F3 Knoxville

This Ain’t A Picnic

THE SCENE: Clear and 45 degrees

Slow jog with cadence change up and high knees

Circle up:  SSH, Front Arm Circles, MorrocanNightClub

Dynamic stretches: 

  1. Twist flexors
  2. Scoop da rice

Indian Run to CMUs:

  1. Side shuffle til line passes
  2. Burpees til line passes
  3. Calf jumps til line passes

No recovery,  Grab 1 CMU – curl CMU up to chest and lower gradually to full extension, as PAXes jog back to the picnic tables

THA-THANG:  Circuit training using 4 Picnic tables, no recovery pauses.

Run timer – (target =approximately 1 minute run)  Modify = carry block

  1. Burnees out, recover jog back 
  2. Butt kicks out, recover jog back 
  3. High Skips out, recover jog back

“Merder-kin” table – Modify = Use different levels of table

  1. Merkins or Derkins
  2. Dips (Mods = lift one leg, use one arm)
  3. Plank with Oblique crunches

 Legs Table – Modify = Use different levels of table, carry block

  1. Box jumps
  2. Bulgarian split squats
  3. Squat/thrust with jump

Table of Abs-olution

  1. Jack Knives
  2. Windshield wiper
  3. V-up

Noodlegs Table – Modify = carry block

  1. Side step /knee up /thrust
  2. Forward step /knee up/ thrust
  3. Repeat Side step


Jog CMUs back to stack, Jog to CoT.


PAXes crushed the Table of Abs-olution, so no Mary today.  Sweet!

Word – Jesus is Lord.  John 6:29  “This is the work of God – that you believe in the One He has sent.”

Thanks for your amazing encouragement and participation on this my VQ.

Be Peculiar

THE SCENE: low 30s on this fine April morning.

20 SSH, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo Merkins, 10 tempo squats, 15 Imperial walkers, 5 cherry pickers
Indian run to the coupon pile. Circuit workout prepared by YHC.

  • 20 overhead presses and run up the stairs
  • 10 pull-ups or as many as you can with bar hang or modification as needed
  • Mosey around the corner to the Sophomore
  • 20 merkins and run to the corner diagonal from present location
  • 20 squats
  • Mosey back toward the coupon pile but stop at the intersection
  • 10 burpees and mosey to the corner of the maintenance building
  • 20, 2-ct flutter kicks

15 Hello Dolly, 20 side crunches (total), 10 pistol crunches (total), protractor
11 took on this “pain and simple workout” (See what I did there?)😜
I Pet. 2:9-10 NASB

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a hold nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of the darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”

The King James renders “a people of God’s own possession” as “a peculiar people”. We are set apart and different because we belong to God. Therefore, what should be look like? Should we act differently than those who are not God’s possession? The Bible teaches that we should be different. Think about how you behave around people who are not believers. Can they tell that you act differently? That you have a higher moral standard? If there is nothing about how we present ourselves to the world that looks different, then we have some work to do. We should stand out in a crowd in the way that we act. This is my challenge. Ask yourself this, “Do the people around me know that I am a follower of Christ by the way I act? If the answer is “no”, then work on making changes to make yourself “peculiar”.

The Little Thing

THE SCENE:   49 and clear.  Super!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Overhead clap
  • Cherry picker
  • Projectivator
  • Walkout merkins
  • Mountain Climber climber
  • Merkin pumps 4-ct
  • Lunge squat lunge squat


Mosey to the Friendship Bell

  • 10 Bench sideways jumpovers
  • 10 chest tap irkins
  • 10 bulgarian split squats
  • Repeat

Mosey to K-25’s backside

  • 5 burpees
  • Bear crawl up, run down the other side
  • 10 jump squat 180s
  • Run up, crawl bear down the other side
  • Repeat

 Mosey to another hill

  • 5 merkin pumps 4-ct
  • Side shuffle up (switch halfway)
  • 5 Lunge squat lunge squat
  • Run down
  • Repeat

 Mosey to yet another hill

  • 10 mountain climbers
  • Bernie up
  • 5x Walkout + 3 merkins
  • Run down
  • Repeat

