F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE:  54 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered


IPC Week 2

Line 1: 5 Blockees, then rifle Carry 25 yards to Line 2.

Line 2:  CMU exercise, then farmer carry back to Line 1.

AMRAP for 45 minutes

Line 2 exercises were;

  • 10 We’re Not Worthy
  • 15 Goblet Squat
  • 20 Tricep Extensions
  • 25 CMU Swings
  • 30 Curls




12, including FNG Pleasantville


Diligently”: adverb.

  1. in a way that is careful and uses a lot of effort.
  2. With conscientious and persistent effort or attention.

In Scripture, we are commanded to diligently teach our children about God and His Word.

Deuteronomy 6:4-7 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children.”

I’ll suggest that the vast majority of the way we “teach” our children is not with words, but through our modeling.  What you think, say, and do will make a profound impression on what your sons and daughters will think, say, and do as they grow into maturity.

Does that mean we put on an act for them?  No. “Your kids learn how to love God by watching how you love God. While you are called to disciple your kids, the call is not to give them a fictitiously polished version of yourself.” (Hat tip to Matt Chandler).  But as HIMs, we must Get Right and put persistent effort or attention toward Living Right and Leading Right.  

Two chapters before the commandment to teach our children diligently, we are commanded to diligentlytake care of our own souls.

Deuteronomy 4:9 “Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children.”

– “It has been said that as goes the family, so goes the world. It can also be said that as goes the father, so goes the family.” Voddie T. Baucham Jr., Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes

“A man cannot give away what he himself does not possess” (Q Source 2.4, Positive Habit Transfer).


IPC Week 2…WOW!


9/24     Kids triathlon (The Project is a race sponsor!)

10/27   Oak Ridge Halloween

11/4     Brolympics

12/2     Knoxville Christmas parade

12/10   Oak Ridge Christmas parade

Armor Bears

THE SCENE: 67 degrees and cool as a cucumber.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Dutifully Executed

  • SSH x15
  • Knoxville Cherry Pickers x5
  • Abe Vigoda x5
  • Willie Mays Hayes x6
  • Tempo Merks x10
  • Tempo Squats x10
  • FLBAC x10
  • RLBAC x10
  • Seal Claps x10
  • OH Claps x10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x10
  • Chattanooga Cherry Pickers x11
  • SSH x10

Mosey a lap in the lot.

Perform 10 LL Cool J’s – Lunge each leg, burpee, then squat jump (the cool part is the burpee). Hold plank for 6.

Grab a battle buddy for Dora. Pax one performs exercises below. Pax two bear crawls to the cone.

  • 100 Monkey humpers
  • 200 Merkins
  • 300 SSH
  • 400 LBCs
  • 500 squats

LL Cool J came back for an encore at halftime. Thanks, LL!


Please don’t tell Mary we didn’t have time for her this morning. She doesn’t exactly like hearing that.


There’s a really cool story in the Old Testament of Jonathan (Saul’s son) and his armor bearer when they sneak out away from the troops to see if God might hand the enemy over to them. They were at

In 1 Sam 14 it says,

6 Jonathan said to the young man who carried his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will act for us, for nothing can hinder the Lord from saving by many or by few.” His armor-bearer said to him, “Do all that your mind inclines to.[b] I am with you; as your mind is, so is mine.”[c] Then Jonathan said, “Now we will cross over to those men and will show ourselves to them. If they say to us, ‘Wait until we come to you,’ then we will stand still in our place, and we will not go up to them. 10 But if they say, ‘Come up to us,’ then we will go up, for the Lord has given them into our hand. That will be the sign for us.”

Jonathan and his armor bearer wound up taking down 20 guys. Then God caused a panic in the enemy camp. The lookouts wound up seeing what was going on and brought it to Saul’s attention who was resting under a tree. Instead of rallying the men, Saul winds up calling roll, calling for the Ark of the Covenant to be brought up, discussing what to do with the priests, and finally rallies the troops to join the battle.

What we have here are two examples; one of initiative and the other of hesitation. While Jonathan was taking the initiative to see if God might hand the enemy over to them, Saul was frustrated with the stalemate and taking a nap.

YHC recently read a quote that said,

“Dear optimist, pessimist, and realist – while you guys were busy arguing about the glass of wine, I drank it! Sincerely, the opportunist!” – Lori Griner

Often we think we are being productive by discussing, analyzing, strategizing when it is often time to act. Action is way more effective than talk.

Theodore Roosevelt once said,

“Get action; do things; be sane; don’t fritter away your time; create; act; take a place wherever you are and be somebody; get action.”

2 Challenges for Today:
1. Talk Less – Act More
2. Surround yourself with people of action.

Everyone is probably going to need new gloves after that many bear crawls. Binks makes bear crawls look so natural, we’re worried he might have been raised by bears. YHC knows what it feels like to miss a week and #thatsucked. Glad to be suffering in the gloom with you HIMs again.


  • T-Shirts hit the store very soon! Need to have 12 purchased within the two week window in order to go to print.
  • Look for first Saturday, 2nd F fellowships coming up! We’re making these regular.
  • Wingman has the Q Wednesday.
  • Prayers for our DLs, DRs, and MiAs!


