F3 Knoxville

5 Studs playing cards?

THE SCENE: warm and humid

tempo merkins
baby arm circles forward/backward
cherry pickers
calf stretches
Quad stretches
michael phelps, some of this, that, one of these, and those


Need a deck of cards.  Pull out all 4 aces, and divide into 4 teams
deal five cards face down stacked vertically into 5 columns
if a suite is played that matches your suited ace, you get to move your card up a column.
Everyone will do the number of exercises based on the value of the card
2=2 and king =13
Each suit represents an exercise
Diamond=Diamond merkin
Club = Big Boy Sit ups
Spades= Jump Squats
Hearts= pickle pounders 4 ct
once all teams advance past a column, that card is flipped over, and the suited ace that matches the flipped card,
returns to that row, and everyone does the corresponding exercise and runs one lap
This is repeated each time all 4 aces pass a column.
a winner is determined when an Ace advances past the 5th column.

We played four rounds, with different exercises each round.  Betty dominated winning 3/4 rounds.
No time for that today.

Matthew 21:28-32


Shamrock 40th Birthday Bash


Side Straddle Hops – 25-4-count 

Tie Fighters

Cherry pickers

Mountain climbers



Stop at tall curb

Rocky Balboas 50 single

Tricep Dips – 25


Mosey to CMU

Grab a block and head to starting line. 

5 Burpees – Crab walk to the chalk line about 25′ – run a lap

10 Merkins – 5 Burpees – Crab walk to the line – run a lap

15 Overhead Press – 10 Merkins – 5 Burpees – Crab then run

20 Big Boy Situps – 15 Overhead Press – 10 Merkins – 5 Burpees – Crab then run

25 Calf raises – 20 Big Boy Situps – 15 Overhead Press – 10 Merkins – 5 Burpees – Crab then run

30 Freddie Mercury Single ct – 25 Calf raises – 20 Big Boy Situps – 15 Overhead Press – 10 Merkins – 5 Burpees – Crab then run

35 Curls…..

40 American Hammer – single…..

45 LBC…..

50 Shoulder taps – single…..

Mosey back to AO flag

Flutter kick, Snow angels, merkins
COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA – 20 including 1 FNG Paper or Plastic
Dos Años, Slappy, Chicken Wing, Flower Pot, Cheatsheet, Honeydew, Mermaid, Baby Boomer, Hoopty, Booster, Sparkles, Finger Food, Music City, Brick, Mr. March, Dumpster Dive, Paper or Plastic, Anchorman, Jitters, Betty


Keeping it short and sweet so we can spend some time at Dunkin. 

It goes without saying that F3 and specifically this group at Shamrock has been a big part of my life for the past few years. I truly look forward to these terrible workouts because I get to do it with you. Yes I want to be in shape, but more importantly I want to continue building friendships with you guys. Thank you for showing up and please continue to reach out to friends and strangers to invite them here. 


Saturday AM @ Asylum – 7/17/21

THE SCENE: Mid-70s but humid

Open circle, disclaimer, etc:

Single count 15 – side straddle hops

Cherry pickers

Baby arm circles


Little of this and that

5 Burpees and go…


Mosey to Caribbean

Caribbean Suicides (Or Old Rotary Phones, thanks Matlock)– go to island do exercise, run back to beginning and do 10 rocky balboas (each time) and then run to next island and do that exercise…etc, all the way until you complete the full loop.

1st island – 15 bobby hurleys

2nd – 15 no touch merkins

3rd – 15 flutter kicks – 2 count

4th – 15 big boys

5th – 15 wide merkins

6th – 15 lunges each leg

7th – 15 box cutters

(some covered around 2 miles total just on this section alone)


Route 66 from Caribbean to near Picketts

Exercise is merkins – start with one and every light pole add one up to 11

Mosey to Pickett’s rock pile

Battle buddies grab rocks to share or 2 rocks

One end, one buddy will start the following while other karaokes to other curb, does 10 side straddle hops and Bernies back

Shared exercises:

100 Curls

100 Overhead presses

100 Rows

100 Squats

Mosey to base of Pickett’s to do Pickett’s Charge Suicide

Each bottom – 5 burpees

Top of first tier – 10 imperial walkers 2 count

2nd tier – 10 prisoner getups

Run up to Coliseum, stay and do LBCs until 6 gets in

Mosey to AO

Finished on time


19 men total, 1 FNG

Word on the show Ted Lasso, explain new season coming out Friday

The show was initially thought of to be silly. I mean it was based off a commercial. Nobody saw critical praise as a possibility and so many people ended up loving the show.

