F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Misty, Hot and Humid

Jogged over to the Week 0 start.
IPC Week 0.  4 Rounds:

  • 50 Squats
  • 40 BBS
  • 30 Merkins
  • 20 Bonnie Blairs
  • 10 Burpees
  • 400m Run

Q passed the torch to Spotter who will serve as JUCO’s new AO-Q.  Q talked about the importance of being bold in sharing the Gospel with other people and how over the past month the Lord has placed on his heart a desire to do street evangelism.  Q shared that he and his family have engaged in approaching total strangers on the street and at public venues and handing out Gospel tracts.  This activity is definitely out of the Q’s comfort zone but he has made it his mission to become more efficient in spreading the Gospel on the street to glorify Christ.  Q believes bringing people to a genuine understanding of the Gospel is what is most needed in the World, now more than ever.
Ran way over time and next time will start the IPC a little earlier than the usual 0530
Prayers for Cosmo’s mom who has ovarian cancer.

Hill full of 20 somethings

THE SCENE: 70deg, dense fog, beautiful dark gloom

5 HIMs on Rush Speed work, 16 HIMs on the beatdown below.

Hill Billy Squats, Reach for the sky, Butt kicks, Cherry Pickers, Newton’s Craddle with Merkin, Bonnie Blair, Mountain Climbers, Freddy Mercury
Mosey to the closest guardrail (some not surprised by this).

  • 20 Derkins
  • 20 Tricep dips
  • 20 Small Rock Overhead claps

Cross the street to our favorite little hill: Jucomajaro

Every 100 feet a new Exercise chalked out.  HIMs had to choose one time to crawl bear, bear crawl, crab walk and bernie, rest were mosey between.

20 of each:

  • Newton Cradle with Merkin
  • Burpees
  • Mountain climbers
  • Bonnie Blair
  • BBS
  • V ups
  • LBC
  • Side crunch L
  • Side crunch R
  • Downhill Merkin
  • Uphill Merkin
  • Diamond Merkin

Mosey to the summit and hit the stations again on the way back down.  6 swept with the group finishing in time to mosey to the flag.

Dealers choice: Flutter kicks, mountain climbers, American Hammers, planks
You all are impressive.  You do the hard things out here really well.
The verse I want to look at today: Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.  James 5:16
An area of the Christian life we don’t spend much time talking about is confession of our sins. Out here it is deep and hard and uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because of that or maybe it’s the complicated dynamics of southern hell fire and damnation preaching style or a catholic image of telling some sins to a priest in an ornate wooden box.
But we are called to do it. It’s in the Lord’s prayer and all throughout the Psalms

I see 4 types of confession and all are important to all the time:

  1. High School level confession: coming clean on blatant sin; probably having to do with actions – Maybe outbursts of anger, or the way you drive or sexual sin.
    God is faithful to forgive. Jesus conquered sin and death. Rest in that!  Praise God for that!
  2. College level confession: gets to the pride and heart and emotion and ways we have broken His Law privately and in our thoughts and desires
  3. Masters level confession: searching your heart for sins of omission and small ways we have turned our back to God and hurt Him and others
  4. Doctorate level confession:  is seeing that even in our good deeds with less than 100% pure motives are filthily rags to God.   God hates hypocrisy and says in Isaiah 64:6
    We have all become like one who is unclean,
    and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment.

Even if I’m doing the right thing for my wife and kids but my heart is doing it so my life is easier or people think higher of me or whatever the reason, that can be sinful and we need to confess that.
Or take leading a Q. I encourage you all to sign up for a Q soon. But if it is so you think more of me or I get to boss you all around for 45 min, That’s sin I need to confess.  This week I checked my motives and confess they were not 100% pure but God rooted much of that out.
Are our motives ever perfectly pure – not this side of heaven, but are they increasingly motivated by the Holy Spirit and from a place of love? Be growing in that.  Do the hard work of examining your heart.  Pray God will show you the truth.
Don’t take this college level analogy too far – it falls way short – we must practice all levels of confession no matter how long we have been walking with Christ.   We must all get double doctorates in rooting out the sin in our hearts
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.
James 5:16 (ESV)

