galatians 6:1-5
“1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.
Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.”
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
3 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
4 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.
5 For each will have to bear his own load.

When we exercise (physically and spiritually), we’re doing several things. We stretch our comfort zones working out and this will be especially true today. This passage outlines them for us:
1. v1-2 – Bearing each other’s burdens (especially through prayer – we’ll come back to this)
2. v.3 – Don’t think you’re something when you’re nothing
As Proverbs 27:2 says “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.” We may think we’re something, but God tells all of us that we are nothing and to be humble about everything.
3. v.4-5 Each one test his work, bear his own load.
When you workout, you’re not comparing yourself to other HIMs here. God has given us each different talents, abilities, skills, bodies. But we are called “to be faithful and not successful” as I heard Rick Dunn say at Maple Street Nights a few weeks ago. Paul agrees “”For who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it? (1 Corinthians 4:7)”

Back to Bearing each other’s burdens
You’re here to bear your own load and carry other HIM’s burdens when they can’t, and you let them when you can’t. Like how the thrusters were made SO much easier without CMU’s and how if we’d had time the Hodor would have been easier as one HIM tried to bear all 3 CMU’s at once.

So now we will do that in prayer triangles. Prayer triangles explanation:
Share 1 prayer request per HIM ~10 seconds each. Sincere but brief.
After all PAX in your triangle have shared, one HIM take initiaitive and start praying for one of the HIMs next to him.
Go around the triangle and one HIM pray for one HIM each of the other PAX in your triangle.

When all groups finished the Q said “bring it in” and prayed as one group of HIMs bearing each other’s burdens.

Prayer for all of the HIMs present going into 2020 that we would bear each other’s burdens both at F3 and wherever we go as God calls us.

JUCO NYD workout is ON for 0530 (with rucking after the normal workout is on. JUCO Rush will start at 0700 just for this week).

Polar Bear Plunge New Year’s Day 12:00pm. Meet at the Wye in Townsend. Immediately following we’ll have 2nd F at Soccer Taco Northshore. This has grown to be an awesome 2nd F event! Don’t miss out on something that seems impossible but could be invigorating!

Christmas Eve at the Project

THE SCENE: 40’s and dry, a little foggy

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 5 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 temp squats, 10 windmill
Mosey to the K2-5 hill for 12 days of Christmas.  Perform 1st exercise and run up the hill. Then the 1st and 2nd exercise followed by running up the hill…and so on.

  • 1-Dive Bomber
  • 2-Heels to Heaven
  • 3-SSH (4-ct)
  • 4-4x4s
  • 5-Freddie Mercury (4-ct)
  • 6-Lunges each leg
  • 7-Diamond Merkins
  • 8-Flutter Kicks (4-ct)
  • 9-Squats
  • 10-Merkins
  • 11-Big-Boys
  • 12-Iron Mikes

No time!
11 at the Project with some help from the JUCOnians.
This time of year many people around the world increase their focus on Jesus and His birth.  I was actually raised not celebrating Christmas as a religious holiday, because the Bible doesn’t provide instruction to do so.  I am sure this sounds odd to many, but we instead focused on the things the Bible does teach us throughout the year.  What if the people who increase their focus on Jesus during this time of year did the same all through the year?  What could the world be like?  I definitely appreciate all the good words that are shared during our F3 COTs.  So, how exactly can we shift our focus throughout the year?  In Galatians 5:16-23, Paul mentions the ways of the flesh (worldly) that we need to steer clear of and the fruits of the Spirit that we need to cling to.  He mentions jealousy and outbursts of anger as sins that will cause us to “not inherit the kingdom of God”. Those aren’t things I typically think of when I think of “sin”, but there it is in God’s word…plain as day.  Increasing our focus on Jesus and His sacrifice for us throughout the year will help us to live by the fruits of the Spirit and not the deeds of the flesh.
Thanks to all the JUCO PAX for coming out to celebrate 12 days of Christmas with us.
Merry Christmas!

McDonald’s on the Fly

THE SCENE: 20’s and no Q in sight….

