F3 Knoxville

The Princess Bride

THE SCENE: Cold and frosty

  1. Projectivator
  2. Overhead clap
  3. Imperial Squalker
  4. Tempo merkins
  5. Cherry pickers


  1. Run to the parallel bars
  2. 20 inverse rows as we sail to the Cliffs of Insanity!
  3. 10 Wallpies and go over the pool wall.
    1. First one over must say the quote (I swear on the soul of my father, Domingo Montoya, you will reach the top alive).
  4. Left side plank for 30 sec.
    1. Why are you smiling?
    2. I know something you don’t know.
    3. I’m not left handed
  5. Right side plank for 30 sec.
  6. My way is not very sportsman-like
    1. Hang from the monkey bars for 1 min.
  7. Run to the bell.
  8. Build immunity to iocane powder.
    1. 20 dips
  9. Run to K25 hill and to the top.
  10. Roll down the hill towards the fire swamp.
  11. Run back up and over and leap the fire geyser at the bottom.
  12. Ring of fire as we battle rodents of unusual size.
  13. Squatting ring of fire as we escape the lightning sand.
  14. We are men of action. Lies do not become us.
  15. Death march to the bell as we fall into the pit of despair.
  16. Not to 50! 50 dips
  17. Buddy carry to the playground as we take Westley to Miracle Max
    1. Switch out at the parallel bars
  18. If only we had a Wheelbarrow
    1. Partner wheelbarrow back and forth to the amphitheater
  19. Mawage is what bwings us togetwar, today
    1. Al Gore while we quote the scene (Wuv, twoo wuv also)
  20. The chase! Jail break to the shovel flag.  No wammies!
  21. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
    1. Overhead clap. In cadence. Until it hurts like you’ve been stabbed in the arms.
  22. To the pain!
    1. Ring of fire.


“We are men of action. Lies do not become us.”

Who do we lie to?  Others? Ourselves? Our God?

One way we lie to all three is by pretending we will live forever.

Think of your legacy.  What do you picture? Money? A business? Heirlooms or possessions?

Which of these will survive 10 years? 20 years? 50? 100? Eternity?

Steve Jobs was one of the most influential people in the world while he lived and continues to be.  However, within months of his death, Apple released a product he said they’d never make: the iPad Mini.

Do not lie to yourself and pretend that your material work will leave a legacy for your family.  The only true legacy we can leave is by passing our values from the Word of God to others in our lives. The disciples we make will outlive us way longer than any work of our hands.

Last week to sign up for Dog tags.  Q 101 coming up.  Valentine’s week is VQ week.

Pocket Full of Kryptonite

THE SCENE: Cool, foggy, and 33. Perfect for gettin’ you gloom on!



  • SSH x15
  • Knox Cherry Pickers x5
  • Willy Mays Hayes x8
  • Tempo Squat x10
  • Tempo Merks x10
  • Down Dog + What’s up dog? x4
  • LBAC x10
  • RLBAC x10
  • Grady Corn x10
  • Hallelujah x10
  • Night Clubs x10
  • Chattanooga Cherry Pickers x10
  • Michael Phelps
  • SSH

Stretch OYO.

Let’s mosey!


11s on K25 Hill. Burpees at the bottom. American Hammers (2 count) at the top. First man calls recover.

Mosey to The Pond.

PAX partnered up for Dora. PAX 1 performs the following exercises. PAX 2 Dora’s around the loop.

  • 100 Shoulder Taps (double count)
  • 150 Merkins
  • 200 LBCs
  • 250 Monkey Humpers

RTB for Mary.


Flutter Kicks – Bobbitt x15
Awkward Turtle – Ocho x10
Basilisk – Biohack x10

Time was called.


YHC has a medical condition that require a strict diet. Generally, one does not notice how sick they are until they get healthy get healthy. Tons of very small day-to-day choices add up to gradually feeling worse and worse.

Which leads YHC to the following question:

What if Lex Luthor didn’t try to kill Superman with a large load of kryptonite? What if he just sprinkled a little bit in his cereal every morning? That hat would make Superman feel just a little bit off all the time. He’d eventually get used to that feeling after a while and accept it as a new normal. Without killing Superman, Lex Luthor could gradually and subtly reduce him to a mere man.