 Mosey to the amphitheater steps

  • 10 bobby hurleys
  • Run down
  • 10 derkins on the rail
  • Run up
  • Repeat

Mosey to the pool wall

  • Wurpees x 10


30 sec Al Gore
30 squats

30 sec plank
30 merkins



The idea for this Word came from Rocket.  Last week, he and I were talking about his knee that he injured in July.  I remarked how he hustled so hard the workout before – racing back to the flag against Mathlete.  I said, “Man, your knee seems to be so much better!”.  Rocket responded, “Well, I’m having just a little bit of pain.  I’m thinking about going to see someone about it – to fix it while it’s little, so that it doesn’t turn into a big deal”.

That’s the Word that I want to think about; Fix it while it’s little, so that it doesn’t turn into a big deal.

Do you have anything in your life that is just a little askew?  A little bad habit?  A little sin?  Something that is not helping you accelerate to be the man you want to be?  Something tiny that you can correct before it becomes a big deal?

  • A little judgmental?
  • A little arrogance?
  • A little jealousy?
  • A little anger?
  • A little lust?

We need to saw these things off while they are little – before they become a big deal.  Because each of these things, when they become full grown – can ruin a man

One of the earliest recorded conversations between man and God is in Genesis 4.  Adam and Eve’s sons, Cain and Able, have each made sacrifices to God, but Cain’s is half-hearted.  He becomes envious when God favors his brother’s offering instead of his.  In that heated moment, when Cain is seeing red, God speaks to him and says, “…if you do not do what is right, watch out, because sin is crouching at the door, ready to pounce on you! You must master it before it masters you.” (Genesis 4:7, The Voice translation)

Think about that imagery of sin…crouching, then pouncing.  It makes me think of a lion getting low in the grass so that his prey either does not see him – or if they do, they think he is just a harmless little thing.  Then pounce, the lion is there!

Is there a particular sin in crouching your life?  Either so small that you don’t see it for what it is – or that you think it is just a harmless little thing?  Let’s get the little things in our life under control and fix it while it’s little, so that it doesn’t turn into a big deal”.

“You must master it before it masters you.”  Genesis 4:7


Rejoicing and mourning.  Rejoiced for the birth of Slappy’s BFF’s son.  Mourning the loss of Biohack’s MIL.  Prayers for those families.


When You Run, Let Go of Your Burdens

THE SCENE: Mid-40’s. Mostly dry (rare for a recent Pool Boy Q)

IC Tennessee Rocking Chair x 6 (sorry I had to cut it 1 rep short for Ribbed)
IC Tempo Squat x 10
IC Monkey Humper x 10
OYO Lunges x 5 each leg
IC Pickle Pointer x 10 IC
OYO Burpee x 5

Grab CMU from the trunk of Pool Boy’s Dead Dinosaur-consuming Yaris-resembling vehicle.

OYO Goblet Squat x 10
OYO Monkey Humping Goblet Squat x 5
Demonstration Bulgarian Split Squat
IC Glute Bridge (aka Pickle Pointer) w/CMU x 10
OYO Blockee x 5

Stop #1 – Crossing before the overhang
Monkey Humping Goblet Squat x 10
Blockees / Burpees x 5
Lap around median (not Guardrail’s 2.0)
Recover + 30 count
Mosey with CMU to stop #2

Stop #2 – Modified Aiken legs w/ or w/o CMUs
10 Goblet Squats
10 Step Ups
20 Lunges (10 each leg)
20 Bulgarian Squats (10 each leg)
Run around Triangle Loop
Recover & Mosey to Stop #3

Stop #3 – From the Bottom to the top (Bernie Up, Run/Jog Down)
Bottom – 10x Rows
Top – 10x Pickle Pointers (bonus points for taking the CMU up – S/O to Dart Gun, Erector, Spotter, & Butter Knife!)
Bottom – 10x OHP
Top – 10x Side crunch (really side plank but I said side crunch so some did each). Do the other side on the 2nd time through
2x through (4x up & down) the hill then 10 x Rows + 10x OHP
Flutter Kicks x 25 IC led by Spotter. Recovery count led by Survivor
Mosey to CMU Pile

Stop #4 – Wall sit while PAX put up CMUs at CMU pile
Falling Indian Run back to the Shovel Flag. Every 5 seconds the PAX at the front of the line steps off to the side and does Squats (1st time through) / Merkins (2nd time through) until the back of the line gets to the PAX and then he falls in. 2x through then we made it to the Shovel Flag.