Why was it so liked? Could have something to do with the characters, I will try to explain without major spoilers.

Main character overwhelmingly positive thinker, but is flawed. He is dealing with some life failings to the point of affecting him mentally and physically

A main female character starts out seeming to be negative, but you find out she has been emotionally abused by her ex-husband and ends up likeable.

A player on the team is a narcissist and disruptive, but you come to find out he has an abusive father and is not all bad either.

The greater point other than saying it is a good show and pumping up subscriptions for Apple TV is just that like the show itself and the characters on the show don’t be quick to judge people on first impressions, rumors, etc. Get to know a person before making that judgement.

Welcome to FNG – Chiclets (Ryan McElveen)
Dad camp Aug 12-14 – CSAUP @ Dogpound Aug 21

13 Helpers

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy in the low 80’s and a bit humid

Cherry Picker 15 IC
Michael Phelps
Grady Corns 32 IC
Rockettes 20 IC
Merkins 10 OYO


Mosey Down road to stop sign
Nickel Dime Quarter
Bobby Hurly – on one end and American Hammer (2 ct) on other
Burnie then run back
Mosey to bat cave in shade, Ring of Fire – Merkins up to 3 ct

Mosey up road to shady area in front of the low building at south entrance

Split in 2 groups
Nickel Dime Quarter
Merkins one end and BBS at other- Run between
Crunches  on one end and IMP Walkers at other – Liutenant Dan in between (1 x lung, 1 x squat, then 2x,  etc), uphill, run back
OH Claps on one end and Iron Mike (1 ct) at other – bear crawl uphill, run back
Mosey to rolling grass hill, then Pickets Charge back to bat cave


13 PAX

Fred Rogers: When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world

Thinking about the billionaires going into space and all the publicity. Yes its an achievement, but its not really a big impact on pretty much the rest of the society. Good news stuff.

Being a helper. Doing what you can to make a difference. Doing something that doesn’t help you, creates more work for you and potentially more risk. Being a helper whenever and wherever you can within your capabilities. Reaching out, overlooking the negative and not making comment or judgement, just being there, reaching out to impact someone else, be it a stranger or not. Listening, acting. That’s a saint in my book. We have many examples in F3 of this behavior every day, not me. We all have the capability to impact others- whether it be a kind word to a stranger or reaching out to someone who you have lost touch with. Seems like today everyone is looking to find fault and call people out when they make a mistake. That’s the ego working. Forget that, small gestures can and do make an impact. People who do this consistently are saints. We have many in F3, true HIMs every day make both big and small impacts. Small acts matter!

Prayers for @Lilydipper, @CoronaWeight’s brother, @DrumMahor’s daughter and @Jetlags friend

America’s Birthday Workout

THE SCENE: High 60s, windy and a little cloudy.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


  1. Side straddle hops
  2. Sumo squats
  3. Raquet
  4. Butt kicks
  5. Leg stretches
  6. 4 burpees

Workout 1: Mini cardiac 4 rounds

Top: Merkin plank jacks 4ct
Bottom: 2 burpees

Mosey to bottom of picket’s charge, 4 burpees each hill

Workout 2: Around Colosseum 4 rounds 4ct

1: plank hops
2: toe touches
3: kneeling squats

Mosey to PM AO

Workout 3: Mountain Climbers, 4 burpees, go down Everest, 4 burpees

Workout 4: Slow mosey up basecamp

4 rounds: 4 side straddle hops at base, 4 burpees at the summit

Workout 5: Indian run back to AO + 4 burpees


22 HIMs. Space Cowboy and Cart Girl not tagged.


The workout is dedicated to Coach K (from F3 Low Country) who’s heading to Mayo Clinic to conduct a plan in fighting an insidious disease. Taking part in formulating this plan is doing the 25 burpee challenge everyday, or at least in every workout, for the month of July.

This is to create awareness for the battle that lies before Coach K and to promote a culture where we close ranks and protect, serve, and empower one another.

More of the details here: https://f3lowcountry.wordpress.com/2021/07/02/brotherhood-bridges-burpee-challenge/

Prayers for Abacus’ mom as she prepares for surgery.

CSAUP at Dog Pound will likely be moved. No official announcement yet.