LBAC-F/B, Overhead Claps, Tempo Merkins, Mountain-Climbers, Tempo Squats, TN Rock’n Chair
Mosey to big student parking lot, stopping for a short Bear Crawl. Perform the Double Quarter-Pounder (without cheese) – look up in Exicon.  So Fun!!

Mosey to small parking lot. 4 corners – rotate between 10 jump squats and increasing 8ct Body Builders at each corner. I think the lead group made it to a corner of 8 BB’s.  Great work!

Dead Bug, Flutter Kicks
25 strong
Talked about inner peace and 5 steps that have helped the Q obtain inner peace: 1) Trust totally in Christ. This settles where you are headed when you die. 2) Trust in God’s sovereignty and control over all things, even the small details of your life. This eliminates fear. 3)  Trust the Lord to meet all of your needs. Takes care of the constant desire for more. 4) Maintain a clear conscience. Helps protect your inner peace. 5) Accept the way God made you.  You can’t change things that are outside of your control. Trust Him with those things.

Ribbed was on Q but slept thru his alarm. Trolley (JUCO’s newly appointed Executioner) will decide his fate upon his next appearance at JUCO.
No official workout Christmas Day at JUCO.


THE SCENE: cold and clear, 25 degrees !

10 ct Cherry Pickers, 10 ct side straddle hops 10 count baby arm circles forward, 1o ct baby ar circles reverse, all in cadence


The 3rd Monthly “JUCO 1500” performed in the big parking lot, the backside of campus.  each station was a parking space. The bear crawls, lunges and cmu mosey were all from line to line from one end of the lot to the other. If all 5 rds were performed the total reps would equal 1500 and the total distance would be approximately 1.5 miles. Below is a link to the spreadsheet to enter your reps if you’re interested in keeping count and tracking your improvement. I’ll be glad to enter your # for you as well if you want to send it to me. If you don’t care that’s okay also.


The JUCO 1500 will be repeated on 2020-01-18!

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

What message does this picture send to you? It makes me think about how Santa Claus represents Black Friday, our spend, spend, spend, consume, consume, consume culture and we take all of that to Santa Claus, yet we are supposed to be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who lived his life as an example of the opposite of all these things. Ultimately we should focus more on Jesus and how he lived his life and less on gifts, presents, consuming and so forth

Image result for santa praying to jesus"

Prayer Requests

Poolboys cousin, Mailbox’s wife, Guard rails job, Gingers coworkers father, any other request I may have forgotten

Track Work

THE SCENE: Warm and Wet

Side Straddle Hop, Abe-Vigoda, Annie, Finkle Swing, Nancy Kerrigans, Mountain Man Poopers

4×400, 4×200, 4×100
The following workouts are done after each section of track. Example: Run 400 do 4×4’s, Run 400 do Bat Wings, Run 400 do Speed Skaters, Run 400 do Alphabet

  • 4×4’s – 10: Start standing up arms overhead, Burpee to Plank, 4 Merkins, 4 Mountain Climbers (that’s 1)
  • Bat Wings – 1: 20 Forward Arm Circles, 20 Backward Arm Circles, 20 Seal Claps, 20 Overhead Claps
  • Speed Skaters – 20, 10 each leg
  • Alphabet – On your 6, Legs raised 6 inches, Trace Alphabet upper case letters

No time left from THA-THANG


A Perfect Day to Trust

God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.  Matthew 5:3

Come to Me with all your needs, with that huge emptiness inside you.  Facing that awful emptiness is the first step toward being filled with My Presence.

So be glad on those days when you can barely get out of bed – when you feel sluggish and just not ready to face the world.  Yes, be glad!  Tell yourself that this is the perfect day to practice trusting and depending on Me.

If you keep depending on Me throughout your day, you will make a wonderful discovery as you crawl into bed at night.  You will discover that My Joy and Peace have become your companions.  You may not know exactly when they joined you on your journey through the day.  But you will feel the benefits of having been in their company.

“The perfect ending to your day is realizing that God was with you all along.”  That’s me paraphrasing the devotional this came from.

2 Corinthians 4:6, Matthew 5:6, Colossians 2:9-10, Psalm 150:6

1500 at JUCO tomorrow.