F3 Knoxville

Shamrock 8/21/2020

THE SCENE: Gloomy with a slight hint of Fall. Upper 60s

Cherry Pickers, SSH, BOCs


Mosey to CMU pile…

Line up on practice football field sideline with battle. While HIM1 does exercise, HIM 2 runs across field and back.

  1. CMU squats
  2. Back Rows
  3. Merkins
  4. Shoulder press    (do 3 rounds of each)

Return CMUs

Mosey to parking lot….

One exercise station at each corner of lot. HIM 1 runs left, HIM 2 runs right —>doing exercises at each corner. When you pass your battle buddy, you give a high five then do 5 burpees. (Do this for the remainder of the time.) 

4 Exercises are:

  1. Dry Docks (20)
  2. Mike Tysons (20 4ct)
  3. Squat Jumps (20 4)
  4. Flutter Kicks (20 4 ct)


17 HIMs.

Music City, Cheatsheet, Pringle, Bekky, Flower Pot, Mermaid, Trolley, Fabio, Honeydew, Anchorman, Slappy, Key Fob, Slim Reaper, Dumpster Dive, Sparrow, 15-Love, Curry.

Encouraged men to think about what they could do today that would matter in 100 years and in eternity.

The Longest Mary Ever

THE SCENE: Low 70’s and clear with relatively low humidity


SSH to 10
Cherry pickers 5
Baby arm circles forward/backward
Tempo Merkins 10
Temps Squats 10
Mosey to large CMU pile, get 2 CMU’s


20 blockees
40 Thrusters
60 Renegade Rows
80 Goblet Squats
100 Merkins
When finished put the blocks away
Turn left and run to the first speed bump.
Do a burpee, run to the 2nd speed bump, add a burpee.
Run back to the first speed bump, add a burpee.
Repeat until you get to 5 burpees.

Total Merkin count today
warmup 10
Blockees 20
merkins 100
Burpees 15
Mary 100
Total 245


We went around the circle and each PAX led us in a 4 count 10 rep ab exercise
After each exercise we did 10 merkins.
We had 11/13 PAX call out and lead ab exercises.


James 1:12
Those who stand firm during testing are blessed.  They are tried and true.  They will receive the life God has promised to those who love him as their reward.

We are living through a test in 2020, there is a blessing but as God promises, we have to love him to take advantage of the reward.  To love God, we need a relationship, prayer time, studying his word, etc  How do you demonstrate love?  We need to put that into practice so that as we are tried or tested during this time or others, that through our love of God, we can receive the blessings.
2 FNG’s that came with Free Fall… named Geico and Gnome (originally Jar Jar, but that was taken)
IRON PAX coming up in September.

Never Give Up – Shamrock

THE SCENE: Low 70s little humid

Baby Arm Circles forward then backwards (IC) 4 CT x 15 each

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 25

On your back Side Straddle hop 25 

Twinkle Toes  (IC) 4 CT x 15


Mosey to the CMU pile next to the field. 

Grab a CMU. 

25 Curls

25 Slow twists 

50 Bench press 

Mosey to the track. 

Line up on the 0 yard line. 

25 Curls + 25 Slow Twists then move your CMU forward to the 5 yard line

Run 1 lap

25 Bench Press + 25 Big Boys then move your CMU to the 10 yard line

Run 1 lap

25 Curls + 25 Slow Twists then move your CMU forward to the 15 yard line

Run 1 lap

25 Bench Press + 25 Big Boys then move your CMU to the 20 yard line

See how far you can go. 

Before returning CMUs we did 60 more bench presses 

We had 1 minute left over to do merkins until 6:15AM
Betty, Mermaid, Pom-Pom, Free Fall, Curry, Key Fob, Dumpster Dive, Slim Reaper, Sparrow, Slip-n-Slide, Music City, Cheatsheet, Curveball, Baby Boomer, Anchorman,

The Word:

Some quotes from my grandfather from about 25 years ago at his 50th wedding anniversary.

“Never Give Up”    He was talking about his 50 years of marriage and also his walk with Christ. He said there will be peaks and valleys. The pain we suffer when we are in the valleys makes us appreciate the mountain tops. 

“Be There”!    He looked around at over 100 family members and friends that came to celebrate their 50th anniversary. He praised us for being there, but said this may be the last time that we are all together, but it won’t be the last time up there. 

