F3 Knoxville

Burpin’ Bernie is still kickin’ butts

THE SCENE: 40ish, just about perfect.

  • 10-Cherry Pickers
  • 10 – Windmills
  • 10 – Hairy Rockettes
  • 15 – lbac forward/backward
  • 10 – Tempo Merkins

Mosey to the hill adjacent to the large parking lot.

11’s with Diamond Merkins at the bottom of the hill and squat jumps at the top

Mosey to the large parking lot for the return of an old friend.

Burpin’ Bernies

The large parking lot has 10 parking rows. Starting on the West side of the parking lot, run to the first row (Level 1) and perform 1 burpee, Bernie back to the start and perform the level 1 exercise, run to the second row (Level 2) and perform 2 burpees, Bernie back to the start and perform the level 2 exercise. Complete until finished with level 10.

  1. 10 – Carolina Dry Docks
  2. 20 – Monkey Humpers
  3. 30 – Plank Dips
  4. 40 – Merkins
  5. 50 – Smurf Jacks
  6. 60 – Flutter Kicks
  7. 70 – Shoulder Taps
  8. 80 – Air Squats
  9. 90 – Freddie Mercuries
  10. 100 – Side Straddle Hops

In total there were 550 reps of the level exercises and 55 burpees. We ran 3/4 mile forwards and 3/4 mile backwards. I think we had 4-5 HIMs finish all ten levels.

No time.

14 HIMs. One FNG, Welcome Glass Joe!

Be considerate of others opinions and beliefs. They are often based or constructed around personal experiences that we may have never had. It’s essential during this time of uncertainty to repect those around us even if we do not agree with them. This is not the time to be pedantic by trying to always be “right”. Ultimately, the only thing that matters in this life is that we lead others to Christ. Let’s let our Christian lights shine in a way that points to the things above and does not push others away due to things of this world.  


It’s been great to see the JUCO HIMs come back out in force.


Pay Attention and Be Thankful

THE SCENE: Felt like South Beach but at least there was no lightning, thunder, or downpours.


Welcome to Fitness… Fellowship… Faith – In that order

Keep your distance, I have a phone for emergencies, I am not a pro, modify as needed

4 Burpees OYO; 4ct SSH (IC) x 20; 4 Burpees OYO; 4ct Tie Fighters (IC) x 11 both directions; 4 Burpees OYO; 4ct Grady Corns x 20; 4 Burpees OYO; Cherry Pickers x 5; 4 Burpees OYO


Mosey to Upper Lot by Church at Columns for Battle Buddy Relay (keep your distance though):

HIM 1 wall sits at columns while doing baby arm circles (5 forward and 5 reverse and repeat) while HIM 2 runs as fast as possible to location about 40 yards away and returns; Upon return HIMs switch and HIM 2 holds wall sit/arm circles while HIM 1 runs to location and back; Complete 4 times for each HIM

Mosey toward High School for Four Corner Action (PAX split with half running counter-clockwise while other half went clockwise to help spread out – but had to “pay attention”):

First lap did 20 reps, 2nd lap 15 reps, and so on for 4 laps

Corner 1: Squat Jacks (single count)

Corner 2: Step Up/Jump Up (by Saint Patty)

Corner 3: Plank Jacks (single count)

Corner 4: Derkins (using the curb)

Faster runners headed to Saint Patty for some chips and dips while waiting on the 6 to roll up (merkins and dips along short wall)

Mosey around to Pavilion for some pushing and pulling; PAX spread out around picnic tables and worked through 50 incline merkins and 50 table rows (alternating 10 reps at a time).

Mosey over to Detention Hill for some character builders; 10 calf raises at the top; run to the bottom; 10 squats; get back up the hill however possible (impressed by a few that Bernied up).  Repeated 3 or 4 times… but who’s counting? Guaranteed sweating across the PAX at this point for sure.

Mosey back to the AO

PAX finished up with unlimited sets of LBCs; Flutter Kicks; BBS; and Hello Dollies

Wrapped up the fun with a Howling Circle of Monkey Humpers; PAX all performed Monkey Humpers as each member took turns counting off 5 reps; Howling ensued about half-way around the circle.

Encouraged the PAX through the workout to “pay attention”!

In Luke 17:11 a familiar story is captured where Jesus was teaching the disciples and noticed a group of 10 lepers nearby (socially and emotionally distanced).  Jesus called to the lepers and healed them miraculously and sent them to the priest.  The 10 were amazed and rejoiced as they ran away, but only 1 of them was “paying attention”.  And to beat all he was a Samaritan (socially unacceptable to be associated with by any “good Jew” at that time).  The Samaritan returned to Jesus and fell at His feet in worship and gave thanks for healing Him.  Giving glory and honor to the Son of God and Savior.  Only the Samaritan had the right perspective in the midst of his miraculous healing – not on what happened to him but Who had done it.

Encouraged the PAX to pay attention to the grace and mercy alive in our lives as HIMs (if we truly know Jesus as Lord and Savior) and respond with thankfulness and gratitude.  We need to give Him glory for the great things He has done in each of our lives.

Prayer request for Goodwin (sp?) family who lost the dad (a pastor) in a driving accident – wife and 3 kids left behind; prayed for Willow the daughter Cheatsheet; and prayed for Baby Boomer’s daughter Riley who is having tonsils removed on Thursday.

Word of praise from Baby Boomer for those who prayed for his daughter Claire last week (had knee surgery on Friday) as everything went well.


THE SCENE: 50s and no Q in sight.

