F3 Knoxville

The Roof, The Roof, The Roof Is On Fire!


THE SCENE: A crisp and clear 30 degrees F.

25 SSH, 5 cherry pickers, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 15 mountain climbers
Mosey to the parking lot near the information center, south of the pond.

  • Suicides style, 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 mountain climbers (4x) at the farthest line for each round. 10 lines building up, 9 lines coming back.
  • Indian run with a jailbreak back to the AO

19 HIMs went far keeping it simple and effective.

Pretend that you’ve heard of the legend of the world’s wisest man who will answer any question that is brought before him. But to get to him, you have to cross the high seas, traverse barren deserts, brave the frozen tundras and scale mountain peaks. You set out with a team but you were the only one to survive. What question would you ask him?

No such man exists but if he did and he instead found you, would you listen to his words if he had something to tell you? Would you give him your ear and attention. Would you study and then implement his words? He isn’t going to come find you either but he did leave you a letter. This is the book of Ecclesiastes, written by King Solomon.

He says you are over-investing in the things of this world. It is okay to have a woman in your life, she just shouldn’t be your life. It is okay to work and enjoy your work, but your life shouldn’t be defined by your work. Alcohol, foolishness, folly, and activity under the sun is meaningless, vanity, a chasing after the wind. This is like painting the walls in a burning house, you would never do that. This life too is fading away, it is the burning house, it is temporary. Do not over-invest in this life. In chapter three, he tells us not to get caught up in the details of life, that there is a season to all things. Enjoy or respect them in their season but as they come, let them also go.

In the 12th chapter, Solomon says that when all has been examined, nothing is left but to fear God and keep his commandments, this is the whole duty of man. God has placed eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and we will never be able to escape our design. That is why you see the rich, the powerful, the famous do stupid things because they are trying to fill the void in their hearts when eternity belongs.

Let us lead simple and effective lives, not over-investing in this temporary shelter, and we will be surprised by how far we can go.