F3 Knoxville

Coupon Escalator

THE SCENE: 70 and Humid

Side stratal hop x20
Imperial squat walker x10
Cherry Pickers x10
Baby arm circles x10
Baby arm circles back x10


Grab Coupon and mosey to lower lot.
Stop 1- 5 Hand release burpees
mosey towards cardic
Stop 1.5 – 40 coupon squats while
Stop 2- add 10 rows & curls at the top of cardiac
mosey to upper lot
Stop 3 – add 15 hand release Merican’s
Mosey to bottom across from the playground
Stop 4 – add 20 on a 3 cnt or 40 lbc’s (with or without coupon)
Mosey to end of bottom
Stop 5- add 25 froggy squat(jump squat)
Reverse escalator removing an exercise each time back to AO


Ring of Fire Captain thor’s boat ride
Pax hold boat or canoe while waiting your your turn for captian Thor

18 Pax and 1 FNG

Words are important. Be mindful of the impact your words have in all situations.
Proverbs 13:3
Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life;
he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

Excerpt from Bible in one year by Nicky Gumbel

Your words are powerful. With kind and encouraging words, you can change a person’s day – or even their entire life.
Proverbs 10:11-20
Speak words of love
Your words have the power to bring great blessing: ‘The mouth of the good person is a deep, life giving well’ (v.11a, MSG). But words can also do a great deal of harm: ‘The mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse’ (v.11b, MSG).
Words have the power to destroy relationships: ‘Hatred starts fights’ (v.12a, MSG). On the other hand, they have the power to heal relationships: ‘But love covers over all wrongs’ (v.12b). ‘Love pulls a quilt over the bickering’ (v.12b, MSG).
Control of the tongue is vital. ‘When words are many, sin is not absent, but the wise hold their tongues’ (v.19). Abraham Lincoln said, ‘It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!’
Throughout this passage, the writer of Proverbs contrasts ‘the mouth of a fool’ (v.14b) with ‘the mouth of the righteous’ (v.11a). One speaks words of hatred (v.12a). The other speaks words of love (v.12b) and wisdom (v.13).
Words of hatred (v.12a) lead to violence (v.11b), dissension (v.12a), ruin (v.14b) and spreading slander (v.18b).
Words of love (v.12b) are a fountain of life (v.11a); they cover over ‘all wrongs’ (v.12b) and are ‘choice silver’ (v.20a). If someone has offended you, don’t return the offence. It is said that holding a grudge is like letting someone live rent free in your head. Instead, return hatred with love. Speak well of the other person even behind their back and you may find that your love puts an end to the bickering and heals the relationship.

Monday Funday

67 and Muggy


Welcome & Disclaimer



  • SSH x30 (IC)
  • 4ct Diagonal Lunges x15 IC
  • 4ct Windmill Merkins x10 IC
  • 4ct Tempo Squats x12 IC
  • Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
  • Arm Circles Backward x12 IC
  • Run two loops around the parking lot

Mosey to curb and line up.


Jelly Legs
Start at one side of the parking lot.  Perform the following:

  • R1: Hold squat position for 10 count, perform 10 squats, run to the other curb, do 2 Burpees, run back
  • R2: Hold squat position for 20 count, perform 20 squats, run to the other curb, do 2 Burpees, run back
  • R3: Hold squat position for 30 count, perform 30 squats, run to the other curb, do 2 Burpees, run back
  • R4: Hold squat position for 40 count, perform 40 squats, run to the other curb, do 2 Burpees, run back
  • R5: Hold squat position for 50 count, perform 50 squats, run to the other curb, do 2 Burpees, run back

Line up in four separate lines.  Each group mosey to the far parking lots and to one of four cones set up in the corner.


Four Corners
Spread out to 4 cones.  Alternate exercises at the cones for set time. When time is done, counter-clockwise to the next cone. Rinse and repeat.

  • Cone 1: Dry Docks x15 or x25 & Narrow Squats x15 or x25
  • Cone 2: 4ct Flutter Kicks x15 or x25 & Star Jumps x15 or x25
  • Cone 3: 4ct Shoulder Taps x10 or x15 & Reverse Lunges (each leg counts as 1) x10 or x15
  • Cone 4: 4ct Hello Dolly x15 or x25 & Smurf Jacks x15 or x25

Round 1: 60 seconds at each station
Round 2: 45 seconds at each station

Mosey to the hill near the SP.


Cash Out
Merkin Hill
Run up and down hill doing the following:

  • Start at bottom of hill with 10 Merkins, run to top
  • Top of hill 9 Merkins, run to bottom
  • Bottom of hill 8 Merkins, runt to top
  • Top of hill 7 Merkins, run to bottom
  • Bottom of hill 6 Merkins, runt to top
  • Top of hill 5 Merkins, run to bottom
  • Bottom of hill 4 Merkins, runt to top
  • Top of hill 3 Merkins, run to bottom
  • Bottom of hill 2 Merkins, runt to top
  • Top of hill 1 Merkins, run to bottom

Circle up for Mary.