It is a call to holiness, It isn’t some magic word; but it is a part of the walk of a follower of Jesus
Spend some time with the Lord confessing your sin. If you want to knock the power of sin out – confess your sins to a brother.
As HIMs we need to be willing to humbly confess sin.
Prayer for Wander’s son’s upcoming surgery and pain – praise for Pool Boy’s friend Sam who continues to recover
IornPax Challenge Week 0 on Friday.  Sign up here

FLEXing at the Crossroads of Pain

THE SCENE: We were prepared for rain in the forecast but it never came so the weather was just about perfect

10 x Moroccan Night Club IC
7 x Imperial Squat Walker IC
10 x Overhead Clap IC
7 x Power T Merkins IC
5 x Burpees OYO

More brief warmup than what I normally do – but each PAX got to choose his path today… so I think it was still ok
Explained to the PAX that there are 4 paths they would get to choose today
THA-THANG: Choose your own adventure: Picture of Adventure Paths You Can Take
Note that only the “1’s” were done today – the “2’s” were in case it rained and no chalk was available and the PAX would all be together but we’d individually choose which of two exercises to do. All exercises are 10 single count reps unless otherwise noted.

Yellow 1 Yellow 2 Red 1 Red 2
Squat Jumps Squats 10 Pull-ups
10 CMU OHP+Tris ea
Bernie up hill Run up hill 15 Burpees
10 Squat Thrusters
Squat Walker Imperial Walker 15 Diamond Merkins 5 Blockees
Lunges back down High Knees/Butt Kickers Down Plank (30 seconds)
10 Kettle Bell Swings
Back to 4-way stop + 5 Burpees
15 second count off after each round (For rain it will be dealer’s choice for the 6 to finish the path)
Blue 1 Blue 2 Green 1 Green 2
Freddy Mercury LBC Suicides x 3 (lights) Jog + 5 Squats
Heels to Heaven Gas Pump Walk to next part Sprint + Side Plank to next part
Pickle Pounder Pickle Pointer Suicides x 3 (lights) Sprint to end
Flutter Kick Hello Dolly Walk to path Jog + 10 Merkins
(Blue two laps) Back to 4-way stop + 5 Burpees

After approx. 5 rounds, recover at the 4-way intersection and dealer’s choice CORE until all PAX have finished their current round. Fast mosey back to the AO + 1 wagon wheel. Small jail break with Sunrise pushing me hard to the end!

Only at the Crossroads of Pain (aka the 4-way stop sign). If we had time or Waxjob had showed up I was going to end with “Row, row, row your boat” (boat / canoe) #easter-egg

21 HIMs FLEXing in the GLOOM!

This week Kick flip asked if my BOM would be a continuation of “Step Up!” from my Q Tuesday at #the-project
In some ways, this is true – we’ve been talking about FLEXing as you step things up. As you are making choices to Step Up, what is next? It’s FLEXing – but I’ll leave you wondering what this for another minute.

What do you think of when I say “FLEX”? Do you think of F3 workouts? “Bros” posing in a mirror for that IG pic? Do you think of “FLEX”ing on someone to show you’re the one in charge (your kids, your wife, your subordinates at work, or even coworkers who you feel [wrongly] are inferior in some way to you or are not as good as you are at something so you should get more respect) or even someone “FLEX”ing on you (your boss, a government official, etc.)? Jesus had a few words to say about the last kind of FLEXing:

Matthew 20:25-28 – 25 But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,[a] 27 and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,[b] 28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Jesus said to FLEX in the kingdom you have to get low. We don’t fight or live for this world as the place where Christ is making His kingdom come by force (yet- He will return), so here’s an acronym I have for you about FLEXing to help you remember how Christ wants us to flex now while we wait for His return:
Faithfulness – this is a big part of the continuation from “Step Up!” The PAX who get out there day-in and day-out are the ones who are doing the first part of being faithful. Be faithful in your job. Be faithful to your family. Be faithful in your repentance (don’t wait until you have a list of sins a mile long- God is RICH in mercy! and He is waiting for you as He did for The Prodigal Son)

Leadership – Jesus says for us to lead by example with the towel & basin. This means daily denying ourselves, laying down our lives, and obeying the things right in front of us and then AS God gives us roles and ways to lead others we walk humbly with surrender to Him as we know that He is holding us accountable for how we lead, teach, and care for others whom He has set under us for us to love and serve.

