F3 Knoxville

Shamrock February You vs You

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning. Clear and 52°.

SSHx10ish IC
Windmillx10 IC
Hairy Rockettsx10 IC

February You vs You

  • Max BBS in 1 minute
  • Max merkins in 1 minute
  • Max pull-ups
  • 1.5 mile run for time
  • Max burpees in 5 minutes



Romans 5:3-5

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

Slippery Slippery Steps

THE SCENE: A Deceivingly cold Gloom



x15 Side straddle hops.

x15 Calf Raises

x10 Forward Lunges

x10 Overhead Arm Pull

x5 Cherry Pickers


After warmup, We headed down to the football field, I placed a cardboard piece with 3 sets of two exercises on it at the starting point. The workout continued like this.

  • We ran the track over to the bleachers
  • We ran up and down the bleachers until we got back on the track
  • Once back at starting point we did the first set of two exercises
  • We repeated those steps, progressing through the sets until Recover
  • Tried not to slip and die.

No Mary Needed.

My biological father was never very affectionate, he was a good father, he took care of us, gave us nice things, but he never verbalized his love. I think, because God was often to remind us of his love for us, we as humans rely on being told we’re loved, and crave that affection, and not being given it does not lead to healthy mindsets, doubt can arise, and regret from both parties. When my parents passed away, I was lucky enough to be able to tell my Mom I love her before i went to bed, and I was able to hear it back, as well as a book I have with a voice recording. However with Dad, I wasnt as lucky, and I would give so much just to hear him say “I love you.” You’re never guaranteed tomorrow, and you’re never guaranteed another second. Tell your family you love them, it costs nothing, but it’ll pay huge dividends.

Up the Hill!

THE SCENE:  48 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Overhead claps
  • Seal claps
  • Moroccan nightclub
  • Cherry pickers
  • Merkins
  • Mountain climbers


Split into two teams.  Starting at a cone, each man sprints up the hill, stopping to perform exercises at each street (3 stops).  Run back to the starting point and move his team’s cone one sidewalk space.  Exercises were;

Round 1

30 merkins

30 LBCs


Round 2

20 diamond merkins

20 freddy mercury


Round 3

10 hand release merkins

10 BBS


Round 4

jog to our starting point (stop light)

Bear crawl to cone


Set of 11s – burpees, up and over the wall, bobby hurleys


10 heals to heaven – frogger – 10 heals to heaven



Guantanemo at Weigles

2 minutes of sleeping hillbillies


Me and 17 of the best men I know


Today is National Proposal Day… and that got me thinking about the question “how is my understanding of marriage and my role as a husband – different today from what it was when I proposed to my wife in December 2005?”

I reflected on that question a lot.  In summary – I had a profoundly immature understanding of marriage – and of what my role as husband would be.  I shared a few contrasts that I’ve learned through heartache and hard times.  Maybe one will ring in your ears and you’ll say, “yep – I’ve learned that too”.  Maybe one will settle on your spirit and convict you of a change that is needed.   

Again – these are all from my own personal experience.  Each time you read, “an immature husband” below, you could substitute, “A younger, foolish, immature KickFlip…”

  • An immature husband is self-centered.  He takes a lot and gives a little.  A mature husband looks for ways to serve and love his wife.  He deliberately gives far more than he expects in return.
  • An immature husband expects perfection.  A mature husband accepts flaws freely.
  • An immature husband gets defensive. A mature husband presumes good intent and accepts feedback easily.
  • An immature husband sulks for days or weeks after a fight. A mature husband eagerly seeks restoration.
  • An immature husband allows jealousy to devastate the relationship. A mature husband recognizes that jealousy is poison and almost entirely in his own head.
  • An immature husband avoids or downplays conversations which will be uncomfortable.  A mature husband leans into and leads his wife through uncomfortable conversations.
  • An immature husband is emotionally detached. A mature husband is open with his emotions, dreams, desires, fears, and insecurities.
  • An immature husband can offer only an unstable love. A mature husband provides a steady, unshakable, love – his wife feels secure in their relationship.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” – Ephesians 5:25


Welcome FNG “La Bling”!