4ct American Hammers x20 IC
Rt Side Crunches x20 IC
Lft Side Crunches x20 IC


Number off / Name-0-Rama (40 PAX, 3 FNGs – Petro, Chaco and Fullstack)


“Honorable men refuse to wallow in the small and the bitter.
Honorable men refuse to hate life because something once went wrong.
Honorable men don’t build monuments to their disappointments, nor do they let others brand them and curse them to their destruction.
Honorable men seek out the highest definition of their lives, the nobler meaning granted by heritage, by their ancestors’ dreams and their parents’ hopes.
Honorable men cry out to God until curses are broken and a grander purpose is achieved.
Honorable men don’t settle for lives of regret.”

Stephen Mansfield, “Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men”

As we push ourselves physically each week it is important to remember that we must also be pushing ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually…to grow as HIMs.  Physical fitness is important, but character, virtue, integrity and leadership are paramount.  Our world is starving for men with these characteristics.  Men of honor who live beyond themselves.  Men who are life-givers, not life-takers.

I believe there is a direct correlation between strenuous physical exercise and the strenuous pursuit to live a life of honor, integrity and impact.  Both take effort and focus. Both take intentionality, consistency and daily commitment.  Both are met with resistance from the status quo and my own passivity.  Both can’t be pursued alone and require me to surround myself with like-minded men who inspire, encourage and challenge me along the journey.

Each morning in the gloom we have an opportunity to experience these AND be these things for the men on our left and right.  Iron sharpen iron. This is what it means to wear the “F3”.

3 Parking Lots of Fun!

67 and Muggy

Welcome & Disclaimer



  • SSH x30 (IC)
  • 4ct Diagonal Lunges x15 IC
  • 4ct Windmill Merkins x10 IC
  • 4ct Tempo Squats x12 IC
  • Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
  • Arm Circles Backward x12 IC
  • 4ct Mountain Climbers x15 IC

Line up on the curb.


Cash In
Burpee Broad Jumps
Burpee Broad Jump to the cones (middle of parking lot) then lunge back. Hold plank until the six finishes.

Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to parking lot next to the playground and circle up.


ATM / Leg-Blaster Combo
All done in order with no rest (without leaving plank position):

  • 15 Alternating Shoulder Touches (4-count IC)
  • 10 Tempo Merkins (down on the 1-2-3, up on 4 IC
  • 10 Fast Merkins (single count IC)

All done in order with no rest:

  • 15x air squats (single count IC)
  • 20x in-place lunges (10x each leg IC)
  • 10x jumping lunges (5x each leg IC)
  • 15x squat jumps (single count IC)

 Rest for 10 count then rinse and repeat.

Mosey to new parking lot.  Get a Battle Buddy.


Nickel and Dime
Battle Buddies alternate between…

  • Battle Buddy 1 bear crawls to the first yellow cone and does 5 burpees, lunge to next yellow cone and does 10 star jumps then runs around the parking lot to where they started.
  • Battle Buddy 2 run suicides (run to first orange cone, back, run to the curb and back) in the opposite direction until Battle Buddy 1 finishes
  • Swap
  • Rinse and Repeat 3x
  • Alternate 4ct Flutter Kicks and 4ct Superman Swims, x15 each until the six finishes

Mosey to the SP.


Cash Out
Merkin/BBS Countdown
Alternate Merkins and BBS counting down reps (10-10, 9-9, 8-8, … 1-1)


4ct Hello Dolly x20 IC
Rt Side Crunches x20 IC
Lft Side Crunches x20 IC
4ct Flutter Kicks x20 IC


Number off / Name-0-Rama (30 PAX, 2 FNGs – Tramp and Si Pad)


Six years ago I was introduced to something that has become a powerful tool in my life personally and as I try to help and speak life into others.  A gentleman I work with used to be a very successful tennis pro and reaction coach.  He had a successful business in New York working with college and professional athletes helping them take their game to the next level.  Over the years he noticed something.  While each athlete had their own approach to their sport, the real elite players all shared a common mindset.  He calls it the mindset of a champion.  It goes like this:

  • I know what to do.
    • If you don’t have the knowledge you are willing to do whatever it takes to attain it.
  • I have practiced and have done this under pressure.
    • Knowing isn’t enough. Champions know that practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent. They take that knowledge and train with it, practicing it over and over again.  They also embrace high pressure situations and put it into practice there as well.
  • I take the next right step and don’t worry about the results.
    • When the game is on the line, they trust the work and don’t focus on the results. They’ve done the work and know if they stick to what they know the end will take care of itself.

Since identifying this pattern, he made a very small change that makes it 100% applicable in all areas of life: physical, mental, relational and spiritual:

  • I know what to do.
  • I have practiced and have done this under pressure.
  • I can take the next right step and trust God with the results.

I know…I’ve practiced…I trust God.

