F3 Knoxville



High 30’s and glorious



Motivators from 7 (Downrange HIM picked the number, I was told that was a dirty trick)

3 burpees

Thai Fighters

Cherry Pickers

3 burpees

Hillbilly Squat Walkers

Boxcrawls (4x)

3 burpees


Mosey to the retaining pond hill at the first entrance of the school

100 Side Straddle Hops at the road up top/10 Squat jumps in the retaining pond (-10/-1 each round) we got to 50/5 before recovery was called

Mosey to the corner of the school by All Saints Park

50 SSH in the field/5 Walle’s against the building (-10/-1 each round)

Mosey to the parking lot by the father’s house

50 Deficit Flutters first curb/5 heel elevated squats second curb (-10/-1 each round)

Mosey to the Jesus statue

50 Dips at the circle/5 hand release merkins at the light pole (-10/-1 each round)

Mosey to circle lot by the shovel flag across from the football field

50 Gas Pumps on first curb/5 burpees on the other curb (-10/-1 each round)

Mosey back to the AO just in time for 10 burpees as a group

18 High Impact Men / Suit downrange from ATL
“I want to be famous in my home. I want to be my wife’s best friend. I want to be the man, husband, and dad my boys look at and go ‘Man if I could do that every day that would be a great life.’ I want my girls to grow up and go, ‘I love that my dad treats my mom like that and that’s the kind of husband I want to marry.'” – Buzz Williams, Texas A&M Basketball Coach


The Return of the Flight of the Blue Falcon

THE SCENE: High 30s clear and dry

Tempo Merkins
Tempo Squats
Mosey to CMU Pile
Grab the two new blocks that are … heavy
Return of the flight of the blue falcon
Two Pax have large blocks, call an exercise and start counting to 10 while the remaining Pax run.  At 10 they yell halt, and the running pax perform the called exercise until the pax carrying blocks arrive.  The blocks are passed to different pax, and this process is rinsed and repeated for the duration of the workout.  One of these blocks is near 50 lbs, and one is greater than 50lbs

For the last three minutes, we performed flutter kicks, snow angels, and LBC’s

I recently cleaned out my closets and donated many items.  It was the inspiration to wear some of the “GEMS” I rediscovered when I was cleaning to the workout this morning.  We talked about the importance of donating some of the things that we are not using to others who could put them to use.  In addition, I asked that we consider to be vulnerable and share our struggles as well as our experiences.  Others in the group may find value in the struggles and experiences we share.  We build a community and bonds when we share these experiences, and as men we sometimes hoard our feelings and emotions, and this is a safe space to share them.
FNG Teamster needs to be added when a tag is created.

Progress has to be measured


Perfectly chill with a touch of mist (mid 40s)


Some SSHs in honor of Pool Boy; Tie Fighters because they are the best; Squatting Grady Corns; a few Merkins; a jog to touch a light pole (any will do); and some Cherry Pickers


Fitness Test: recorded number of reps for each PAX doing 5 different exercises (will keep and check in again later to see progress); exercise 1 was 2 minutes of T-Merkins (AMRAP); exercise 2 was 2 minutes of bear crawling scoring 1 for each parking space passed through; exercise 3 was 2 minutes of Big Boy Situps (knuckles to pavement up and over to touch toes – AMRAP); exercise 4 was 2 minutes of Back-n-Forths (running from one spot to another and back like suicides – about 25 yards, scoring 1 for each length ran); exercise 5 was 2 minutes of Lunges (each leg counts as 1 – AMRAP).

Keeping anonymity the following scores were captured… showing first initial of name with scores in order in parenthesis… B (45,12,40,12,56); M (41,22,42,15,65); B (38,21,41,14,68); S (50,23,59,15,62); A (52,37,62,16,62); P (19,21,27,16,75); B (17,16,39,12,39); P (36,27,50,15,60); S (29,22,31,14,50); C (40,22,40,14,57); D (40,32,64,15,70); O (48,27,60,15,63); C (29,22,40,15,49)

Mosey to CMU pile for some 4th quarter closeouts… Rifle Holds; Curls; Bent Over Rows; Dead Lifts; Bench Presses; and Face Smashers


Mosey back to starting point and finished with some dealers choice core exercises!


13 HIMs with no FNGs


Reflecting on encouragement from Jesus in Matthew 7 to remove the log in our own eye to better serve our brothers who need help with a speck in theirs… encouraged the PAX to set goals, share them with others, and then measure their success or failure to achieve.  We all need to strive to progress in our fitness, fellowship, and faith and we all need accountability to help us along the way.


Christmas party and parades coming up

Filling in for Anchorman

THE SCENE:  Cold, unseasonably so for October 19.  Feels like 30 degrees


Motivators from 6
cherry pickers
baby arm circles
then get on the move to combat the cold
Mosey to the football field
Set up 4 corners, from the back of the end zone to the 30 yard line.
At corner 1, perform 40 reps, corner 2 perform 30 reps, corner 3 perform 20 reps, and corner 4 perform 10 reps for a total of 100.
We went upper, lower, abs, then repeat that sequence and a total of 10 rounds.  We ended up with 400 upper body reps, 300 lower body reps, and 300 abdominal reps of various exercises.

no time for Mary today

We talked about the Lord’s Prayer, praying, and the importance of the praying in general.



