F3 Knoxville

Don’t let the artificial distract you.


THE SCENE: Rainy with a heavy downpour that let up mid-workout.

Run in place, Arm Circles X 10, Leg swings X 10, Air Squats X 10, Merkins X 10
HIIT/ Tabata: 5 stations/rounds, 5 exercises per round. 1 minute 10 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest. 60 Break between rounds.

  • Station 1: Squat jumps, Mountain climbers, Plank jacks, Merkins, Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Station 2: Lunges, High knees, Burpees, Freddie Mercury, AirJump rope
  • Station 3: Side Straddle Hops, American Hammer, Plank hold, Tricep dips, Wall step-ups
  • Station 4: Wall sits, Skaters, Superman hold, Leg raises, Low Plank -> High Plank -> Merkin Progression
  • Station 5: Alternating side lunges, Butt kicks, Shoulder Taps, Peter Parkers, Merkin Jacks


How do you feel about this workout? I confess that I did not build that workout, and I did not copy anyone else’s. What if I told you that the workout was designed by an AI Bot?

The way technology has developed never ceases to amaze me. I often tell my kids how funny it is that we used to see video games released and how great the graphics were. And now there are times when the graphics honestly do look realistic. Think about how easy it is to connect with others now. Facebook, Twitter, cell phones, etc.

With the technology available I was able to prompt a program to create this workout in 10 seconds and make minor alterations; I swapped 3 exercises. It is amazing the developments that humans are making.
But how often do we get distracted by the things of this world that we change our focus (and not just the niceties, it’s the stresses and struggles too)?

While these things truly are amazing, on any given day there are a number of reasons and ways God shows his love and awesomeness. Whether it’s the beauty found in nature. Or it’s a child who gives that extra big hug, at the exact minute you need it without prompting. I recently shared that my wife hasn’t been feeling well; the amazing part of this is that you could tell that the 5-month-old could realize it. He would look at my wife and you can see he just wants to ask what’s wrong? and sometimes it’s a group of men you know you can count on to be there, physically, mentally, or spiritually…

I’m aware that I often fall victim to these distractions. Often times I get so distracted by work and finances, vehicle and house issues, social media, or games. They eat and consume so much of our time, but only if we let them.

In Matthew 22 there is a story about Jesus. The Pharisees up to their tricks again tried to trap Jesus and asked about paying taxes. In verse 21 Jesus replies ‘render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.’ That doesn’t begin and end with taxes or money. It’s our attention, our affection, our praise, our respect, our acknowledgment.

The point is that as incredible as this world is and the accomplishments mankind is making its full of distractions that take on minds away from where our ultimate focus should be. Our master is infinitely more remarkable and we can see that everywhere.  So the challenge for you today is to give that extra attention to noticing the blessings of God in our lives and to thank and praise him for all the ways he pours his love over us.