F3 Knoxville

Digging for Treasure? Find it in Christ Alone!

THE SCENE: 47F and clear. Great workout weather.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered. Hopefully social distancing requirements will be lifted soon!

IC Moroccan Night Club x 10
IC Tennessee Rocking Chair x 10
OYO Forward Lunge x 5 ea leg
OYO Side Lunge x 5ea leg
IC Tempo Merkin x 10
Pickle Pounder x 10
Pickle Pointer x 10
Reach for the sky ~10-15 seconds
Let it hang ~10-15 seconds

Mosey around the parking lot toward the pavilion near the walking path. Today we’re digging for treasure! Let’s see if we can find some

Dig Site #1 – At the Pavillion – ~5 minutes of AMRAP of the following (10 reps each)

Step Ups
Incline Merkins

Mosey to Dig Site #2 – the CMU Pile ~ 10 minutes AMRAP of the following (10 reps each)
Bent Over Rows

The plan was to run down and back to the tree next to the pathway leading up to the CMU plie after all 3 exercises, but the Hodors and Blockees proved to be so difficult after the first round the Q suggested a modification of running after each exercise set of 10 reps and I think it worked better.

Mosey to Dig Site #3 – The Fish
Bear crawl the fish. 30 second wall sit. Repeat 1x.

Rounded it up with 10 x Pickle Pounders + 10 x Pickle Pickle Pointers

Falling Indian Run (aka a modification of a do-ah-diddy) Dig Site #4 – Shovel Flag
Man in the front of the line peels off and does squats until the end of the line reaches him. New man in front of the line counts to 3 (originally had it planned for 5 but we didn’t have very far to run so I wanted us to get plenty of squats in) while running and then peels off. Repeat until destination is reached.

Dig Site #4 – Shovel Flag – Q gave the option of doing something hard (my version of the Thunderstruck routine, doing something flexible (Dealer’s Choice), or doing something that makes you think (Mary Go Round) and the first two tied, so we did something hard (20 reps minimum) of Dealer’s Choice.

15 Treasure Hunters!


Today we went searching for treasure. And we found a few gems we might have to take out and repeat our long gaze at the future!

This past year has caused us all to ask the question:
Where is your treasure? Matthew 6:19-21 (and also Luke 12:32-34) answers it:

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust[e] destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

So again I’m going to ask: Where is your treasure? Is it in this world? In the security of making good financial decisions? Are you trusting in the perceived security of a relationship? A friendship? A hope of something you’ll experience in the future? Or even a felt vindication for the past? Where is your treasure? Further commentary from Jesus continues in Matthew 6:22-23

22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, 23 but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

What are you taking in that is driving your treasure? Consider well -we know GIGO. But do we apply it to our eating habits? To our treatment of our friends? Does how we act, what we say, and why we do it point to a treasure in heaven or a treasure in ourselves? Where is your treasure?

Last Jesus points to the most obvious dichotomy in Matthew 6:24

24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.[f]

This is where the rubber soundly meets the road. There are many ways to fall and only one angle at which you can stand straight. Is your treasure in money, your financial security to provide for yourself and your family? Or is it with God in heaven? Jesus says you can’t have them both as the place you’re putting your treasure? So once more:

Where is your treasure? I pray it’s wholly, daily seeking to be in Heaven, Where Christ Is.

Prayed for Jordan, Clickbait, Corey, & Interpol. Also this was my first time leading at Shamrock and thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope the PAX were well-served.

Step up and lead a Q (or ask me or Mermaid or another guy to co-q with you!)
Convergence at Big Ball June 12th (time not yet announced but I anticipate 7am start). Bring your 2.0’s + breakfast and a work day at the Wesley House after!

Saturday Morning BOGO

Clear, cool, and Qless was the forecast Friday afternoon. In a perfect world, that Q would have belonged to Lilydipper, but an uncooperative hip has other ideas. Crawdad won’t stand for an open Saturday Q. He made some decisions. He placed some calls. Continue reading if you’d like the details, but the summary is that it takes two men to do what one Lily does.

