F3 Knoxville

Bataan Death March in April

THE SCENE: Fantastic workout weather –  65 degrees and gloomy

Cherry pickers (3 count) x10 – IC

Shoulder taps (4 count) x5 –  IC

Tempo Merkins (4 count) x 5 – IC

Tempo Squats (3 count) x10 – IC


DORA Style workout. PAX A runs to the 50 yard line and performs 10 merkins and runs back to the starting line while PAX B works through the workouts below. When all groups complete station #1, PAX forms a line on the track and performs the “Bataan Death March”. Once everyone has completed the 3 burpee cycle, run back to the starting line and start on the next workout. The “Bataan Death March” was completed between each exercise category below.

  • #1 100 squats
  • #2 200 curls
  • #3 300 LBCs

Rinse and repeat.

No time left for MARY.

Veep, Smuggler, Butterfingers, Walt, Pinnocchio, KY, and Baby Weight

My focus lately has been working to develop more effective time management skills. Pre-kids, this was one of my strong suits. However, this skillset has become much more challenging with two kids under three coupled with a more demanding job. Personally, I need to spend more time in prayer and in God’s word, but I continue to make the lame excuse of “I don’t have time”. Similar to my personal belief about God’s ability to provide more with 90% (or less) of our money via tithes than we can independently with 100% of our money, this same principle applies to time. It is purely about “relentlessly prioritizing” the important things in our life, and it is time for me to re-assess my priorities when it comes to how I spend my time on a daily basis.


Cardio Half Pipe

THE SCENE: typical gloom. 50’s soggy and some rain to finish

  • SSH- Q had to recall the exercise because the energy on the first go round was blah
  • Cherry pickers
  • OH claps
  • Front claps
  • mosey through park toward valley of death- on the way we did some
  • Frankenstein
  • Bernie
  • heel kicks
  • lunges
  • arrive at valley


Totem pole

6 cones-start at 3 Rep, increase by 3 each cone

1st cone at top of Anderson Ave hill, 6th cone top of Spaghetti hill. 2 at valley between both. 3-5 located along Spaghetti hill leading towards top.
1- burpees

2-HR Merkins

3- 4 ct bear crawl- up 2 back 2- up hill

4- Peter Parker’s- up hill

5- BBS- up hill

6- 2ct  frog hop-1 up 1 back

Most pax finished round 6. Held plank at 2 for 6. Pax ran Anderson Hill together, 3 burpees to finish. Before mosey back to grindstone.
I had a quarterly leadership review last week at work. It was a fine meeting but I failed at the leadership improvement aspect. I’ve currently been occupied with supporting my team that I’ve not invested the time to improving as a leader. I’m asking the pax to help hold me accountable for investing time daily into my development. Including reading and take notes on my reading. Also organizing my learning materials to take better advantage of them.
Shout out to KY. He shared with us that he recently has been able to reduce his blood pressure medication by half and has lost a good amount of weight  ( I apologize KY I want to say 15 lbs but I’m not certain.)since he has come back to F3. Amazing work!!
Come support Rep Sleepy and Grouch as they help get Speedway up and going with some OTB workouts. Tue/Thur 5:30. Pick up a Q in the slack chat.

Good Friday from the Arsenal

THE SCENE: 48 Cool and cloudy

Windmills 4 count 10, Tempo Squat 4 Count, LBAC’s 4ct 10 fwd, LBAC’s 4ct 10 rev

  • Lap 1 (3) Merkins each light post – After last light post Bear crawl back to flag from trail
  • Lap 2 (3) Squats each light post – After last light post Lunge back to flag from trail
  • Lap 3 (3) Burpees each light post – After last light post Bear crawl back to flag from trail
  • Lap 4 (3) Iron Mikes each leg each light post – After last light post Lunge back to flag from trail


  • Lap 1 (3) Merkins each light post – After last light post Bear crawl back to flag from trail

LBC’s  30 seconds oyo
Butterfingers, Smuggler, Veep, Walt
This is my fourth winter at F3 and I always love the beginning of Spring. It is a time of rebirth and a well deserved rest from the cold and darkness of the winter.  Over the last few months I have watched each man here grow stronger and more confident. Now is the time to pour that strength into new endeavors.  To commit more time to your families. To take advantage of those few extra hours of daylight, and to start those projects you’ve been putting off.  And as always it’s time to grow and to expand the PAX.

There’s No Crying In Baseball

THE SCENE: Clear, calm, mid-50s?

No Running today!

SSH, little baby arm circles, windmills. Mosey to ball field.
9 exercises (20 reps each) all using CMUs for the 9 positions in baseball plus some base “running”.

  1. Grave Diggers
  2. CMU Curls
  3. Jump Overs (jump over CMU)
  4. Thrusters
  5. CMU burpees
  6. CMU swings
  7. decline merkins
  8. CMU squat
  9. Big boys

Can start at any position but once you complete the infield or outfield you must murder bunny around the bases.

Our mary was Mosey back to grindstone.

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
I went to a conference last week where one of the speakers made a point that a good leader knows how to say “no”.  We need to say “no” at times in order to maintain high quality in the things we say “yes” to.  Another level of learning how to say “no” is actually learning the art of saying “no”.  Just saying the word “no” isn’t always the most effective way.  I encourage everyone to do more research on this but my point was to focus your time on the few things in life that really matter and devote your time to that.  Don’t me a jack of all trades and a master of none.  Steve Jobs spoke about this to NIKE CEO, Mark Parker.

“Do you have any advice?” Parker asked Jobs. “Well, just one thing,” said Jobs. “Nike makes some of the best products in the world. Products that you lust after. But you also make a lot of crap. Just get rid of the crappy stuff and focus on the good stuff.”

According to Steve Jobs, “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying ‘no’ to 1,000 things.”

Some HIMs were able to do infield twice and outfield once with 3 rounds of murder bunnies.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Four Spokes and a wheel

THE SCENE: Above 50 damp grass and a nice fog setting in over the Oval Office

A gentle mosey to the Oval Office with some Frankensteins, hamstring scoop’s, butt kicks, knee hugs

Start in the middle of the football  field

4 cones on track at each “corner”

start with 5 burpees

Run to cone 1, do 7 reps of exercise

Run back to center

5 burpees

Run to cone 2 and repeat for the other cones

After you finish exercise at cone 4 run one lap , start finish at cone 4. Run back to middle , round complete.
Start with 7 reps each exercise , increase by 7 each round. repeat for time.
Cone 1- Merkins

Cone 2- Flutter kicks

Cone 3- Squats

Cone 4- BBS

No time today

Demonstrating patients has been my number one goal this year. Sometimes that patients is found in providing enduring support and belief in those we love, especially as a father to our kids.

“My dad gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person- he believed in me.”


Let’s get a 2nd F lunch set for this month!