Endurance – F3 is such an easy analogy to share this with. The men I see each morning share different struggles and are (as I was reminded this week by a brother) all encouraged in different ways. This is true of your wives, your children, your friends, your pastors, and everyone else you meet. A passage that is constant encouragement for me in this area in particular is Hebrews 12:1-2.

X-factor: The Sovereignty of God – The belief and knowledge that God works ALL things for good (especially the “bad ones” is a way that no matter what has happened, or even especially through what has happened in my life and your life, that God is in control and He will bring to pass what He wills. I’m reminded of a quote from a book I’ve read several times now that quotes one of the Puritans saying “it may be better that one condition is more suitable for another”, meaning that God works in ways we do not (and should not expect to always) understand. He is trustworthy. He will see you through and is drawing you to Himself right now in the trial of adversity or the trial (yes trial) of prosperity. He is using all things to bring Himself glory and that is for your good.

So, how can we FLEX? We can’t do it in our own power but in Christ’s and seeing His example should encourage you and me to FLEX more and more:

Philippians 2:3-8Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,[a] who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,[b] but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,[c] being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Made a special trip to Walmart, spent 20 minutes looking for chalk, had a lady help me find the chalk (got groceries too) then forgot the chalk at home… so I had to go back home. I showed up early this morning to see if it was going to rain and had a FLEXible plan if it did but it all worked out. And, as the F3 disclaimer says, I’d have modified as necessary if it hadn’t!

Sign up for the 2020 F3 Iron PAX challenge (Friday’s in September at JUCO as well as at Shamrock if you’re so-inclined too). Judge Judy returns next week (On Q next Friday). There are open Q’s so sign up for one (or ask me to co-q with you)!

Tuba’s family is moving tomorrow as well from Powell to Oak Ridge but he is out of town in the Reserves. Contact Booster to help him move (see Slack / GroupMe)

JUCO – “Be There”!

THE SCENE: Beautiful fall like weather 68F

Baby Arm Circles forward then backwards (IC) 4 CT x 15 each

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 20

On your back Side Straddle hop 25 OYO

5 Burpees OYO


Mosey to the CMU pile. Stopped for 25 merkins

Grab a CMU. 

50 Curls

50 American Hammers  

50 Tricep extensions

50 Twists ( Block-a-bye baby? ) 

Mosey to sophomore hill

Line up on the 1st line. 

25 Curls + 25 4-count flutter kick with block then move your CMU forward to the next line

Run 1 lap – Bernie up the hill

25 Squat Thrusters + 25 Big Boys with block then move your CMU to the next line

Run 1 lap – Bernie up the hill

25 Curls + 25 4-count flutter kick with block then move your CMU forward to the next line

Run 1 lap – Bernie up the hill

25 Squat Thrusters + 25 Big Boys with block then move your CMU to the next line

See how far you can go. Stopped at 6:05AM

Return blocks, wall sits, then mosey to AO


Dealers choice Mary ( Pickle Pounders, Hello Dolly, Rainbows, Freddie Mercury, Merkins ) 


21 including FNG “Leno” and the Juco Rush guys
Kick-Flip, Slappy, Snaggletooth, Mailbox, Hound Dog, 5K, Sunrise, Pool Boy, Butter Knife, Dart Gun, Frenchie, Erector, Ralph, Spotter, Wanderer, Booster, Sty, Leno (FNG), SOS, Wheelchair, Anchorman,

I shared this with the guys at Shamrock last week. It’s about 2 words that my grandfather said when I was 12. 

He said these 2 words at his 50th wedding anniversary party. My grandfather was an amazing man. He battled throat cancer years before this so his voice was often hard to hear, but he spoke loud and clear that night and we all listened. 

Thankfully someone recorded the speech. 

He had 2 words that he wanted to say us. 

“Be There”!  You could tell he was so thankful that all of us showed up to celebrate his marriage to my amazing grandmother. 

He talked about how important it was to be there for people. 

  He looked around at over 100 family members and friends that came to celebrate with them. He thanked us for being there and said “this may be the last time that we are all together, but it won’t be the last time up there.”

That gathering and that speech makes me think about all the community  gatherings that Jesus organized. The amount of time he invested in his disciples, the woman at the well, the poor, the rich, the blind, the possessed. He ends his ministry by gathering his disciples for the last supper. He painted a very clear picture of how to Be There for people around us on Earth and invited us to Be There with Him one day in Heaven. 


