F3 Knoxville

Hey buddy

THE SCENE: 28 degrees n frosty

Tempo squats x10, tempo merkins x 10, Peter Parker’s x10 .
burpee Dan from AO to the stop sign at the track . Audible part way through as it was taking too long

Hey Buddy(did not finish the whole WOD)

  • Partner up . Each partner runs the loop in opposite direction. Every time they meet up they do the said exercise .pyramid Scheme, adding exercises and then dropping the first exercise after the 5th lap
  • 20 reps of each exercise

    Lap1- Merkins

    Lap2-Merkins, Big boys

    Lap3 -merkins, BBS, Peter Parker’s (4ct)

    Lap 4 -Merks, BBS, Peter Parker’s , froggie squats 

    Lap 5 -merks, BBS, Peter Parker’s, froggie squats , burpees

    Lap 6- BBS, Peter Parker’s, froggie squats  , burpees

    Lap 7- Peter Parker’s , froggie squats , burpees

    Lap 8 -froggie squats  , burpees

    Lap 9- burpees

    Lap 10- victory lap !

Box cutters x10 , lbc until done
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Being stoic , see pic
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Run The Block

THE SCENE: Definitely getting colder



SSH x20; Lunge across court and back; Butt Kicks across court and High Knees back

Indian run to the Oval Office with a heavier than normal CMU. PAX member that needed up with the CMU runs the loop counter clockwise while everyone else runs clockwise. Whenever passing the person with the CMU they give others an exercise to do 10 reps of. Put down CMU and join PAX running clockwise after completing a lap. First one to the block picks it up and starts counterclockwise, rinse and repeat for time.

Indian run back to the grinder

Overhead Claps x50; Boxcutters x20; LBCs for time

8 HIMs this morning

I went to a men’s conference two Saturdays ago and wanted to share a summary of what one of the speakers said.

The quote that stuck with me the most was: “Our families need more than a provider, they need a leader that provides.”

Lead with love and lowliness

John 13:1
“Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.”

Ephesians 5:25
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,”

John 13:12-14
“When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”

Pray for Smuggler as he works with his children to make good decisions, Pray for Walt’s neighbors, Pray for Swerve for God honoring solutions

Friendsgiving this Saturday the 20th at 6:30pm at the Cracker Barrel in Alcoa. Bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate to Children’s Hospital.

Sprinting is the New Jogging

THE SCENE: A clear brisk morning.  Upper 30s?

  • 25 Side Straddle Hops
  • light jog to end of both basketball courts
  • Butt kicks to end of one basketball court, high knees back
  • Lunges to end of one basketball court, mummy kicks back

Had each HIM pair up with another with similar speed.  Then separated the pairs into two team for a few sprinting/running competitions.  Loser of each competition had to do 16 burpees.  The winner did side straddle hops until the other team finished burpees.

  • Game 1: Chase or be chased – one member of each team starts running with a baton around both basketball courts and hands off the baton to the next member.  The object of the game is to catch the other team.  Those not running were to do side straddle hops until their turn.
  • Game 2: The building blocks of F3 – Each team had one HIM run to the far end of the basketball courts where there was “F3” built out of 20 Duplos.  The object was to return each block, one by one, to the other side and reassemble the “F3”.  Teams could do 10 burpees to bring back 2 pieces in one trip.
  • Game 3: No man left behind – Took a mosey across the bridge.  One HIM from each team ran the distance of 5 light poles are returned to their teams.  While the runner was away the rest of the team members had to do one of the following until the runner returned: overhead claps, big boys, squats, merkins.  One of the other members then joined the runner and this process was repeated until all members ran the five poles.

Cherry pickers, Wind Mills, Overhead claps, Flutter kicks (not Hello Dolly’s), LBCs until time

One of our best showings as of late with 10 HIMs!  Thanks for coming out and paying some games!

Sometimes life feels like our first game where you’re running around in circles either chasing something or being chased by something and sometimes both. Sometimes you just need to slow down, be still, and take a few moments to not take life so seriously.  When I was young, I remember asking my parents parents to play hide and go seek with me. I had amazing parents but they rarely did because life is just too busy to stop and play pointless games. I try to remember that as a parent when I don’t feel like there’s time to do anything that seems unproductive but sometimes sitting on the floor playing with your kid or being still and quiet is one of the most productive things you can do!  Put your phone down, look up, and turn off the noise. You can use the time to pray and/or give you brain some time to process the millions of things going on in your life.

I guess we will never know if one team threw some of their pieces in the leaves or put them in the other team’s pile of blocks but they won by 4 blocks!

This wasn’t said but Smuggler challenged us to post 3 times this week between Arsenal and Bomb Settler.  10 of us are off to a good start!  Keep it up!

CMU Friday

THE SCENE: Well it’s cold 🙁

8 Tempo Squat, 8 x Tempo Archer Squat, LBAC’s, 10 4 Count Mountain Climber
CMU – Sea Biscuit

  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 1 Lap
  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 2 Lap
  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 3 Lap
  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 4 Lap

30 Second High Plank, 30 Second Low Plank, Flutter Kicks
Butterfingers, Hammy, Hotsquat, Pinnochio, Rep Sleepy, Hot Squt

Why do we give F3 nicknames, and what’s in a nickname?

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and it often comes up during the workout.  Usually the comment is something like, “What ever happened to that guy named Terminator?  That guy sure had a cool nickname.”.  Honestly, we’ve had some pretty nasty nicknames, Code Brown, Abscess, Tinkle, Hotsquat…the list goes on.  None of the names are particularly vicious, but they require a bit of thick skin to bare.  That brings me to the point of the nickname.  F3 teaches us many things.  Among them is physical and mental toughness.  This nickname is sort of F3’s way of sorting people at at the get go.  If you don’t have a sense of humor and maybe even the humbleness to bare your nickname you’ve probably found yourself at the wrong place.  Doing burpees in the rain or bear crawling down the street in the summer heat is not your thing.  Your nickname reminds you that, whoever you are outside of F3 you are same as everyone else when you’re here.  So, stay strong and humble, and let’s take this into consideration each time we have an FNG step into the circle.



The Core


Nice Cool Morning at the Arsenal

Lunges down and back to mid-court

High Knees down and back to mid-court

Karaoke down and back full court

Mosey over to the section of the Greenway between bridges

5 Cracken  Burpees
Big boys
Run to next Cone
Plank twist
Run to next Cone
Catalina Wine Mixers
Run to next Cone
Side Crunches
Karaoke to start

Pyramind Count 20, 30, 40, 50

Thunder Burpees: burpee after every Thunder or Thunderstruck in AC-DC’s

PAX roulette: 20 LBCs

Leg Raise hold

Heel touches

Smuggler, Butterfingers, Hot Squat
0% will kill your progress, so even if it’s not your best it’s better than nothing