We took em to 100. Tie Fighters, The Junk Science, some stretching, and 10 burpees for Snitch, who I’ve never seen come in late, ever, so he must have had some serious business to do this morning. I didn’t ask but I’m betting Cheet Sheet was similarly relieved when he arrived.
The first part of this BOGO was to discover that our Non Privately Owned Naturally Occurring Mineral Formations (NOPO-NOMIFs) were just laying there beneath the trees, as nature presumably left them. Partner AMRAPs as some stragglers caught up, curls, presses, rows, more curls. All I know is that a lot of you have way more reps in you than I do.

Catch Me If You Can w/5 burpees up baby Everest and down the Dragon. Deposit the NOPOs and begin the second part of the BOGO.

We built pyramids on the Cloud, with Crawdad bringing out his famous Louisiana Whistle. Box Jumps, Irkins, Dips, Derkins, Merkins. Unless you cut your reps, your arms were jelly.

Recovering on our feet, we made our way to the dustbowl and some Doras. 200 reps and then another 100 of whatever you wanted.

Back to AO for Mary AND a visit to the ATM.

Welcome Scott W, Billy Goat!

Your F3 friends are a deep and wide pool of help and challenge. You’d be nuts not to lean on them when you need to. It would be a waste to not be challenged by them. You’d be foolish not to step in and try to lead.

Two Announcers

  • Welcome: Brrr.  37 degrees..  ready for summer
  • Warm Up:
    • A Taste of things to come, Flutters, SSH, Scissors, Sprints, Burpees, Hello Dollys.
    • Then a little humility tour
      • Pickle Pounders at High School Entrance
      • Monkey Humpers at Church Entrance
      • Smurf Jacks at Park Main Sign
      • SSH at All Saints Entrance
  • Work Out:
    • AMRAP until the end.
      • Run between the two Announcer Boxes (Football and Baseball) – with some exercises in between each Announcer Box.   Starting from the Football Announcer Box at top of bleachers
        • 10 Hello Dollys (4ct) – on bleachers
        • 10 Flutter Kicks (4ct) – on bleachers
        • 10 Scissor Kicks
        • 10 Dips
        • 10 Dirkens
        • 10 Burpees at 20 yard line
        • Sprint Across field
        • Lunge Up to Baseball Announcer Box
        • 10 Imperial Squat Walkers
        • 10 Rocky Balboas at first stair tier
        • 10 Rocky Balboas at second stair tier
        • 10 Burpees
        • Sprint Across Field  (That Completes One round)
    • With about a 20 minute time span I think we all had around four rounds completed.
  • Wrap Up & Warm Down:
    • With all the usual focus being on strength training and toughening each other up – I contrasted that with an encouragement towards gentleness and softness.  Handed out Lyrics to David Crowders new song “He Is”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvvKa9vyixw .   We stretched out during the playing of the song as we read the lyrics.  Do not forsake or forget Jesus’ gentleness and kindness.  As High Impact Men we are often encouraged to be tough – and though that is important – I believe it is our gentleness and softness that is the most attractive and alluring and inviting to others.
    • If you’re troubled
      Heavy hearted
      Come to Jesus and find your peace
      If you’re run down
      Empty handed
      Come to Jesus and find your strength
      He is Hope for the hopeless
      Rest for the weary
      Help for the hurting
      He is, He is
      Mending the broken
      Bearing the burdens
      All that you’re needing
      He is
      If you’re wandering
      In the darkness
      Come to Jesus and find your way
      If you want freedom
      Need forgiveness
      Just come to Jesus and find His grace
      He is Hope for the hopeless
      Rest for the weary
      Help for the hurting
      He is, He is
      Mending the broken
      Bearing the burdens
      All that you’re needing
      He is
      Comforter, Counselor, Prince of Peace
      Author and Maker of everything
      Defender, Deliverer, King of Kings
      He is, He is
      Helper and Healer forevermore
      Savior and Shelter through every storm
      My Refuge, Redeemer and Lord of Lords
      He is, He is
      Child of Heaven and Son of Man
      Provider, Protector, the Great I AM
      Alpha Omega, Beginning and End
      He is, He is
      Hope for the hopeless
      Rest for the weary
      Help for the hurting
      He is, He is
      Mending the broken
      Bearing the burdens
      All that you’re needing
      He is
      All that you’re needing
      He is”

The Switchgrass and Squirtle show: In Rememberance

THE SCENE: 60s Sunny and Windy

15X Little Baby Arm Circles (front then backwards)