Prayer requests: 

Jeff – Friend of Sty 

Becky – Friend of Booster’s wife

Butterknife – Final job interview 


What Judge Said

THE SCENE:  73 and clear.  Perfect.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered.


  • Reach for the sky!
  • Let it hang!
  • LBAC F/B – IC x 8
  • Hillbillies – IC x 8
  • Abe Vigoda – IC x 8
  • Tempo squats – IC x 8
  • Knee Slap Merkins – IC x 10
  • Pickle Pounders – IC x 20
  • X and O
  • LBCs – IC x 20
  • Sleeping Hillbilly L/R – IC x 10
  • Hello Dolly – IC x 20
  • Projectivator from 15


Mosey to the curb for

Jelly Legs:
Hold Al Gore 30 sec, 30 Squats, Run, Repeat.
Hold Al Gore 20 sec, 20 Squats, Run, Repeat.


Jelly Arms:
Hold Merkin at 6inches 30sec, 30 Merkins, Run, Repeat.
Hold Merkin at 6inches 20 sec, 20 Merkins, Run, Repeat.


Totem Pole:
Perform exercises in descending order at indicated numbered reps (12-1), Run. Upon return do the same but eliminate the top exercise on the list.



Sprints:  1st place leads ab exercise after each sprint.  In subsequent rounds, 1st place finishers do three burpees before running.

Finish with a nice long set of pickle pounders.



19 HIMs and 4 2.0s



Today’s workout was a repeat of one that Judge Judy led last year on August 11.  He was signed up to lead today – most of you know that Judge planned to hand the flag off this morning to Spotter.  But he had to back out due to illness.  So, I picked up his Q – and, because Judge Judy is not here, I chose to do something that he would never tolerate if he were…I boasted on Todd Celeste, aka Judge Judy.

Todd started posting at F3 almost two years ago.  Within about a month he was leading Qs.  I was here in August of last year when Booster handed the flag to him.  To a man, everyone standing here thought or said, “oh yeah, he’s going to be good”.  Over the past year, he has challenged all of us physically, relationally, and spiritually.  He inspires the exhausted to push farther and harder than they thought they could.  He provokes the unwilling to jump in and lead a Q.  He prompts us to lead, and serve, and give to the community.  He encourages us to reject indifference and lean into our roles as a friend, father, and husband.  That dude has led this group very well.

One thing that I appreciate about Judge is how he shares during the Word.  He is open with his heart and his weaknesses, so that we might prevail where he struggles.  He speaks God’s Word over us and brings it alive with applications which are relevant to all of us.

Hebrews 13:7 “Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. Think about the impact of their lives and imitate their faith.”

I read seven things that I’ve heard Judge say while standing right here on this parking lot.  Remember…think about their impact…and imitate the faith that you’ve seen lived out right here;

  1. “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.”  Are you a Peacemaker? Or do you help stir dissent as I often find myself doing… Stirring dissent, whether it is engaging in gossip or complaining about someone, ruins your witness for Christ.”
  2. “Don’t give in to fear.  Be a slave to Grace instead, maintaining an eternal perspective on daily fears. Place everything with Christ and the hope we have in Him.”
  3. “Take the highroad when you receive harsh criticism undeservedly.  Follow what God says about these situations: rich in kindness, slow to anger. Then let Him work through you.”
  4. “What kind of leader are you? Do you go home after a long day and expect to be served? Or are you serving?”
  5. “Leadership sometimes can be a simple act – you don’t need words.”
  6. “The life not wasted is one focused on lovingly serving others in a way that magnifies God’s glory.  Let that be our daily, even hourly, focus.”
  7. “…consider your words wisely, use them to build others up”

That’s solid gold!  I am thankful for the man that Todd is and the leader that he has been for this group.


I closed with a thought about leadership that I think reflects Judge’s style.  As you lead in your own circumstances (as a father, husband, boss, mentor…) consider this; a leader leads, he doesn’t just point the way.  Actions speak louder than words.  If you want those in your sphere of influence to remember, think about your impact, and imitate youdo, don’t just say, and work to be worthy of imitation. 

Hebrews 13:7 “Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. Think about the impact of their lives and imitate their faith.”


Prayers for MC Hammer and Sty’s friend, Jeff.

Spotter will get the flag and be our AOQ soon – that dude is going to be good!