THE SCENE: Nice, cool, and gloomy

1. Run around the parking lot
2. Projectivator
3. Cherry Picker
4. Tempo merkins
5. Tempo squat


  1. Draw a card; do number in reps of:
    1. Clubs – LBCs
    2. Spades – Big Boys
    3. Diamonds – Merkins
    4. Hearts – Squats
    5. Joker – 1 burpee (double for each joker; total of 4)
  2. Each PAX takes a turn drawing a card
  3. After each time around the circle, do 13 4-count flutter kicks
  4. Run a lap around the parking lot with burnie, high knees, and butt kicks


1. Sabbath: what is it?
2. Ten Commandments
3.  New Testament Mark 2: 22-28


  1. Family workout this Saturday
  2. Asylum AOQ change tomorrow
  3. 9/11 stair climb next Saturday
  4. Family picnic next Sunday

The Project IPC22 Week 0

THE SCENE: 70ish and a touch muggy. A pleasant dew on the grass.

  • SSH
  • Tempo Squats
  • Tempo Merkins

Iron Pax Challenge 2022:
2022 IronPAX Challenge Week 0
Simple but effective.

  • 20 thrusters, 20 merkins – repeat 5 times
  • Bear crawl 100 ft, (3 burpees/5 broad jumps) all the way back – repeat 3 times
  • 20 thrusters, 20 merkins – repeat 5 times

No time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

IPC is fun but it comes with risks. One is the temptation to compare ourselves critically against our peers.

Modern psychology likes to talk about two paradigms of “growth” and “fixed” mindset. A fixed mindset is associated with the idea that my abilities are inherent and fixed. A growth mindset is associated with ability development.

A fixed mindset is promoted when we focus on how we compare with our peers.
A growth mindset is promoted when we focus on how we have changed over time.

It isn’t helpful to compare ourselves against peers because it leaves many more things outside our control. The other may be in a period of major growth or worse, we might trick ourselves into self-satisfaction because the man next to us in struggling.

It is better to compare ourselves against a standard and evaluate our growth over time. In fitness, challenges like IPC can be a great benchmark, or perhaps better yet are the benchmark fitness tests we have been repeating across time.
In our person and character, the best standard for comparison is Jesus. He is constant and everlasting, every aspect of his person is admirable and worthy of imitation, and our eyes will always be pointed up at the higher goal.
Great beginning to the IPC season. Definitely need to start earlier for the next four rounds. There were 200 merkins plus your burpees (36 for me) if you are tracking the challenge.
Asylum flag handoff Friday, Family workout Saturday with OCHO on Q! 9/11 memorial stair climb next Saturday, F3 Knoxville picnic Next Sunday, details on Slack.

Gratitude BOMBS

THE SCENE: 67 and delightfully gloomy.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Expertly Executed

  • SSH x15
  • Knox Cherry pickers x5
  • Willy Mays Hayes x8
  • Tempo Squats x10
  • Tempo Merkins x10
  • FLBAC x10
  • RLBAC x10
  • Seal Claps x10
  • OH Claps x10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x10 (commence agony!)
  • Chattanooga Cherry Pickers x11
  • SSH x15

Mosey to the track!


PAX partnered up for Dora Bombs. Pax 1 moseyed sideline to sideline, Pax 2 did the following until they return then flapjack. Numbers are cumulative.

  • Burpees x50
  • OH Claps x100
  • Merkins x150
  • Big Boys x200
  • Squats x250

All groups finished and took a lap around the track, hold plank for 6.



  • Flutter Kicks 4c IC x15
  • Hello Dollies 4c IC x15


YHC got a fancy new watch that measures stress using heart rate variability (HRV). It’s been a challenge trying to figure out how to lower stress throughout the day. Breathing exercises, meditation and prayer, naps have all been moderately effective.

YHC discovered something that brought it down 30 points or more several times; gratitude.


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says…

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

In his book “Gratitude Works,” Robert Emmons says the following.

“…groundbreaking research has shown that when people regularly cultivate gratitude, they experience a multitude of psychological, physical, interpersonal, and spiritual benefits. Gratitude has one of the strongest links to mental health and satisfaction with life of any personality trait—more so than even optimism, hope, or compassion. Grateful people experience higher levels of positive emotions such as joy, enthusiasm, love, happiness, and optimism, and gratitude as a discipline protects us from the destructive impulses of envy, resentment, greed, and bitterness. People who experience gratitude can cope more effectively with everyday stress, show increased resilience in the face of trauma-induced stress, recover more quickly from illness, and enjoy more robust physical health. Many of these effects are quantifiable.”

YHC finds it interesting and hilarious that science is just now catching up with what the Bible said 2,000 years ago! These effects ARE quantifiable in YHC’s own experience!

YHC has started a Gratitude Journal to record 5 things to be grateful for that have regularly lowered stress. This is a good practice for everyone to realize how bless we really are.

On that note: YHC is incredibly grateful for all of you F3 brothers. A tooth ache and little sleep is a great reason to fartsack. Some might even call it a smartsack. YHC would rather suffer with you dudes (and actually felt better!). We have something unique in F3 and are very blessed.


  • Welcome FNG-Gizmo!
  • Still heard lingering aches and pains from Monday’s #thatsucked. Great Q Piston!
  • Prayers for our MIAs, DLs, Wingman’s family, Angel Softs M and 2.0, and Feeny’s track team in the heat.

Kickflip has gifted some fancy printed publicity materials to Rampart to share around and EH some sad clowns. See Bobbitt for more if you need them. Let’s get some more Kingston, Rockwood, Harriman guys out with us!