I was just a dumb 12 year kid, but his speech stayed with me my whole life. He had such a great perspective on life. He was eternally focused. I want to challenge us to be eternally focused as well.



Revenge of CMU Later

THE SCENE: Perfect low 70’s and just a bit of steam in the air


4ct SSH x 20 (IC); 4ct Starfish Crunches x 7 (IC); 4ct Tie Fighter x 10 (IC) F&R; 5ct Catalina Wine Mixers x 5 (OYO)

Mosey to the big CMU stack in the alley and load up for some fun – encouraged to grab 2 CMU’s but allowed to modified some took only 1; Farmer’s Carry toward the top of Detention Hill with a stop half way to wait for the 6 (and to regain some feeling in the shoulders); Work stations marked with chalk to help us keep separated where PAX broke into groups of 3

CMU Hill of Pain:  2 HIMs worked through several exercises at the top while the 3rd HIM runs to bottom of Hill to perform 10 single count SSH then Bear Crawls back up Hill to rotate;  3 HIMs combine reps in order to finish all of the exercises collectively; 50 Clock Pendulums (1 block), 100 CMU Merkins (2 blocks), 150 Block Squats (2 blocks), 200 Bent Over CMU Rows (2 blocks), and 250 Blocky Balboa’s (1 block) completed by most

PAX redistributed for some COVID Shuffle – groups of 3 sent 1 HIM to each corner of a triangle course along the parking lot but the 3rd leg going down into the Gloom Valley and back up Detention Hill; Each HIM performed 10 SSH, 10 Squats, and 10 LBC’s (single count) at each corner then ran to the next corner; Kept moving until at least 4 station rotations; Farmer’s Carry to move CMU’s back to pile

PAX mosied over to Saint Patty’s Circle for some speed round exhaustion; Spread around the circle wall and several benches, PAX did 5 Dips and 5 Jump Ups/Step Ups over and over for 3 minutes;  Mosey back to the AO

Returning to AO, had 1 minute to work in some Pickle Pounders to end the fun

3 FNG’s: @Slim Reaper, @Flower Pot, and @Macho Man

@Dragon Slayer not on system

Genesis 32 story of Jacob wrestling with the God-man and not willing to stop without being blessed; Jacob’s hip was injured and ailed him the rest of his life – a scar and a reminder of his close encounter with God; Jacob was alone and fearful and trying to control his world of chaos but came face-to-face with the only thing that could truly bless him and change his circumstances; Encouraged the PAX to wrestle with God in the weighty matters of life and trust Him for change.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”

My Back!

THE SCENE: High 60’s, 905 Humidity

30 SSH, 5 Cherry Pickers, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Temp Squats, 30 Second Dying Cockroach (lying on your back, extend your arms to reach your straightened legs)


  • Mosey to the coupon pile near the buses. With coupons:
    • 20 bent over rows, 20 straight leg deadlifts, 20 squats, 20 curls, 20 Raisers (raise the block on hips straight in front of you to eye level) Dying cockroach until the 6 finished
    • 15 bent over rows, 15 straight leg deadlifts, 15 squats, 15 curls, 15 Raisers Dying cockroach until the 6 finished
  • Mosey to the large parking lot. With a partner:
    • Combined 100 Imperial Walkers (4 count) while your partner Bernies to the middle and jogs back, trade
    • Combined 100 Swimmers (4 count) while your partner Bernies to the middle and jogs back, trade
    • Combined 100 Mountain Climbers (4 count) while your partner Bernies to the middle and jogs back, trade
    • Combined 100 (2 count) while your partner Bernies to the middle and jogs back, trade
  • Mosey back to the AO

Ask yourself these two questions every day. In the morning, am I a physical being having a spiritual experience or a spiritual being having a physical experience? Before bed, was I a physical being having a spiritual experience or a spiritual being having a physical experience today? This change in perspective can have a profound effect on how we react to circumstances. Philippians 4:10-13 10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at last you have revived your concern for me; indeed, you were concerned before, but you lacked opportunity. 11 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. 12 I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. 13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Live above the circumstances. 

Prayers for Pom-Pom’s courage as he prepares to leave for bootcamp in a couple of weeks.