F3 Knoxville

4 Stations of the Barkley

THE SCENE: Cold. Damp.  Spitting snow at the end.

SSH, 4 ct, x 20 (IC); 2 burpees; CP, IC, x 5; 4 burpees; BAC, forward and back, IC, x 10 each way; 6 burpees
Mosey to the Overlook for a Barkley.  Grab a battle buddy, running the perimeter of the Asylum building, with 4 stations.  Each station has 3 exercises, 1 for each lap.

  • Station #1 (Overlook): Merkins x 25; CDD x 25; Dips x 25
  • Station #2 (Westside stop sign):  LBCs (4ct) x 25; American Hammers (4ct) x 25; Hello Dollys (4ct) x 25
  • Station #3 (Old rock pile): Squats (4ct) x 20; Smurf Jacks (4ct) x 20; Iron Mikes (4ct) x 20
  • Station #4 (Eastside stop sign): Burpees x 10; Man Makers x 10; Hand Release Burpees x 10

After finishing all 3 laps, wagon wheel for the 6 and mosey back to the AO
Cat Gut leads the Pax in several minutes of Boat Canoe.  Finish strong with ATMs.


From Matthew  26:52-53: “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.  Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?”

In today’s world, gentleness is not really celebrated.  To show gentleness is to show weakness.  And yet, it is one of the Fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:23).

When we look at the Jesus, we see that gentleness is a chief trait.  As he was being betrayed, arrested, and (as he knew), led off to die, he could’ve called down destruction at any moment. But he humbled himself and died for us instead.

Gentleness is strength and power under control

Prayers to lift up our community, our nation, for Charmin’s cousin’s family after a sudden death, for Cat Gut’s nephew and his family, as he has been seriously injured in a motorcycle wreck.
CSAUP Jan. 30!  Sign up!

Alphabet Soup

Frosty with increasing Gloom.

I am not a doctor.  Keep your brothers distant and your snot to yourself.

SSH x 21 IC.
BBQ Squats x10 IC
Mosey around the parking lot to collect Archie, and head down to the block paved lots

The Q presented a sheet of 26 exercises – 1 per letter.  With a battle buddy, for more mumblechatter and letters, PAX worked their way through each F3 name with a run to the top of Baby Everest between each letter.  At the top of B.E. do one more merkin than last time, then back down to the start.

e.g. K=10 x Windmills, ascend Baby Everest, 1 merkin
E=Bear Crawl to other side of the road, ascend Baby Everest, 2 merkins
N=10 Merkins (4ct), ascend Baby Everest, 3 merkins,
T= etc…

If this is a Kentucky workout, we have to finish with the Bicycle Race.  Freddie Mercurys to the tune of Bicycle Race, with a Big Boy every time FM sings Bike, or Bicycle.
To the eternal shame of the Mall Walkers, they watched and didn’t join in.

16 Strong, including 5 Mall Walkers, who couldn’t manage a single Freddie between them.

Eddie the Eagle was an Olympic Athlete and example to us all.  He was bad at ski jumping (relatively), but kept going to matter what.  As Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the Olympics said “The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle, the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”  Fight well my bothers, fight well!

CSAUP at the end of the month.  Order a new Asylum T-shirt to show off at the event!


THE SCENE: 32 degrees clear skies cool and miraculous

arm circles 10x

reverse arm circles 10x

Cherry pickers 10x

Tempo squats 10x

Tempo Merkins 10x

imperial walkers 10x

side straddle hops 10x

high knees 1/2 cross lot butt kicks other half and jog back


Feats of Strength:

6 per side mountain climbers

Bear crawl to festivus pole

6 merkins

Crab walk to other side

6 lunges (6 per side)

Crab walk back to pole

6 dry docks

Bear crawl to curb

6 Big Boys

Bear crawl to pole

6 LBCs

Crab walk to curb

6 squats

Crab walk back to pole

6 shoulder taps (6 per side)

Bear crawl to curb

6 hello dolly

Bear crawl to pole

6 burpees

Crab walk to curb

6 overhead claps

Crab walk to pole

6 star jacks

Bear crawl to curb

Plank until everyone is done

Grab a CMU

1 min plank hold on CMU->1 min squat holding CMU->1 min overhead hold

Airing of grievances

1 man carries Santa’s bag up mini cardiac

PAX choice of exercise until man comes back

Next man up Rinse and repeat

15 pax including 1 from Chattanooga see tags below
Festivus was created to battle the over-commercialization of Christmas. We are asked to remember the only gift worth celebrating and that’s the gift of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


THE SCENE: Low 40s and raining. Perfect weather to embrace the suck!