Where in your life are you compromising? Where in your life do you need more discipline? Where are you sprinkling just enough kryptonite in your life to keep you from being the man you’re meant to be?

Energy kryptonite – What zaps your energy during the day little by little?

Work/productivity kryptonite – What you wrote you for being a productive contributor?

Moral kryptonite – What are the erodes your moral principles?

Faith kryptonite – What erodes your connection with God?

Love kryptonite – What the roads your connections with other people?

We know the power of tiny habits in the positive sense. What are the tiny habits in your life that are slowly reducing you to less than you should be that need to go?

1 Peter 5:8-9
8 Discipline yourselves; keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in your faith, for you know that your brothers and sisters in all the world are undergoing the same kinds of suffering.

For those counting, if you finished the 11s at K25, you have completed 55 burpees.

See Slack for details!

2023 January Metric

THE SCENE: Cool and pleasant

  • Projectivator
  • Cherry pickers
  • Windmill
  • Tempo squat
  • Big daddy arm circles
  • Michael Phelps


The following list of exercises are performed in sets of 25 reps. After completing a set of 25 reps, put down your CMU, run 25 yards, do 2 burpees, return to your CMU, and continue. 

Here are the exercises:

– 150 curls– 125 heavy squats– 100 OHP– 75 CMU swings– 50 Thrusters– 25 Blockees

When you finish the Blockees, start back at the top with curls.

Short weights and half measures were used to cheat people in commercial transactions.  In today’s metric workout, the only person to cheat is you.  Don’t take a half measure today to make it easier to show improvement in 6 months.  Take a real measurement and push yourself to get better.

Tour de Project

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

  • Imperial Squawkers
  • Grady Corn
  • Sumo Squats
  • Spiderman Merkins
  • TN Rocking Chair
  • Pickel Pounders
  • Pickle pointers
  • Burpees


  • String of pearls – do the work, plus one burpee
  • The Bell – 10 box jumps
  • The Old Bell – A burpee
  • K-25 hill – 20 merkins and run it
  • The Pond – 20 flutter kicks and run it
  • North Pole – A burpee
  • Amphitheater – 20 Derkins
  • Playground – 5 pull ups
  • Pool wall – 10 wall-ups
  • Parallel bars – 20 inverse rows, 20 BBS
  • Back Porch – 20 TN Rocking Chairs
  • Fountain – 20 Dips
  • Tennis courts – 3 suicides
  • ORHS – 10 sumo squats (each side) and run it

Box cutters, Awkward turtles, Heels to heaven

There is a moment that every single person desires. That is the moment is when the people around them suddenly realize that  they are serious. The real deal. Legit.

It’s a common scene in movies. The loud mouthed, trash talker gets put in his place by the unassuming professional, the master in disguise.

But in truth, most of us struggle to even take ourselves seriously. Imposter syndrome is one common name for it, though this moniker is typically invoked to tell someone that they are ok. In F3 we know that this is all too often not the case, so we use the term Mascot. Someone seeking to appear as something they are not. This is counterpoint to a core idea: Esse Quam Videri. To be rather than to seem.

As we enter into the new year, I want this idea to beat at the heart of our lives. In everything we do, we should ask whether we are concerned with the Appearance or the Reality. Do I want to look fit or be fit? Do I want to look like I have my life together or do I want to actually have it together? Do I desire for others to see me as pious or to truly have a heart for God?

Most New Years resolutions are more about appearance. Looking busy. Instead we are going to focus on making small changes, difficult to perceive but powerful because they are sustainable, granting them the advantage of time. Because we don’t want to just look the part. We want to Be the Man.

Praying for Boy George and his family. Best of luck.
Convergence Saturday, sign up. MABA has started (We decided you got 18 from the Q). Look for 2 minutes to spend on your cor(e).

Racing Snails

THE SCENE:  32 and clear.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Muttered somewhat incoherently…but you all know the drill!