22X 4ct Side Straddle Hops

Little Bit of This

Little Bit of That

22X Jump Squat

Run the Space Needle

22X Jump Squat

Switchgrass has the Mic:

2 Rounds

1st Round:  (Bottom of Everest) 22 Merkins, 22 Big Boy Sit Ups, 22 Air Squats

(Midway Up) 22 Burpees

(Top of Everest)  22 Calf Raises, 22 American Hammers / Durkins, 22 Hello Dollys

2nd Round:  (Bottom) 44 Merkins, 44 Big Boy Sit ups, 44 Air Squats,

(Midway) Still 22 Burpees

(Top) 44 Calf Raises, 44 American Hammers / Durkins, 44 Hello Dollys


Squirtle Takes the Mic:

Mosey over to the amphitheater. (Workout modification to share space with other park patron running his dog)

Bottom of hill 5 Merkins, Bear Crawl up hill, 10 Merkins, Mosey back down hill, 15 Merkins, Bear Crawl up then 20 Merkins, Mosey back down.

Repeat same workout but with Carolina Dry Docks.

Repeat but with Diamond Merkins and Crab Crawl or Reverse Bear Crawl

Repeat with Hand Release Merkins and Crab Crawl or Reverse Bear Crawl

Mary: 22 Hello Dollies in Cadence, 22 Box Cutters, 22 Reverse Box Cutters


13 Pax no Fngs.

In memory of and making aware that 22 Veterans commit suicide everyday. Even if they aren’t a vet please reach out and help pull a brother or sister out of darkness. Show and give them hope that people really do care. – Switchgrass

We all feel from time to time that we are in a bad place, a place that hurts, a place that makes you want to quit. But there is a light at the end of that dark tunnel. God knows and cares about your situation, your pain and your life.

He has a gift for you: Encouragement

We find that many people in the bible, like us, had been easily discouraged, depressed, and felt like giving up.

Moses for example, before he was used by God to deliver the Israelites from slavery, he wanted to give up at several points when circumstances didn’t meet his expectations.

Imagine getting to a stage in your life where you think you are too old and the idea that freeing the Israelites was a mistake. And then God showing up in a burning bush to revive your desire, power and might to accomplish that task.

If you’re still breathing, God’s not done with you. Your life has purpose and meaning.

  • Condensed from the You Version Holy Bible App, 13 Reasons to Keep Going, daily devotional plan.


Keep Austin East and Jinxy in our prayers. Remembering Jetlag, Squirtle’s and other Pax’s friends and family members who fell victim to suicide.
No announcements

Take the stairs

THE SCENE: Perfectly cool and dry 

4ct SSH x 25 (IC); Merkins x 10 (OYO); Tai Fighters x 10 F/B (IC); Merkins x 10 (OYO); 4ct Flutter Kicks x 15 (IC); Merkins x 10 (OYO); Mosey to track… stop for Rocky Balboas along the way
Dora Goat Trails:  pick battle buddies; HIM1 runs in bleachers for 1 stack of stairs while HIM2 works toward 100 Merkins then swap; next do 2 stacks of stairs while the other works toward 200 LBCs then swap; lastly do 3 stacks of stairs while the other works toward 300 Side Squats then swap; mosey to patio by stadium gate

11’s by the rock:  spread out along short wall; perform 10 wall jumps (or step ups) then run to and around shamrock rock back to wall and do 1 incline or decline merkin; run back to and around the rock to the wall and continue by reducing wall jump by 1 and adding 1 to merkins

Speed round: battle buddies again… 1 wall sits while other sprints to fix location and back; swap and repeat until Q is satisfied; repeat with lunges replacing sprint; mosey back to AO

Howling monkeys around the circle; box cutters led by Mermaid
“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need. Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:8-10‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Went to Vegas on a business trip this week and everyone I mentioned it to laughed and said stuff like “sin city”, “what happens there stays there”, and “try not to lose your shirt” in an approving and joking manner.  Having battled sexual sin and the temptation of pornography in media most of my life… I see sin as no laughing matter.  As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I choose to battle my sin on my knees looking to a good and loving Savior who willfully died a brutal death on the cross to free me from the power of sin.  Encouraged the PAX to pray for and help those fighting various sin and temptations in their lives.
Bring donations!