THE SCENE: Clear and cool. Just a hint of summer remaining with the fall weather.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered

10 x Overhead Clap IC
10 each Tie Fighters forward & backward IC
10 Forward lunges in place OYO
10 Reverse lunges OYO
10 x Tempo Squats IC
5 x Hand Release Merkins OYO
5 x Burpees
5 x Werewolves OYO
10 x TN Rocking Chair IC

Part 0 – Party Affiliation (Falling Indian Run with Upper or Lower Choosing)
Pick your party: Upper Body or Lower Body? Along the way to the Cheatsheet Memorial Merkin Parking Lot do:

Part 1 Primaries in the Cheat Sheet parking lot
List 2 types- primaries
30 Merkins or Bat Wings (20 each of Baby Arm Circles Forward, Baby Arm Circles Backward, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps)
Lower (30 Squats, 100 Toe Merkins, & 20 Lunges)

So I’m going to let you vote in both parties if you want (some people even register as one and vote as another?). You get to do the “vote twice!” (or you can cancel yourself out haha)

We ended up doing this 3x actually.

Part 2 Total Democracy (election #1)
Everybody votes on every decision
We go with the majority for every exercise (listed at the CMUs)
Repeat after 10 (basically with or without CMUs)
CMU circle (10 or 20 each)
CMU Thrusters 10 or Air Presses
CMU Bench or Merkins
Blockee or Burpees
CMU row or Seal Claps

Core Circle (10-15 each)
Dolly or Leg lifts
Pickle Pounders or Pickle Pointers
Big Boy Situps or V-ups
LBC or Leg Lifts
Left or Right side Crunches

Repeat if time (we had time)

Fellowship mosey to the corner then regular mosey to the flag (thanks for the sprint push Baby Boomer!)

Dealer’s choice with several exercises that were clearly not core (Burpees included!)
14 Electoral Voters strong today!


Circle of Trust
I don’t even remember signing up for this Q. But because I actually showed up Friday I decided to keep it. I’m no politician but I hope to keep my word. Tomorrow we have a lot of choices – to vote for many things. It’s a responsibility we should take seriously, but also we need to understand what we’re doing too.
We live in a democratic republic. This means you elect a representative who, unless specifically presented to voters as an amendment, vote on things for us. This is, more or less, a feature and not a bug of our 3-branch government system. Today we walked through a few (but certainly not all) types of government.
Regardless of the type of government we’re under, the Bible says a few things:
1 Timothy 2:2-4 – 1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

1 Peter 2:17 – Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.

Romans 13:1 – Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
Today we’re doing something different here: I’m going to pray for prayer requests but then I’m also going to echo a prayer that one of my pastors yesterday prayed during our meeting for our country because it had such an impact on me as crying out to God for righteousness and mercy to be fruit of these elections.
(Took prayer requests) Dumpster Dive, Tail Hook, Jenner
Additional Prayer
Father, the great truth that we just sang is such a rich encouragement to us. We do believe that all is well with our souls because of Jesus Christ our Savior and His gracious, sovereign rule over all things. And that reality is a special encouragement to us in prayer. It is an encouragement to us this week, Lord, as our nation is in another cycle of local, state, and national elections. So, as Your people we would like to begin this week in obedience to Your Word that tells us to pray for all people, including ‘kings and all who are in high positions’ (1 Timothy 2:2a)’ we pray this so that we, Your people, might live ‘peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way’ (1 Timothy 2:2b). So Lord, we pray this morning for our city and for our county mayors and all local government leaders.

We pray also for our state legislature and for our governor. We pray for the United States congress, supreme court, and president. We pray that You would give our government leaders wisdom and skill in leading. We pray that our nation would remain a place where we can freely worship You and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You tell us, Lord, that it is Your desire for all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4); so we pray for a great outpouring of Your Holy Spirit in our country.

But whatever may happen, we pray that you would strengthen us; that you would help us to love our neighbors, to be patient with those we may disagree with, and to extend the grace, mercy, and love of Christ to those around us. We thank you for Christian people who serve in government everyday. We pray specifically for [man currently serving as legal counsel to senators in Washington, DC]. Bless [him] and others like him who work in government. Help them to see good and godly fruit from their efforts and raise up more people like [him] who seek to honor you in government service.

So we’re glad this morning in this election week to commit the needs of our country to Your care and to ask you to help us to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ in our country.

It was good to be back even though I don’t remember signing up for this Q!
Food drive still ongoing and other donation stuff this holiday season. See Slack for all the details and if you didn’t get our new Nantan’s newsletter this week rectify that in Slack as well by sending Abort or Ratchet a DM!