LBACF, LBACB, OHC (ALL IC, x25), Tempo Merkins x20, Cherry Pickers x7,  Tempo Squats x20, High Knees with a Burpee x3
Separate into two groups of 9 and mosey to assigned parking lot for 4 corners (1 Exercise, 40-30-20-10). Once corners are complete, switch parking lots and do another 4 corners of different exercise.  We did Merkins/Squats, Hello Dollies/4ct Flutters, Mountain Climbers/SSH.

Stay in assigned parking lots, groups travel across lots as called by the Q.  We did 3 rounds of Bear Crawl down, Lunge Back.

Burpees! x10, x8, x6
18 Strong
Commission volunteered to do the BOM.  What is God calling you to do that you keep giving an excuse (a “but”) NOT to do? We see this several times in the Bible and the results that come from not following God’s call.
Fingerfood’s alarm let him down!
Sign up to Q!

The Shamrock Road

THE SCENE: Cool, low 40’s and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER   It’s been so long I got the order wrong on F3, as a result we all did 5 burpees.

The Aforementioned 5 Burpees
Motivators from 5
Cherry Pickers (5)
Baby Arm Circles Forward (10)
Baby Arm Circles Backward (10)
Overhead Claps (10)
Moroccan Night Club  (10)


We broke the group of 20 into 5 smaller groups, and spread out to 5 stations that were marked around campus.

Station 1- The Shamrock Road
Perform 1 Burpee at every Shamrock that is painted on the ground (total 34)

Station 2 – Mosey to the circular wall with a statue
At the wall do 5 rounds of 20 dips followed by 20 Merkins

Station 3 – Mosey to the covered walkway at the Church
Perform 20 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
Perform 18 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
Perform 16 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
Perform 14 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
Perform 12 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
Mosey to Station 4 near Fox Lonas

Station 4 – “Detention Hill”
Perform 20 calf raises at the top of the hill, run to the bottom and do 20 squats, then ran back up the hill.
Repeat x 5

Station 5 – A/O Home of the Shovel Flag
20 BBS followed by 20 Merkins
20 LBC’s followed by 20 Merkins
20 Hello Dollies followed by 20 Merkins
20 Flutter Kicks followed by 20 Merkins
20 Box Cutters followed by 20 Merkins

Run to station 1 and repeat as time allows.  Every completed each station 1 time and at least began to repeat their “1st” station.

Included in station 5 of the workout.  Although Judge led us in seemingly endless pickle pounders until the last PAX returned to the A/O.
Add a tag for Half Sheet, 20 in attendance today.

Abscess spoke about growth of F3, Asulym, Juco, and how it spawned into Shamrock through the leadership of Booster & Judge Judy.  Mermaid spoke briefly about the origin of Shamrock after the Shovel Flag was passed to him.  St. Patrick is a Saint recognized by the Catholic Church.  He was a missionary to Ireland, and as legend has it, he used the Shamrock and it’s three leaves to teach the Irish people about the trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).  F3 also has three branches (Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith).  I like the symbolism of the Shamrock, and it is a reminder to us, as it is found all over the campus.
Cheet Sheet’s Daughter
Mailbox’s coworker Steve and his battle with cancer
Gump & Spotter’s Mom and her battle with cancer
Pool Boy’s parents are both having surgery this week
The world, as we continue to deal with the ripple effects of Covid 19.

Being Content

THE SCENE: 47 degrees & beautiful today…no gloom

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Side Straddle Hops (IC) X 20
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Windmills (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Hand Release Merkins – OYO X 10
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Mosey


McWherter Parking Lot (Light Pole to Light Pole)

  • PAX will run to each parking stripe and do various exercises from light pole to light pole
  • Early finishers will plank or Al Gore
  • Exercises included rounds of:
    • diamond push-ups X 50
    • wide merkins X 50
    • plank squats X 50
    • merkins X 50
    • squats X 50
    • Little Baby Crunches X 100
    • Burpees X 25
    • American Hammers X 100
    • Mountain Climbers X 50
    • Donkey Kicks X 25
  • Mosey to Bagwell Center

Bagwell Center – Dips & Step Ups

  • 3 Rounds of 15 Dips and 20 Step Ups/Box Jumps
  • Mosey back to AO


  • Flutterkicks (IC X 25)
  • LBCs (IC X 20)
  • Pickle Pounders (IC X 21)


10 HIMS at the Bootcamp & 13 HIMS at RUSH led by Edit


Content – In a state of peaceful happiness

I’m typically not very flexible. I’m a planner and like to be organized. This pandemic has been terrible but a blessing.

Obviously, 70,000 people in the United States have died from the Coronavirus and the numbers will continue to grow.

I can’t travel for work, I’m now a home school teacher so I have learned to be more flexible and patience.

Last night, we tried to order Mexican food for Cinco de Mayo and couldn’t get through to anywhere so we decided to go to Taco Bell. All Taco Bell’s were packed!  We ended up getting our daughter Chick Fil A & my wife and I ordered wings from Wild Wing Café. We rode around listening to music and realized it was the first time the three of us had been in the car together for more than a month!  It was a great night.  We had fun and I felt blessed that we had food on the table.

Our youngest daughter, Alex, was going to Illinois for a week but my wife’s cousin, Mary, called last night that she and one of her sons have the Coronavirus. They’re sick but not feeling too bad. So, Alex isn’t going to Illinois next weekend but we’re hoping sometime in the next couple of months to see her cousins. I was honesly looking forward to a week without homeschooling so I could work a bit. However, that’s not in the cards so I’ll suck it up and just appreciate that I have a healthy daughter and enjoy the time I have with her and pray she will enjoy our time together and eventually get to visit her cousins in Illinois later this year.

Phillippians 4:11-13 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”


It was good to be on Q but no F3 for a couple of months & me travelling so much over the last 6 months definitely made me a little rusty on leading the Warm-O-Rama & BOM.