  • Projectivator
  • KCP
  • Moroccan nightclub
  • Seal squats
  • Down/up dog
  • Merkins
  • Stretch OYO


Mosey to the Rock Pile.  Toys are set out in a circuit.  Divide into two teams to play Snail Races.

There are two ways to win.  The first way is to move your team’s baby snail to the finish line (baby snail is two touching cones – you move it by placing one cone in front of the other, always touching).  Perform a set, move your baby snail, move to another station of your choice and begin your next set.  The second way to win is to move the big snail into your team’s slime and do 25 SSH before the other team moves him out (big snail is a large tire on a pallet, pulled by a rope).  Any number of team members can move the big snail (1 by himself, or 2 men or 3…)

Stations were;

  1. 10 Pull ups
  2. 30 goblet squats
  3. 15 ball slams
  4. 40 jump rope
  5. 30 derkins
  6. 20 thrusters
  7. 25 stack squat
  8. 20 cmu swings
  9. 10 blockees
  10. 40 curls


Mary Recovery


Round 2:  Flip the cards.  Repeat the game.  New exercises were;

  1. 10 cmu lunges
  2. 10 hanging leg raises
  3. 40 jump rope
  4. 15 slam ball launches
  5. 30 OHP
  6. 10 plyo merkins
  7. 20 good mornings
  8. 15 farmer step-ups
  9. 40 triceps
  10. 10 burpee jumpovers


Omaha’s version of American Hammers


Me and 11 of the best men I know – plus Honkytonk visiting from downrange and two 2.0s!


Haggai 2:3-9, “Who of you is left who saw this house in its former glory? How does it look to you now? Does it not seem to you like nothing? But now be strong, Zerubbabel,’ declares the Lord. ‘Be strong, Joshua son of Jozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people of the land,’ declares the Lord, ‘and work. For I am with you,’ declares the Lord Almighty. ‘This is what I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt. And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.’  “This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty. ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”

How does it look to you now?”  The reflection this morning was about…reflection.  It was an encouragement to do some reflective thinking in the next few days as we close out the year and make plans to accelerate in 2023.

John Maxwell said, “Reflective thinking turns experience into insight.”.

Peter Drucker said something similar, “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.”

So, reflecting back on your year as a father, husband, friend…  Use those insights to help ponder your acceleration in the New Year and be even more effective in those roles.

Some questions to ponder

  • What was the most enjoyable part of my work (both professionally and at home)?
  • In what area do I feel I’ve made my biggest improvements?
  • What was the most challenging part of this year for me?
  • Who is someone I got to know better this year?
  • Who do I wish I had gotten to know better in the past year?
  • What was the best way I used your time this past year?
  • What was my single biggest time waster in life this past year?
  • What’s the biggest mistake of the year, and the lesson learned as a result?
  • What was the most fun I had this year?
  • What was my best memory of the year?
  • If I could travel back to the beginning of the year, what advice would I give myself?



As an AO, at the beginning of 2022, we set these goals.  We did pretty well!!!  Soon into 2023, let’s set some new goals for the group…

  • We now have a few metric workouts to measure performance (military fitness PT, and today’s heavy PT baseline).  Let’s re-do those occasionally to see how our performance is trending.  Weekly Push/Pull/Plank challenge on Slack.
  • Consistency in the gloom and chatter on Slack.  Outside of the gloom – Hiking daytrips…  Dinners…  Bonfires…  Spring camping trip…
  • More deliberate discipleship.  Developing smaller shield lock groups within the larger Project group.  Meditating on and committing scripture to memory.  Leading our families in study, prayer, and faith.
  • More men in attendance. More Sad Clowns who need something like F3.  Specifically, more newly married men and new fathers – those are critical points in a man’s life and full of anxiety.  We have a wealth of experiences to share with those men – let’s find ‘em!
  • Family Workout! It’ll be great to get the families together monthly. It’s also a service to the community to we are uniquely gifted to provide.  I think this will largely define The Project’s evolution in 2022.



The workout teetered on the verge of being too complicated – but was still kind of fun!