This simple progression of thought is actually not new.  I see it in the life of King David.  One of the most popular tales of David is his battle with Goliath.  The young man displays immense courage and defeats the giant, but that’s not where the story starts.  It starts with a young man spending hours in the desert watching over and protecting his father’s sheep.  God was training him in the desert to be one of the greatest HIMs the world has ever known!  David himself shares the mindset of a champion with Saul.  When he meets him, Saul tries to fit David for battle with his equipment.  Listen to David’s reply,

“But David said to Saul, “Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth (‘I know what to do). When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it (‘I’ve practiced and done it under pressure). Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.  The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine. (‘I can take the next right step and trust God with the results)
Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you.”

I have worked to apply this mindset in all areas of my life: helping my kids with school, walking through a conflict with my wife, starting a new program at work, completing a GORUCK event.  It works and helps keep me grounded and focused when it matters.  It also constantly reminds me that I have a choice to make each day to embrace whatever comes and see it as training to get better.  I’ve taught it to my kids and they have used it to help study for tests, tryout for soccer and walk through conflict with friends.  I share it today praying it is helpful for you as well.

I know…I’ve practiced…I trust God.


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

99 Problems with a Buddy!

THE SCENE: nice but a little humid

took 2 times to repeat the disclaimer that I made up. No one was really buying in the first time so we repeated it for good measure. After all, its a legal statement right?


jog across Parking lot x2, Millenial run x2, Millenial Sprint x2

Line up for ROckettes x20. Capn Crunch had some rebels with him and we were a little out of sync so we started over.

20 squats all together in a line, perfecto!! Well a little wavy but pretty good for 37 dudes doing squats together

circle up for Merkins x10 IC, Monkey humpers x10 IC, and 10 Body builders OYO
99 Problems with a buddy

  • 99 star jacks
  • Run a 1/4 mile lap(roughly)
  • 99 merkins
  • Run a lap
  • 99 squats
  • run a lap
  • 99 Mtn climbers
  • Run a lap
  • 99 LBC
  • Run a lap
  • 99 CDD
  • Run a lap

For the guys that finished first, they partnered up with the guys that had not finished. As they partners , each pax counted their reps toward the 99 needed(Like DORAs) Once the said exercise was completed, the buddies ran the hill instead of a lap. Pretty much all pax ended up running the hill regardless of partnering up or not. Plunger helped me finish my Dry docks and he pushed me to sprint up the hill. Thanks Buddy!

Hello DOllys x10 IC

Boat, Catamaran, canoe

Flutters x10 IC

Side tri rises x10 IC
37 buddys gettin work done!
What is the mission of F3? To Plant, Grow, and serve small workout groups to invigorate male community leadership! Well, based on that and what I read on the survey,most guys don’t want to Q because they feel uncomfortable , I think F3 is a huge success in Knoxville but we can do better to invigorate male community leadership. We buddy up, yes. We push our selves physically, yes, but how much are we really pushing our brothers to be leaders in our community?

Well, if you look at the F3 nation website, it gives 10 things a new guy should know. #5 says Q a workout. By leading workout, it enables you to lead your peers. Lets all be more proactive in getting more men to Q, If you brought an FNG out and he has been posting on a regular basis, get him to Q. We need more positive peer pressure for guys to Q! Anybody can do it. If I can do it, anyone can!

I have Q’d several times. I like to Q and I like to sign up, BUT I get a lot of anxiety the night before and sometimes doubt myself. So why do I Q? I do it to challenge myself and get out of my comfort Zone. I am certainly good at one on one situations but put me in front of a bunch of my peers, men I look up to and respect tremendously and I get a bit of stage fright. I guess what I am saying is, if I can do it, so can you. If you have anxiety about leading a workout, then I think you should JUMP IN and Q! The only way we can get better is to do things we are not so good at. WHY did I or any F3 pax join F3? Well, we were looking for something different. Now that we are in F3 and for those that have been in F3 for a while, we need to evolve as the leaders we are meant to be. We need to put our big boy pants on and embrace the things we are not so comfortable with. More or less, Embrace the Suck or become a stale fish!

Hardship Hill this weekend!

Just another manic Friday

THE SCENE: Perfect temp.  Slight breeze from the NW

20 Side Straddle hops

15 big boy sit ups

15 LBCs

15 American hammers

20 Mountain climbers

Rinse and repeat

10 Lunges

20 Merkins

Repeat 5 times

Mosey to Everest and Partner up for some Doras

200 Squats

100 Squat Jacks

25 Burpees

Charge up Everest to the rock pile and grab a rock

15 Curls

15 squats

15 rows

15 over head press

Rinse and repeat 2 times

Mosey to AO

24 men One FNG Dana “Tooth Fairy”
Get in the word!

Blessed is the man

who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,

nor stands in the way of sinners,

nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

2  but his delight is in the law of the Lord,

and on his law he meditates day and night.

3  He is like a tree

planted by streams of water

that yields its fruit in its season,

and its leaf does not wither.

In all that he does, he prospers.