SSH x20 IC
Swerkins x10 IC
Mosey to the nearest cover
LBAC x20 each way
Overhead claps x15 IC

Head over to the main quad and pair up in threes. One man under cover at each side, third runs between with two burpees before relieving.
Apparently we headed out too quickly, because Archie found us here after making a lap around campus….
Swerkins / Carolina Dry Docks
Squat Jumps / Iron Mikes
Box Cutters / LBCs
Superman Swims / Flamingos

Move over one shelter for random dice roll tabata. Four cycles of 20s work/10s rest.
MORE Iron Mikes
Star Jacks
Freddie Mercurys

Mosey back to the first cover for Flutter Kicks x51 IC. Arrived back at the AO exactly 0615.
The Stalwart 7 showed up for this cold and rainy beatdown.
Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

In our day to day life we have a whole lot fewer things that would make a person terrified than they did in Joshua’s day. However, there are definitely a whole lot of things that can add up to bring a world of discouragement. I had a few things happen this week at home that really piled on that discouragement side, so this verse coming up in the message yesterday at church was quite timely, and I hope it can encourage you as well.

It’s a good thing I had signed up to Q today, or I might have ended up in the fartsack… Good to work with you guys today!
Cold-weather CSAUP hosted by Asylum AM/PM coming up, check Slack for details.

BYOB – Anniversary


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
62 ℉ 100% 63 ℉ 1.8 mi/h SSE

I am not a professional.

25 SSHs.
10 Baby Arm Circles forward.
10 backward.
3 Cherry Pickers.

Mosey to my car trunk and everyone pick up a standard 16oz water bottle.  The water bottle is yours for the day.

Mosey to CMU pile.  Along the way stopping three times.  At each stop the water bottle is placed on the ground and with Merkins the chest touches the bottle.  With the leg exercises, the hands touch the bottle.  The objective is to make noise with the bottle.

  • 20 Regular Merkins and 20 Squats.
  • 20 Wide Merkins and 20 Monkey Humpers
  • 20 Diamond Merkins and 20 Lunges

At CMU pile everyone grab one to go along with the water bottle.  Groups of three.  The three split about 30 yards apart.  1st PAX staying at one end, 2nd PAX at other end, and 3rd PAX is walking between the two.  While walking he carries the CMU away from his body with the water bottle balanced on the CMU. As he reaches the other side the 2nd PAX walks with CMU and bottle back to PAX #1.  And then #1 down to #3.  If the water bottle falls off, then 10 Monkey Humpers.  While PAX is walking, the other two do a series of exercises.  Only after all three make one walk, the three of them then move to the next exercise.  The exercises where:

  • Curls
  • Tricep Extensions
  • Rows
  • Overhead Press
  • Thrusters

Mosey to big parking lot.  Group lines up on the north edge.  Everyone throws their water bottle across the parking lot.  Everyone running to their bottle and doing an exercise then throwing again go to bottle and exercise, throw again exercise etc. until the reach the south edge of the lot.  With each crossing more water is removed from the bottle and the exercise changes.

  • Full Bottle – 20 American Hammers (bottle touches ground each time)
  • ¾ Bottle – 10 War Hammers (bottle touches ground each time)
  • ½ Bottle – 20 Windshield Wipers (feet over standing water bottle)
  • ¼ Bottle – 20 Pickle Pounders (water bottle crunched each rep)
  • Empty – 5 Worst Merkins Ever (water bottle crunched each rep)

So, that was the plan with the bottles and the parking lot.  BUT, on our first throws, most of the water bottles exploded.  Which was cool but made it extremely difficult to throw the bottle any distance at all.  So, we modified to everyone running to the lone surviving bottles.  And that PAX continued to throw/skid it along the ground.  Once across lot first time, quick trip to the car got us some spare bottles. Then we just had one PAX skid one bottle and we all ran to that distance.  Worked out fine.

Mosey back to AO.

No time for Mary
20 HIMs.   19 Listed above and SOS also.
My first year with F3 has been filled with some great examples along with many reasons to be proud to be a part of F3.  Thanks to all my F3 brothers for a fun year #1.

Proverbs 18:24
24 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

“I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but my God eluded me. I sought my brother and I found all three.” – Unknown.