Prayers for Tailhook, for Curveball’s M, and for victims of the earthquake in Turkey/Syria.

Celebrating 5 Decades


Perfect gloomy cold


Some Burpees, some SSHs, some Cherry Pickers, and some Tie Fighters… just right to knock the chill off


Commemorating 5 decades of life and a great way to gain some respect… 5 progressive rows of fun… Reps were 5 to start – special movement across – 10 reps on the other side – and special movement back… then we moved up the ladder:

Row 1 – 5 merkins… bear crawl over… 10 merkins… bear crawl back

Row 2 – 5 burpees… lunge over… 10 burpees… lunge back

Row 3 – 5 SSHs… sprint over… 10 SSHs… sprint back

Row 4 – 5 squat thrusters…. rifle carry over… 10 squat thrusters… rifle carry back

Row 5 – 5 curls + 5 overhead presses… farmer carry 2 cmus over… 10 curls and OVP… farmer carry back

Worked up and down the ladder as many times as possible


Stopped on the way back to the CMU pile to do 25 Grady Corns


21 HIMs with no FNGs (all dressed in khaki cargo shorts, knee socks, and Hawaiian shirts)

“You do not know what will happen tomorrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” James 4:14

Time is precious.  We are fragile.  Life is short. Eternity is long.

“Redeem the time” Ephesians 5:16

Life is a gift that can be over before we know it… Cardinal recently but other fallen friends remind us how abruptly it can end – by God’s perfect design and providence.  Embrace each day… be intentional… love those closest to you and work at being the best you.  Leave a legacy worthy of respect.

MJ Day

MJ Day @ Shamrock (2-3-23)

THE SCENE: A chilly 32° but DRY with a full moon in the backdrop.


20 SSH, 30 sec of Iron Mike’s, 23 Bobby Hurley’s, & 15 4-count mtn. climbers w/ merkin & plank position hold after every 5 reps.


  • Mosey up to stadium turf
  • Line up across West goal line
  • Pyramid style Q (5,10,15, 20…etc.)
  • Red vs Blue …1v1 w/ each Pax calling out an exercise (get creative) before the roll off, high roll wins (red wins tie 🎲🎲), cumulative sum of 4 die determines reps to perform at goal line…23 burpees was not an ideal Craps roll today 😩
  • After Pax winners choice of exercise, lunge to 5 yd line, perform 2 burpees, mosey back to goal line
  • Make it, Take it (winner keeps red die and invites next challenger)
  • Repeat this cycle with incremental increase in lunge distance by 5 yds (10, 15, 20 etc…ending at the 50)
  • For the 2nd half (50, 45, 40 etc.), Butt kicks up, 3 burpees, mosey back to goal line
  • We called time half way through the 2nd half, Mercy rule enacted

Random ab exercises led by Mermaid & Hooptie for a brief stint.


20 STRONG with 2 FNG’s. Welcome Brimstone & Finish Him (revised from Old School during coffeeteria). Please come back to Shamrock soon, loved seeing you in the gloom!


MJ was known for putting his team on his back and willing his team to victory, yet…

How often do we shoulder the weight of the world and selfishly take on life in solitary confinement? Satan is crafty at alienating us in this thinking (man up, bear it ourselves). Yet worldly strength will always fail us at some point. Obtain our strength from above!  No matter what comes…physical ailments, relationship struggles, financial burdens. He’s with us and has given us the ultimate victory through His Son. Trust the strongest entity in the universe. He’s an amazing God and is ALWAYS there to assist. Don’t resist!

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 23:22 KJV & Psalms 37:23 NASB
– Free Fall & family after the loss of their dog. Peace and comfort in this difficult time. Praying happy memories prevail in the long run.
– Venus for his days ahead and road to a more sound, godly lifestyle which reaps dividends in the future. We’re here for you brother, lean on us if needed.
Thank you for coming and enjoy your weekend gents!