AO: asylum-am
Q: P3
PAX: Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Waffle House (Brady Greene), Backflow (Wesley Hunt), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Pac-man, Cinco (Scott McGuire), F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom)
FNGs: None
5 Easy up/downs
*Pause for Disclaimer*
20 SSH
Lap around the Pavilon
Tie Fighters
Runners Stretch
Shoulder warm up – MPs, Front Swings, Carltons
BBQ Squats
Tempo Merkins
Mosey around Pavilon to last corner and lunge back length of Pavilon.
5 up/downs
Repeat Pavilon lap above, except bear crawl last length
5 up/downs
10 Dirkins
repeat lap, burpee broad jump back
5 up/downs
10 Drikins
10 table Rows
Repeat lap, lunge back
5 up/downs
10 Dirkins
10 table rows
15 big Bois
repeat lap, bear crawl back
5 up/downs
10 Dirkins
10 table rows
15 big Bois
10 irkins
Repeat lap, burpee broad jump back
5 up/downs
10 Dirkins
10 table rows
15 Big Bois
10 Irkins
20 Air Squats
Repeat lap, lunge back
5 up/downs
10 Dirkins
10 Table Rows
15 big Bois
10 irkins
20 air squats
15 box cutters
Repeat lap, bear crawl back
5 up/downs
10 Dirkins
10 Table Rows
15 big Bois
10 irkins
20 air squats
15 box cutters
20 Superman’s
Repeat lap, burpee broad jump back
5 up/downs
10 Dirkins
10 Table Rows
15 big Bois
10 irkins
20 air squats
15 box cutters
20 Superman’s
15 Dips
Repeat lap, lunge back
MARY: Notta
Hardship Hill
Talked about the unfortunate timing of the Vols/Wildcats game during EFHR
Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most – Abe Lincoln
True happiness does not always equate to fun or easy
“The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.” – James M. Barrie