F3 Knoxville

Survive the Kraken

THE SCENE: Perfectly cool summer morning

Went through exercises for the day:

K-nerkins, R-eaching crunches, A-merican hammers, K-neel downs (prison getups), E-lbow to full plank (Catalina wine mixers), N-ewton’s cradle, and Kraken Burpees

Mosey up to football field

Starting on sideline work through 5 reps of each of the KRAKEN exercises; run to 1st hash marks and do 1 Kraken Burpee; run to 2nd hash marks and do 2 Kraken Burpees; run to far sideline and do 3 Kraken Burpees; run back to original sideline

Repeat multiple times adding 5 reps to KRAKEN exercises (@Trolley was working on 25 reps when we stopped)

Mosey back to AO (stopped for 1minute of Rocky Balboas); Howling Monkey circle with added twist of running lap around circle when it was your turn to count; 1 more Kraken Burpee; and finished with 25 4-ct Flutter Kicks.

8 HIMs and 2 with respect

Read lyrics from Casting Crowns song “Who am I”; Read from Psalm 8 & John 10; Reminded PAX of the Good Shepherd and those who know Him – He cares for you and is in pursuit of you.

Happy Father’s day Asylum Beatdown!

THE SCENE: 72 degrees cloudy sky!


Baby Arm circle

Cherry picker

calves stretching

Slow Merkins

slow tempo squat

Mosey to the lower parking lot and has 4 stations. Each station has 4 exercises. 10 repetitions each exercises.

1st station: Merkins, Dry docks, Shoulder taps and Diamond Merkins

2nd station : Squat, Lunge, Jump Squat and Hold Squat for 10 secs

3rd station: Side straddle hop, rocky balboa, High knees and 20 secs breathing exercises

4th station: all 4 count -Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly, Box Cutters and Bigboy sit ups
3 Rounds all Stations:

then Mosey to the Dragon trail

ROUTE 66 : each light pole add 1 squat all the way to 11, And mosey back to light post 1 and start with Jump squat and mosey again back to 1.
then Rocover to the Haslam Rock and mosey to the North of the Colisium.

Doras: start with 25,50,75 and 100 reps x 2 rinse and repeat!

Merkins, Bigboy, dry docks, jump squat

Mosey to the center of the Colisium (all clear)

In cadence Flutter kicks 25 4 count, hello Dolly 25 reps 4 count, Box cutters 15 reps and big boy 10 reps. Then mosey back to AO


Happy Father’s Day and honoring our Mother too! Always exercise and push yourself even you have some aches and pain, Modify your exercises!
My Mom’s Death Anniversary. Praying for all the people who are in pain, praying for all Cheatsheet mentioned. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO ALL THE FATHERS!

Shoulder Day @ Shamrock

THE SCENE: Its starting to get Hot

the usual motivators from 7
Cherry Pickers
Tempo Merkins
Tempo Squats
Baby Arm Circles Forward & Backward

11’s were the theme of the day.  We went to the covered area near the church.  We used an open wall and columns in the covered area for the two locations.

Rd 1 wall e’s (single count)  (plank to feet on wall) and the opposite, plank to markin to hands on wall (single count)
Rd 2 Elevated shoulder taps (4 ct) and the dirty hookup (4 ct)

ab exercises called out by a pax in the circle followed by 10 merkins.  We left 10 minutes to hit these muscle groups hard.

Ephesians 5 15-16
Proverbs 6 6-11
Ecclesiastes 11 4-6
Don’t be lazy, trust God
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Shamrock Memorial Day

It was a lowkey day, only three showed up and we went around campus and performed our favorite workouts in different areas of campus.  During our BOM, we took time to reflect and remember that it is Memorial day and being free comes with a cost.

Don’t Over Indulge

THE SCENE: Crisp but Coolish June Morning

Tie Fighters
Cherry Pickers
Arm & Shoulder Stretching


1st & 10
Start at goal line, do 11’s.
end zone 1 pickle pounders (4ct)
end zone 2 LBC’s (4ct)
do 10, sprint to endzone and do 1, slowsey back to 10
do 9 at 10 YL, sprint to endzone, do 2, slowsey back to 20
do 8 at 20 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 3 and slowsey back to 30
do 7 at 30 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 4 and slowsey back to 40
do 6 at 40 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 5 and slowsey back to 50
do 5 at 50 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 6 and slowsey back to 40
do 4 at 40 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 7 and slowsey back to 30
do 3 at 30 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 8 and slowsey back to 20
do 2 at 20 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 8 and slowsey back to 10
do 1 at 10 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 10 and slowsey back to the last guy and finish with him
Aiken Legs
Repeat this combo with no rest
20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges (10 ea leg), 20 twinkle toes

We did Aiken legs 2x then did 75 merkins.  25 wide, 25 regular, and 25 diamond
We circled up and a Pax would call out an ab exercise and lead us, then we would flip over and perform 10 merkins.  We did this for the last 10 minutes of the workout.  We were 5 people short of making it all the way around the circle.

Referenced Judges newsletter topic of Gluttony and explained how that struck a chord with me.  Don’t be a Glutton, and don’t do things in excess.  Eating, drinking, working, etc in excess can become a sin.  We did a lot of Ab work today so that we may have sore abs and remember to make better choices about what goes into our bodies.

We need Q’s and coffeeteria.