Mary-Go-Round (not yet in the Exicon but I’m going to keep submitting it!)

16 PAX including 3 2.0s – Kickflip, Wanderer, Survivor (2.0 Bolt), Hound Dog, Butter Knife, Erector, Ralph, Borg, Spotter, Mustard, Dart Gun (2.0’s Blow Dart & FNG Lawn Dart), Ribbed, Pool Boy

Over the past little while, I’ve been wrestling with what to do with Q’s. I get crazy ideas that don’t work and have to rework a lot of what I say and do as well as modify mid-Q sometimes. But there’s one thing that I have been constantly working for and toward: shedding things I don’t need.

Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

I hope my Q’s to serve the PAX and to do that best I try to think is brief but only as brief as needed.
As Einstein said “Everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler.”

So the question is – today, what are you holding onto that you need to lay down? We have a cloud of witnesses surrounding us (whether you believe that is those who have gone on to be with the Lord before us or your F3 brothers here in the Gloom with you each morning).

1 John 2:16 says “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”

Which of (if not 2 or all 3 of) these things do you need to lay down?
1. Lust of the flesh – sex, food, physical cravings.
2. Lust of the eyes – money, cars, clothes
3. Pride of life – power, arrogance, self-focus

Bonus material – Watch a talk from Andy Stanley on controlling your appetite from Passion 2011.

Prayed for Ribbed’s M, Ralph’s cousin’s husband, and for us all to seek more and more reconciliation amid the tensions of all ethnicities.

S/O to Mustard for running the ~1/2-mile each way to get it and then doing a hand off since I left my BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW PHONE (yes, I lost my old one this week) AND MY WEINKE at the bottom of Sophomore Hill. Mustard did this while I was having some post-workout mumblechatter with my sponsorRibbed. #SecondMileService
Sign up for a Q!

On the Road Again by Erector Nelson

THE SCENE: The prettiest darn spring morning we have had yet this year. 50, clear.

  • High Knees
  • Tempo Squats
  • Arm circles
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Michael Felps

A heavy workout on the move. We did 10 reps  unless otherwise noted.

  • Parallel bars – inverse rows, 15 merkins
  • Pool wall – wall-ups
  • Playground – pull-ups
  • Amphitheater – Box jumps and bear crawl up the hill
  • Mosey to the recruiting center and pick up a CMU
  • On the way to the Movie Theater:
    • Heavy Freddies, Overhead Press, Goblet Squats
  • At the Movie Theater, do the reps and run up the stairs
    • Thrusters
    • American Hammers x20
    • Curls x20
    • Lunges x20
  • On the way to Badger Ave
    • Blockees x5 for ORPD
    • Heavy LBCs
  • At Badger Ave, do the reps, Bernie to the Light, Sprint Back
    • Rows x20
    • Kettle Swings x20
    • Curls in Al Gore x20
  • On the way back to the Recruiting Center
    • Heavy Flutters
    • Derkins
    • Heavy Sumo Squats
    • Prison cell merkin blockees
  • Drop off the CMUs and Mosey to the Memorial
  • At the Memorial, Dive Bombers
  • Back to the Flag, just in time

No time

In general, people overestimate what they can get done in a short time and underestimate what they can get done over a long time.

It is a good discipline to set aside dedicated time each day for prayer. But I have encountered a pitfall that can come with it.

I have to be careful not to try and cram in everything I need to pray about. There is a part of me that just wants to get it done. But it should never be done.

The times when I have felt the most peaceful, the most content, have been times when it felt natural to turn my attention upward at the first sign of trouble.

One 5 minute chunk a day can isolate your relationship much like 1 hour a week. But if you talk to someone for 30 seconds 10 times a day, they must be with you wherever you go.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 – Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every evil.
Some good discussion